The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 422: , Jing Shirong grows a beard

Chapter 422, Jing Shirong grows a beard

The emperor of the neighboring country said to Jing Shirong, "You guys came here safely, but I wonder if my princess arrived in your capital well?"

 The bride-to-be convoys from neighboring countries took a different mountain road.

They did not go to the desert because they were afraid of getting lost in the desert, so they simply took a long way.

Although you won't get lost on the long journey, the mountain road is difficult and dangerous, and the emperor of the neighboring country is also afraid that the princess will encounter assassins on the road.

 After all, Jing Shirong and the others encountered six groups of assassins, not to mention their own bride-to-be team.

Jing Shirong did not know the situation of the **** team there, so he could only report the situation on his side to the emperor.

As for whether the princess from the neighboring country was harmed, we can only wait for news from the palace.

The emperor of the neighboring country seemed to have sensed it. He sighed and said sadly, "Mr. Gu feels that the princess is not safe here. Otherwise, you can rest in the inn for a few days. When you are well rested, you can take another princess back." "

The emperors of neighboring countries felt that since Jing Shirong could bring the princess back safely, he must also be able to send their princess to the capital safely.

 Since the previous princess may have been sacrificed, we can only send another one.

Jing Shirong was unsure about this idea and wanted to ask the emperor on the other side what he wanted, so he told the emperor of the neighboring country that he would wait for the news.

The emperor of the neighboring country also wanted to see if his princess was still there, so he said, "Then wait a little longer. You can rest assured and wait until we get the news in a few days."

Jing Shirong grunted, clasped his fists and left, taking the guards down to rest.

  They went to the inn to rest, and when they entered the private room, they sat down and took a breath.

Sister Ying also came in with them.

Qi Yuanming sat down, poured a cup of tea, blew in the hot air and took a sip, and said, "A Jing, has there been no news from His Majesty?"

Jing Shirong hummed, "This is the first time Fei Ying is walking on a desert road. Maybe he got lost and is waiting."

Qi Yuanming also knew that there was no need to rush, so he sighed, "Then let's rest here first. We'll wait until the news comes back in a few days."

If the other princess has been killed, you have to see what the emperor wants and see if he will let the princess marry her?

 If the princess is allowed to marry, they will take the princess from the neighboring country back.

 If they don’t use it, it will be more convenient for them to travel lightly.

Sister Ying fell asleep on the bed while they were talking.

She was very tired from walking all the way, and she couldn't sleep well at night. She was always awakened for fear of encountering assassins.

Now that we have arrived at a safe place, we are still under the same roof as Jing Shirong, and we immediately fell asleep without any precautions.

Jing Shirong turned around and saw that she was sleeping innocently, and immediately made a "shh" gesture to Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming turned around and saw Sister Ying asleep. She stopped talking and pointed her fingers outward, meaning "I'll go next door. Call me if you need anything."

Jing Shirong nodded and silently waved his hand, asking him to close the door softly.

Qi Yuanming walked away with cat steps and went to rest next door.

 After the door was closed, Jing Shirong walked over quietly.

 The tall body slowly squatted down and looked at her sleeping face in front of the bed.

Sister Ying slept very deeply, with her little hands lying softly on her face, as if she was dead in sleep. If you listen carefully, you can still hear her breathing.

Jing Shirong touched her little face lovingly, not daring to wake her up, so he could only gently take off his shoes and lie down next to her.

He lay down with his clothes on, pulled her over with his big hands, held her in his arms, wrapped his hands tightly around her, and rested his chin on her head. Then he closed his eyes with satisfaction, relaxed his breathing, and slowly fell asleep.

 The couple hugged each other and fell asleep, rarely having a peaceful sleep.

 The two of them slept until the sun was shining three times the next day before getting up, which showed that they usually did not dare to sleep. Once you relax, you can do it all day long.

After feeling full, Sister Ying woke up full of energy. Just as she was about to stretch, the big hands on her waist tightened, as if she was afraid of falling. “Brother Rong?”

Sister Ying rubbed her eyes and realized that Jing Shirong was sleeping next to her, or in the bed.

Jing Shirong hummed and woke up, but his nasal voice was a bit heavy at first.

He glanced at the edge of the bed. He was afraid that Sister Ying would fall, so he picked her up and put her on himself, just like a kitten, not afraid of the weight at all.

Sister Ying is used to being let go by him every time.

She lay lazily on Jing Shirong's chest, playing with the beard on his chin, "How long has it been since your beard grew so long?"

 Men's beards grow fast like women's hair.

 It will grow a lot if you don’t shave for a month.

Jing Shirong hasn’t shaved for several months and has long since become a bearded man.

Especially since he has been walking in the desert for several months, he has also tanned a lot. His beautiful face and white skin have turned into a wheat color, and he looks like a distinguished uncle.

Jing Shirong was suddenly called uncle by Sister Ying. He couldn't help but laugh. He stretched out his hand to wipe his beard, raised his eyebrows and asked her, "So, do you prefer an uncle with a beard, or a handsome Pan An?"

Sister Ying lay on top of him, raised her legs and swayed, "For me, it depends on the face. As long as the face is good-looking, it doesn't matter whether it's uncle or Pan An."

 Appearance is justice.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “Do you just like good-looking things that much?”

Sister Ying coughed and said, "There is nothing wrong with liking good-looking people. Even children choose good-looking brothers and sisters. The love of beauty is human instinct."

 After saying that, Shi Rong narrowed his eyes dangerously when he saw the scene, and quickly expressed his loyalty.

“Ahem, but I only like people like you. No matter if you are like Pan An or an old man with a beard, I like you all. I don’t even look at other handsome men, so don’t worry.”

Jing Shirong narrowed his eyes, "Really?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Of course, in my heart, Brother Rong is the most handsome man in the world. No one can compare with him, and I only love you."

Jing Shirong was told that she had no temper and pinched her cheek flesh, "I take your words seriously. If one day I find out that you like other handsome men, I will be angry."

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No, no, I am a person who can't keep up with my words. I will never like other handsome men."

Jing Shirong didn't believe her. He snorted, picked her up and started to chew on her, as if he wanted to get something back from her.

Sister Ying's face was drooled by the bite, and she was almost ready to cry. "At least let me wash my face before I bite it."

 It’s not a puppy, so it will stink if you don’t brush your teeth early in the morning.

Jing Shirong didn't care. He hugged her and continued to chew her, just like chewing a big pig's trotters, not polite at all.

Sister Ying struggled to no avail, so she could only accept her fate without tears.

 It’s afternoon.

 The palace sent fruit snacks, all of which were of the best quality.

Qi Yuanming ate a lot, and the rest was brought over to them.

“Ajing, are you up? The sun is going down.”

Jing Shirong hummed and took Sister Ying out for a walk.

Sister Ying wore a black entourage outfit, her eyebrows were painted black, and her hair was styled into a boy's bun. She looked like a clean little boy.

Qi Yuanming looked at her outfit and praised her with a thumbs up, "Sister Xiaoying, your skills are pretty good."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "That's right. I have studied it."

 (End of this chapter)

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