Chapter 425: Just be happy

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Then I'll go back and rest first."

Jing Shirong hummed and returned to Sister Ying's private room.

As soon as he came back, Sister Ying heard the door opening and immediately ran to meet him. Jumped on him and held his neck with both hands. "I'm home?"

Jing Shirong caught her and said, "Aren't you asleep yet?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I'm not sleepy yet, I'm waiting for you."

Jing Shirong knew that she was worried about him, so he took her to the bed and lay together, telling him about going back.

“We’ll go back in two days. We’ll have to walk on a mountain road, but there are a lot of mosquitoes on the mountain. I’ll take you to buy some mosquito repellent incense tomorrow to avoid being stung.”

Sister Ying was also afraid of mosquitoes, so she leaned her little head close to him, nose to nose, rubbing against him, like a spoiled child.

Jing Shirong’s nose was tickled by her rubbing, and the corners of his mouth were raised lovingly.

 “What’s the matter? Do you want a kiss?”

Sister Ying was shy. “No.”

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's okay. If you want to kiss me, just say it. Brother, I will satisfy you unconditionally."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "Fuck you, old gangster."

Jing Shirong raised his head and laughed, in a good mood, "Are you still hungry? Do you still want to eat midnight snack?"

Sister Ying rarely refused, "I can't eat any more. When you and Brother Qi went to the palace, Xiao Zi and I ate some more."

Jing Shirong knew that she couldn't hold it back. Looking at her belly, it was indeed a little bulging.

He couldn't help laughing, "Aren't you afraid of getting fat if you eat like this?"

 Nowadays, thinness is regarded as beauty. Those girls in the capital only eat half a bowl each time and dare not drink more soup. They are all very thin. Jing Shirong is afraid that a gust of wind will blow them away.

Fortunately, Sister Ying has no dietary restrictions when it comes to food. She eats everything from frying to cooking. She even eats a lot of snacks, but she is not fat, which is strange.

Sister Ying smiled proudly and said, "I will follow my mother."

  Wu has never been fat for most of his life, which shows that his innate genes still have an advantage.

 Including Liang Jin and Mrs. Liang, they have never been overweight. The whole family has a slim figure, neither fat nor thin, and has maintained it for many years.

Sister Ying is lucky enough to be able to eat like her parents and not gain weight, but she doesn’t really eat like that.

She explained, "Actually, I exercise every time I lie in bed. Don't look at me eating so much, but I exercise every day."

Although she eats a lot, she is also afraid of gaining weight. After all, she is at an age where she loves beauty. She is afraid that a double chin will appear if she gains weight, so she gets up and practices martial arts for a while every day.

 Or go up and down the roof, jump, and practice Qinggong while sweating and losing weight.

Occasionally, if I don’t want to practice Qinggong, I just lie on the bed and do yoga.

 As long as she can use the most comfortable way to lose weight, she will try it, otherwise she would not be able to eat so slim.

Jing Shirong nodded, thinking her method was good.

 “I still like you to be well-fed, fleshy, and soft when I hold you.”

 If other girls look thin and dry, they will panic at the first sight.

However, he doesn’t understand the aesthetics of girls, so he can only hope that his little lady will not lose weight like others.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I used to tell my mother that I wanted to lose weight, but with just one look from her, I was done."

 If the children at home don't eat, Mrs. Wu will get angry. Sister Ying thinks that she doesn't dare to resist her mother, so she doesn't dare to skip meals.

Jing Shirong remembered that his mother-in-law was very good at dealing with children and admired her, "My mother has great wisdom. If you have children in the future, you can give her more advice."

When talking about the child, Sister Ying held his neck and asked him, "Are you in a hurry to have a child?" Jing Shirong was stunned, "Why do you ask so suddenly?"

Sister Ying, "I thought you were anxious to have a baby, and I wanted to talk to you about the baby."

Jing Shirong lay back with her and talked next to her.

 “I’m not in a hurry to have a child, but I’m afraid that you are in a hurry.”

Sister Ying said "Huh?", "Why should I be anxious? I haven't spent enough time with you in the world of two."

Jing Shirong stared, doubtful, "Real or fake? Are you not in a hurry?"

He thought that a woman's family was anxious to have a child after getting married, so he wanted to give her a baby as soon as possible, but it turned out that she wasn't in a hurry either?

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm not in a hurry, but I'm afraid you're in a hurry."

After all, Jing Shirong is the current person, and Sister Ying is still afraid that he is anxious to carry on the family line, because he asked her several times before if she was pregnant.

Jing Shirong shook his head and said, "No, actually I'm not very anxious. Besides, we've only just been married, and I want to be alone with you for a few more years."

His thoughts are still very different from those of other men today.

Other men may have the idea that they must have children immediately after getting married.

 But he is not. He feels that he is not ready to be a father yet. He is actually a little panicked about having a child so early. He feels that he is not qualified yet and wants to wait two years before having a child.

Sister Ying didn’t expect him to think so, so she immediately smiled and said, “What a coincidence, I thought so too.”

  Their age is considered old enough to have children now, but Sister Ying feels that she has just been married recently and is still very immature, so she is not suitable to be a mother right away.

 She wants to wait until she is more mature before having children, and the education of her children can be better.

 I didn’t expect Jing Shirong to think so too, that would be great.

“Brother Rong, I didn’t expect us to be so in tune with each other.”

 If neither of them wants to have a baby so soon, there is no need to have disagreements about having a baby, it can be resolved perfectly.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "There is really no need to rush this matter. My mother will not rush you. At most, my relatives and sisters-in-law will urge you. But you don't need to pay attention to this. Just be happy."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "How do you know that your relatives and sisters-in-law will urge you? Have you experienced it?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "I haven't experienced it, but I saw Jing Han being pushed."

Jing Han was pregnant half a year after she got married.

Not only her parents-in-law urged her, but also her relatives, sisters-in-law and aunts at home would urge her in various ways when they get together during the Chinese New Year. Jinghan would be annoyed to death with all kinds of reminders.

Jing Shirong also saw this scene at that time, and silently lit the wax for Jing Han, feeling that a newly married woman was under great pressure.

  It’s scary to think that I was born soon after I entered the door.

Sister Ying doesn’t need to look at it to know that she will definitely see the same scene when she returns to Beijing in the future. Just thinking about it makes her scalp numb.

Her mother-in-law will definitely not rush her, but the same cannot be said for her relatives and sisters-in-law of the Jing family.

 When married women get together, their favorite thing to talk about is their children.

As a new wife, she has not given birth to a child for a year, so she will inevitably be questioned.

But forget it, having a child is her and Jing Shirong’s business. If anyone asks, she will just ignore it.

Jing Shirong scratched her nose and hummed, "Yes, having children is between us. We don't need to listen to others. We can just be happy ourselves."

 As for other people’s words, just let them go in the left ear and out the right ear.

 (End of this chapter)

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