Chapter 418: Obsessed

Seeing that the scene was becoming more and more chaotic, the maids could not stay any longer and screamed and ran away.

 The assassins waited for the crowd to disperse so they could easily find the princess.

It's a pity that after all the maids ran away, they could not see the sixteenth princess.

Seeing that the princess could not be found, the assassins looked at each other, meaning, "I would rather kill by mistake than let anyone go."

Jing Shirong saw the battle and knew something was wrong, so he quickly asked the guards to go over and save people.

 It’s a pity that it’s still too late.

There were two groups of assassins in that wave. One group was hiding in secret, waiting for the crowd to loosen up and take the opportunity to kill the princess.

 A group of people are responsible for entangling the guards and making them useless.


 As the maids screamed, the scene became more and more chaotic.

Jing Shirong wanted to chase after him, but was entangled by other assassins.

Just when the situation was about to get out of control, Qi Yuanming finally arrived too late.

 “Ajing, here I come!!”

Qi Yuanming galloped over on horseback and swept the three assassins away with a two-meter sword.

 He came here alone, and he was also covered in paint, which showed that he had been injured before.

However, even though he was injured, Qi Yuanming was still very energetic.

His sword spun and hit three more people at once.

With Qi Yuanming's joining, Jing Shirong suddenly gained confidence. The two of them had perfect swords and worked in perfect harmony.

The assassin who was originally entangled with Jing Shirong was suddenly forced back by the cooperation of their swords.

The guards soon caught up, and the three groups became more and more courageous as they fought.

By the time they arrived in the forest, the maids fell to the ground. Fortunately, there were still a few alive.

When the assassins saw that they were chasing them, they stopped staying, covered their faces and tried to run away.

 Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong went to chase, while the guards stayed behind to deal with the mess.

 At night, Sister Ying and Princess Sixteen were still hiding in the pig pen.

 They dare not come out yet for fear of being ambushed around.

After all, three groups of people showed up in the morning. If another group came secretly, they would risk death if they went out at this time.

But staying in the pigsty all the time is not an option. The owner will find them when he comes to check on the pigs.

So they quietly moved their position and hid in a chicken coop.

The chicken coop is not too big or too small, so they can sit in it just right.

 Three people were sitting in a row in the chicken coop. Some hens saw them occupying their nests and flew over to peck at them.

Sister Ying stretched out her hand, grabbed the hen's neck, and looked at the hen for a few times. The hen saw that she was no match for them, so she stopped pecking them.

 Princess Sixteen was so frightened that she almost screamed.

  In fact, he screamed, but Xiao Ziyan quickly covered his mouth with his hands, so he didn't scream.

Sister Ying shushed the sixteenth princess and told her not to scream. She would be in trouble if she was discovered later.

The sixteenth princess was tired of hiding and asked in a low voice, "How long do we have to hide? It's already been a day."

Hiding in the pig pen during the day almost stunk to death, and hiding in the chicken coop at night, and the stench was terrible again.

Sister Ying whispered, "Just in case, it's better to be cautious and wait until they come back to pick us up."

 Otherwise, if you go out rashly and get caught by an assassin, you will be chopped into pieces by then.

The sixteenth princess was also afraid of being killed, so she could only hide.

As soon as they calmed down, they heard slight footsteps outside.

 The three of them immediately covered their mouths, slowed down their breathing, and did not dare to move.

The footsteps of the group were very light but continuous. There seemed to be seven or eight people. This situation seemed wrong at first glance. The three of them held their breath tightly and did not dare to move.

 “Go and look for it over there!”

Sure enough, the group of assassins actually came to find them.

Sister Ying, Princess Sixteen and Xiao Zi looked at each other and told them to be patient and not make any noise.

Xiao Zi and Princess Sixteen both cherished their lives, so naturally they did not dare to make any sound.

 After the assassins searched and found no one, they left one after another.

However, Sister Ying still dared not relax and was still hiding in the chicken coop.

 After a while, a sword suddenly stabbed in, and the three people's eyes widened in shock.

 Luckily, they all covered their mouths in advance, otherwise the screams would have escaped their lips.

 Fortunately, after the sword thrust in, he saw no movement, so he stopped.

Just when the assassin outside was about to stab him a second time, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming had already rushed over.


The assassins immediately stepped back when they saw them charging towards them with ferocious looks.

Jing Shirong glanced at the chicken coop, as if telepathically, he felt that Sister Ying was inside, and was immediately startled.

Especially when he saw the marks of a sword stabbing the chicken coop, his heart inevitably skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that his little wife must have been frightened.

Worry turned into anger, Jing Shirong couldn't help but squint his eyes and took a deep breath. A ball of fire filled his chest, making him want to get angry.

So he speeded up, rushed towards the assassin, and swung his sword, which was almost fatal.

Compared with his defense just now, at this moment he was more like a viper from **** filled with rage. His black eyes instantly darkened and his attacks became even more ruthless.

He no longer wanted to survive, so he resorted to ruthless attacks that made his eyes red.

The assassins didn't expect that he would suddenly go crazy. They were a little bit annoyed at him and retreated one after another.

 But Jing Shirong's eyes turned red and he swung the sword with all his strength.

Qi Yuanming was also frightened by the raging anger all over his body, and quickly called him, "A Jing?"

Seeing that the assassin had fallen, Qi Yuanming hurried over to wake him up.

 “A Jing? Calm down.”

Back then, Jing Shirong and his master came from the same sect. Their master was an extraordinary master, but also a weirdo.

The two of them learned one sword and the other, but they learned different moves and techniques, but they could combine their swords and become invincible.

However, Jing Shirong's knowledge is deeper, and his mental skills and sword skills are superior.

 But there is also a disadvantage, that is, when he kills red eyes, he will lose his true intention, and may even become more and more addicted to killing. If he cannot control it, he will become a murderer.

 So Qi Yuanming would be frightened when he saw that he couldn't stop killing him, so he quickly told him to wake up.

“Ajing, Sister Ying is fine, please stop!”

Sister Ying heard some noise in the chicken coop and quickly came out to take a look.

 “Brother Rong!!”

As soon as this familiar scream came out, Jing Shirong's sword-wielding hand stopped.

Seeing this, Qi Yuanming quickly told him to stop, "Stop it quickly. Sister Ying is behind you. There is blood on your sword. Don't scare her."

Jing Shirong's eyes, which had turned red, paused when he heard Qi Yuanming's words.

He seemed to be slow to react. He was stunned for a while, and then his red eyes slowly returned to normal.

Seeing that he had changed back, Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Really, why are you so red-eyed? This is not good."

When they started training, the master said that they must remember to kill red eyes, otherwise they will go crazy.

Over the years, they have traveled all over the country, and they have needed to use force every time, but they have never been as crazy as today, which scared Qi Yuanming to death.

"Ajing, have you recovered? You have already stabbed the assassins, so don't do it again."

 (End of this chapter)

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