Chapter 419, Heartbroken Hug

Jing Shirong was stunned for a moment, and then he slowly came back to his senses and realized that he had almost gone crazy.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying woke him up in time, otherwise he wouldn't know what he would have done.

Qi Yuanming saw that he was gradually waking up. He patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "You are really scary. You are just a few assassins. Why are you killing him with red eyes?"

“Didn’t the master say back then, remember to be angry when using force?”

 They learn peerless martial arts. Although the results are quick, the disadvantages are also huge. The most taboo thing is to get angry when using force.

Once the emotions are out of control, the inner strength bursts out, the actions become more and more cruel, and at the same time, the person begins to lose his mind and even becomes red-eyed.

  How many masters get so angry that they go on a killing spree and eventually turn into madmen.

 That’s why Qi Yuanming usually doesn’t get angry when he uses force against others. If he gets hurt, he cuts him. He’s afraid of losing his mind.

 Fortunately, Shi Rong recovered at this moment and hurriedly came over to ask him, "What happened to you just now? Why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

Jing Shirong remembered. Just now he saw the assassin stabbing the chicken coop. He couldn't help but think of the assassin's sword piercing Sister Ying's back. Thinking that Sister Ying might have been stabbed, he immediately became furious.

 So the hands started to get out of control.

Qi Yuanming was startled and pointed at Sister Ying under the house and said, "I think you just think too much. Look, Sister Ying is still there."

Jing Shirong looked over and saw Sister Ying standing under the tree waving to him.

 “Brother Rong?”

 “Sister Ying?”

Jing Shirong saw that she was safe and sound, and the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He quickly put away his sword and ran over to find her.

Sister Ying saw that his arm was injured and her face was stained. She was about to feel distressed, but he picked her up and slapped her waist so tightly that she couldn't move.

 “Brother Rong?”

 Why are you hugging me so tightly all of a sudden?

Jing Shirong hugged her tightly, fearing that something would happen to her.

  He rested his chin on her shoulder, feeling a little regretful, "If I had known better, I wouldn't have brought you out." It almost scared him to death.

Sister Ying saw his shoulders shaking slightly, obviously frightened, and immediately felt guilty.


She wanted to say that she was fine, but Jing Shirong lowered his head and sealed her mouth, as if he could feel her true presence.

Sister Ying couldn't say anything, so she could only close her eyes and hold him tightly with her little hands to give him a sense of security.

Qi Yuanming was on the roof looking at the loving expressions of the two people under the tree, and he was disgusted.

“What, just stay apart for a while, are you so bored?”

Xiao Zi and Princess Sixteen came out of the henhouse and saw the pair starting again, and they sighed and shook their heads.

Qi Yuanming came down from the roof, shrugged helplessly, and took the Sixteenth Princess and Xiao Zi to find the large army to gather first.

After they left, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were the only two people left in the alley.

The two hugged each other for a while, then reluctantly separated.

Jing Shirong's dark eyes were deep and he looked at her affectionately, as if he wanted to treasure her in his eyes to protect her from harm.

Seeing his timid appearance, Sister Ying stroked his cheek distressedly.

 Comfort him, "I'm fine. Isn't this good? Don't worry."

"If there is any danger, I will ask you for help, so don't worry."

Although it was thrilling just now, fortunately, she was still very calm.

The moment the assassin thrust his sword into the chicken coop, Sister Ying immediately asked Xiao Zi and Princess Sixteen to lie down. The three of them lay down on the ground together, so they were not afraid of the sword thrusting in again.

Jing Shirong sniffed, "No wonder he fell down on the ground when he smelled the smell of chicken shit."

Sister Ying.

 “There is nothing I can do to survive”

 The smell of chicken **** is better than death.

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry, "Yes, you did the right thing. Next time this happens again, you must save your life first."

Sister Ying nodded, "I know. Let's go back and wash up, shall we?" She was not only covered in chicken feces on her clothes, but also on her face and hands. It almost stunk to death.

Jing Shirong glanced at her up and down and saw that she was all dirty. She was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, I'll take you back to wash up first."

 He held her in his arms and took her back to an inn to have a good wash.

Sister Ying took two large baths of water in the inn before she was clean.

 But when I got closer and smelled it, I still felt it smelled like chicken shit.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Princess Sixteen has fragrant toiletries there, how about I go steal some for you?"

Sister Ying was shocked, "Can you still steal this?"

Jing Shirong said with a natural look on his face, "Why not?"

  It is the natural instinct of a husband to put a knife in his wife's side.

 Let alone a piece of balm and soap, he could even steal a bellyband from her.

Sister Ying. "Let's forget it. It's not good to steal things."

Jing Shirong saw the pain in her little face and burst out laughing, unable to stop laughing.

When Sister Ying saw him smiling like this, she knew he was teasing her, so she immediately hit him twice.

  "Go, go, hate it. You stink too. Wash it off quickly."

Jing Shirong stopped laughing and wanted to wash it, but turned back and said pitifully, "Madam, please help me wash it. My hand is injured."

Sister Ying saw that his clothes were torn by the knife and the flesh and blood came out. She felt very distressed. She didn't think about the worst. She immediately said, "I'll help you cut the clothes around the wound first so that you don't touch the wound again." ”

It was really too dangerous just now. Even if he has great martial arts skills, he will inevitably be injured when there are many people.

Look at the big wound, which shows how dangerous it is for him to run errands on weekdays.

Sister Ying cleaned his wound and applied medicine distressedly, frowning at every step.

Jing Shirong saw that she was distressed and comforted her, "It's okay. I'm thick-skinned and I'm used to it."

At that time, he was learning martial arts with Qi Yuanming, and he could not complain about the hardships he endured.

Although they have the talent to learn martial arts, it is never easy to learn martial arts, especially the ones they learn are the most difficult, and the hardships they endure are really unbearable for ordinary people.

Now that they have endured all the hardships, they don’t care about minor injuries.

 He didn't take it to heart, but Sister Ying felt very distressed.

 While giving him medicine, help him blow the air.

"The wound is so big, it hurts me just looking at it. Please wear thicker clothes from now on."

 At least the clothes are thick and can cut less flesh.

 Otherwise, a large incision like this, at least more than ten centimeters, would be painful to look at.

 “Want to sew?”

She has learned how to suture wounds, but she has never tried it on people, so she is still a little scared.

Jing Shirong said, "No, I have gauze in my pocket. Wrap it around with emery cloth and it will heal in a few days."

Sister Ying was dubious, "Is it true or not?"

 Wrap it directly with gauze. Don't let the gauze stick to the wound, which will cause suffering.

Jing Shirong is very experienced, "Don't be afraid, I will teach you."

 His technique was skillful, biting the gauze with one mouth and wrapping the wound with the other.

 The wound was quickly bandaged and tied with a beautiful knot.

Sister Ying was stunned for a moment, "You are often injured, aren't you?"

Otherwise, how could the wound be wrapped up so quickly and so neatly?

Jing Shirong coughed and said, "It's not bad."

 (End of this chapter)

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