Chapter 423, Go shopping

Qi Yuanming looked at her eyebrows curiously, raised his hand to wipe it, but couldn't wipe it, which was quite strange.

“Sister Xiaoying, what kind of eyebrow pencil is this? Why can’t it be wiped off?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Guess."

 Qi Yuanming was very interested and wanted to rub it. But Jing Shirong slapped him away.


Qi Yuanming felt pain on the back of his hand. He hissed and cried out in pain, "Ajing, what are you doing?"

Hit with such force that the blood vessels on the back of the hand were almost not broken.

Jing Shirong snorted, rolled his eyes, and stared at him with a "Don't you know?" look.

Qi Yuanming looked at his angry eyes, then thought about his actions just now, and then realized it later.

 “Hey, I’m just curious.”

“Besides, it’s just an eyebrow, why are you so cruel to me?”

 Still not good brothers anymore?

Jing Shirong raised his chin and glared at him, "Good brother, are you touching my wife's eyebrows?"

Qi Yuanming.

  “I, I told you I didn’t mean it.”

His hands are faster than his brain. Before he could think of anything, he stretched out his hand as soon as possible. You can't blame him.

 Besides, one eyebrow is nothing, look at him being so angry, so stingy, huh!

Jing Shirong also snorted at him and began to stab him, "You have never been married and don't know how a man protects his wife. Naturally, you don't understand how I feel."

 You actually mean to mock him for being a single dog who doesn’t understand love? ?

Qi Yuanming was so angry that he widened his eyes and cursed with his hands on his hips, "Why don't I understand? I'm just not married? Do you think I don't understand the relationship between men and women?"

“Let me tell you, I also understand the relationship between men and women. Don’t use this trick on me. I’m not a fool who doesn’t understand anything!”

 Isn’t it just that I have a wife? What’s so great about it?

 Maybe he will meet someone he likes tomorrow, so why be so proud!

Jing Shirong, however, shrugged his shoulders and said "Oh" contemptuously. His stern expression seemed to say, "Just you? Wake up. You can't do it."

Qi Yuanming was so angry that he almost didn't draw his sword, "You, you"

You have been thinking for a long time, but you can't find any rebuttal.

He is a clumsy-tongued person. He can't win over the opponent by talking, so he can only throw up his sleeves angrily, "I won't tell you, I'll tell Sister Ying."

Sister Ying watched the two of them quarreling and found it funny. It was like watching an idol drama. It was very interesting.

Look at this moment, she cunningly stepped aside, as if she was afraid that they wouldn't make a big fuss, so she even made room for them. She was really embarrassed.

Qi Yuanming was stupid and didn't think she was watching the fun. He thought she was afraid of them fighting so he backed away, so he stupidly called her over.

“Sister Xiaoying, don’t be afraid. We won’t fight. Come over here. I’m better off with your brothers than with this stinky man like Jing Shirong.”

“Let’s go for a walk. I heard that the streets here are very beautiful. I’ll take you for a walk today.”

Sister Ying also wanted to see what the local culture was like here, so she followed him with a smile.

Qi Yuanming forgot to be angry and looked curiously this way, then that way, his eyes never stopping along the way.

“Sister Xiaoying, look at the barbecue over there. It looks delicious. Let’s go buy a skewer and try it.”

They have been eating dry food for several months, and the food is almost dry. Now they will smell the smell of meat, and they will be greedy for a long time.

Sister Ying also swallowed greedily, "Okay, let's go eat a few skewers."

Jing Shirong shook his head helplessly. Seeing their greedy looks, he didn't say anything, picked up his sword and followed them silently.

Qi Yuanming and Sister Ying walked to the barbecue stall and asked the boss for three skewers of barbecue.

 “Boss, here are three skewers of barbecue.”

 “Oh, that’s good.”

The language here is similar to theirs, but the accent is different, but they can all understand each other.

The barbecued meat on the charcoal fire is alternately fat and thin, and is skewered on iron skewers together with green peppers. The red and green skewers look very appetizing. The boss fanned the fire with a fan and sprinkled seasoning on the barbecue.

 After a while, a bunch of fragrant kebabs will be grilled.

The boss said with an accent, "Okay, your barbecue is ready to eat."

Sister Ying smiled and took three strings, one string for Qi Yuanming and one string for Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong went over to pay and ate with them after paying.

Sister Ying took the meat skewers and blew on them. When they were not hot, she opened her mouth and took a bite.

 “Hmm~it smells so good~”

This meat is really tender, not sticky at all, and it’s full of juice when you take a bite.

Jing Shirong saw that she liked to eat, so he gave her his own skewer.

Sister Ying, however, waved her hand and said, "No, you eat yours, I will eat something else later."

 She pointed to the other stalls nearby, planning to eat one of each.

Jing Shirong nodded fondly, "Okay, let's eat them all again." He had enough money.

Sister Ying smiled, and after finishing the barbecue, she went to the stall next door to eat lotus leaf chicken.

 After eating the lotus leaf chicken, we went to the fruit stall to taste the sweet and juicy local fruits.

Qi Yuanming also ate a lot, and he could eat at seven or eight stalls with her.

 On the other hand, Jing Shirong only eats one thing every time, is not greedy, and is very self-disciplined.

Sister Ying and Qi Yuanming’s bellies were chubby until the end of the meal, and they still wanted to eat.

Jing Shirong was afraid that they would eat too much and not digest it, so he called out, "Okay, that's all for today. Let's go buy some sour fruit to digest. We'll continue tomorrow."

Sister Ying was satisfied with her food, and then she stopped.

 “Okay, let’s eat here first.”

Jing Shirong touched her belly and found that she had eaten too much, so he took her for a walk.

Qi Yuanming also picked his teeth and followed him.

The weather here in Shuilin Kingdom is a little hotter than in the capital, and I was sweating after walking for a while.

Jing Shirong took them to an exotic inn ahead to rest for a while and enjoy the breeze.

Sister Ying took a look at the ethnic style decoration of the inn and quite liked it.

 Shuilin Country is somewhat similar to a tropical country.

This place is full of life and there are many kinds of fruits. As soon as we entered the inn, the waiter brought us fruit tea and a plate of fruits for free.

 “What do you want to eat objectively?”

Jing Shirong asked, "Recommend the best dish in your store."

The waiter said, "You've asked the right person. There are so many delicious dishes in our inn, such as spicy shrimp soup, pineapple rice, and fried rice noodles. They are all the most delicious meals in our area." ”

Sister Ying was drooling when she heard this. Unfortunately, she just ate too much and she can no longer eat it now.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Then take it home for dinner."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, here's a portion, I want to eat."

Jing Shirong touched her face lovingly and asked the waiter to pack the things and take them back.

The waiter saw that he had a sloppy beard and couldn't tell how old he was, but the handsome-faced waiter looked quite young.

I just don’t know what the relationship between these two is? Why is a big man so doting on a young boy?

The waiter glanced at the interaction between Jing Shirong and Sister Ying with a weird look on his face. He wanted to ask about their relationship, but he knew that it was their business, so he didn't ask.

 (End of this chapter)

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