Chapter 420, near miss

 In fact, he was able to bandage wounds so skillfully because he was injured often.

But the worried look on Sister Ying's face made Jing Shirong unable to say anything and could only make excuses, "I have been in the military camp before, and the third princess also taught us how to bandage wounds. Every soldier in the military camp needs to learn this. ”

  Meaning that it was learned in the military camp, not the experience of being frequently injured.

Sister Ying doesn’t believe it.

There is a difference between what you learn and what you actually do.

 He is so proficient in it, and it seems that he has practiced bandaging himself frequently.

But since he didn't want to admit it, she agreed to his wishes. Just pretend she didn't know about his injury.

 The couple care about each other, but they don’t say it. They only express their concern through actions.

The waiter brought clean hot water, and Sister Ying carefully washed his hair and wiped his body.

 After washing it, she gently dried his hair and braided it.

Even helping him get dressed, he avoided his wounds and his movements were gentle.

Jing Shirong was very moved and felt that what a husband could ask for in a wife like this.

Sister Ying was moved by his protection of her. She rode the same horse with him all the way and didn't want to be separated from him.

 It wasn’t until she reached the main force that she dismounted and joined Xiao Zi, and continued riding in the carriage.

  There were palace maids and guards who died before, so some people were missing, and everyone was wilting on the road.

When Qi Yuanming saw this, he said, "General Lu Ben of the palace is already familiar with it. You will all be safe when we get to the palace."

After hearing this, the maids breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said that they were finally going to a safe place.

 Otherwise, I would be worried every day and my hair would turn gray.

Qi Yuanming rode over to find Jing Shirong and asked him, "You can actually get out of the desert road so quickly. You are much better than me."

He took the camels to find a lake before and almost didn't get lost. Fortunately, the camels were experienced, otherwise they would have died of thirst in the desert.

Jing Shirong asked, "Where is the team you brought?"

Qi Yuanming came to explore the road ahead of him. He brought twenty people with him. How could he be the only one left?

Qi Yuanming sighed and said, "We were attacked by surprise as soon as we arrived in the desert. We lost ten people all of a sudden."

 Later they found Shuihu and were ambushed again, suddenly losing ten more people.

 He has strong martial arts skills and a strong sense of crisis, so he can escape.

 When he reached this small town, he set up an ambush, fearing that another group of assassins would come.

 Luckily he hid in time, otherwise he wouldn't be able to deal with three groups of people by himself.

Jing Shirong also said, “I didn’t expect so many assassins to be ambushed this time.”

It can be seen that the other party wants to wipe out their entire wedding party, otherwise they would not send out so many people.

 Six groups of people appeared one after another, and no one knew if there would be another assassin coming along the next road?

To be on the safe side, Jing Shirong asked the sixteenth princess to continue to dress up as a palace maid and mix in the grain and hay piles, which would be safer.

Sister Ying continued to hide in the carriage.

Jing Shirong was afraid that she would not be safe in the carriage, so he gave her a dagger and a bottle of poison.

"If there is any danger, just spill the poison, then ride away. Don't worry about us. Just run away by yourself."

Sister Ying felt warm in her heart, hugged him and kissed him, "I know, I can run very fast, don't worry."

Jing Shirong hummed, lowered his head and leaned on her forehead, loving her and reluctant to be separated from her.

It was Qi Yuanming who came over to remind, "Let's go, leave the secret guard to Sister Xiaoying, let's not attract attention here."

Jing Shirong knew that he was more conspicuous here, so he immediately separated from Sister Ying and rode forward on the little black horse.

After Qi Yuanming finished, he walked behind and surveyed the surrounding area. Sister Ying and Xiao Zi continued to ride in the carriage. After changing into their entourage clothes, they lay down together.

“Miss, this trip is really thrilling. If I hadn’t made this trip, I wouldn’t have known how difficult it would be for my uncle.”

Sister Ying agreed very much, "Yes, if I didn't go out with him, I wouldn't know he was working so hard outside."

I thought they were just out to run an errand, but I didn't expect them to be so vicious.

 It can be seen that there are still great risks in working for the emperor.

 She will practice martial arts well when she goes back and try not to hold back Brother Rong.

Xiao Zi also said, "The third lady gave me the martial arts secret book and I haven't finished learning it yet. I have to practice hard when I get back."

Sister Ying looked at the entourage outside and asked Xiao Zi, "Isn't Tang Ping's martial arts pretty good? If you don't understand something, you can ask him for advice."

Tang Ping is one of Jing Shirong's capable men. Not only is he highly skilled in martial arts, he is also very smooth.

Xiao Zi went over to ask for Kung Fu advice, but she thought Tang Ping would not refuse.

As soon as Xiao Zi heard that he could learn martial arts, he got up immediately, jumped off the carriage and went to find Tang Ping without hesitation at all.

Looking at her vigorous steps, Sister Ying knew that this girl was interested in Tang Ping, so she deliberately wanted to help her.

However, Sister Ying doesn’t know if Tang Ping has that intention for Xiao Zi.

Anyway, if you can't get married, you can still learn martial arts.

Xiao Zi jumped over and ran to Tang Ping's horse with a flattering look on her face, "Brother Tang, are you free?"

Tang Ping knew Xiao Zi and knew that she was the maid next to Sister Ying. He politely asked, "Is there something wrong, Miss Xiao Zi?"

Xiao Zi scratched her head and showed a shy expression to an outsider for the first time. Her big body swayed and swayed, a rare gesture for a daughter, "Brother Tang, I want to ask you about martial arts to protect my young lady. Do you have time to teach me?"

Tang Ping said "Huh?", not expecting that she would suddenly mention this.

He scratched his head and looked in the direction of Jing Shirong. When he saw Jing Shirong looking at him, he thought Xiaozi was called by Jing Shirong, so he had no choice but to agree.

“Okay, I will teach you a few moves when I have time, but do you have the foundation to learn martial arts?”

  It's not easy to learn if you just use your skills and your skills.

Xiao Zi smiled and said deliberately, "My martial arts skills are not bad. I learned a few moves in the past few years and am a little better than the three-legged cat."

 She is already strong and has some talent in martial arts.

Although it is not up to the level of a master, it is still possible to fight ten tough guys.

Tang Ping was dubious, "Are you that strong?"

Xiao Zi nodded, "Yes, I have been strong since I was a child. Lifting a big stone weighing 100 kilograms is not a problem."

Mrs. Wu thought that she was as strong as an ox and could use some fist and kick skills, so she let her stay close to protect Sister Ying.

Tang Ping looked Xiao Zi up and down and saw that her arms were stiff and she did have some strength.

Then he said, "Okay, then after dinner, you come to me and I will give you some tips."

Xiao Zi was happy and thanked her happily, "Thank you, Brother Tang. I will treat you to dinner next time."

Tang Ping waved his hands and said angrily, "It's okay, it should be."

Xiao Zi went back happily, and started chatting with Sister Ying in the carriage.

“Miss, do you think I’m a good match for Brother Tang?”

“Brother Tang just talked to me a lot and promised to teach me martial arts every day after dinner. Do you think he is also interested in me?”

Sister Ying.

This is really not necessarily the case.

 (End of this chapter)

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