Chapter 426: Walking on the cliff road

After hearing his remarks, Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled.

“It’s no wonder that I would end up with you. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.”

 It is said that if people can play together, it is the law of attraction.

Look at her and Jing Shirong, aren’t they?

 The two of them can connect their minds, can talk easily, and understand each other, so it’s no wonder they can be husband and wife.

Jing Shirong smiled knowingly, "We are destined to be together, and no one can separate us."

Even if a man and a woman fall in love with each other, they may not be able to achieve positive results in the end.

 So why two people can become husband and wife, fate accounts for a large part, and science cannot explain it.

Sister Ying hugged his neck and said, "Fate is fate, but the long-term relationship after marriage depends on us working together."

 Being able to get married is fate, and we have to rely on each other to survive until the end.

Jing Shirong is a novice, but he also understands this, "Well, I will treat you well. This is what I should do. You will be responsible for supervising me in the future. If I do something wrong, just teach me, I can always More progress.”

He is like this, motivated and willing to learn. Also know how to realize your mistakes.

 How lucky she was to find such a good man.

Sister Ying hugged him happily and said, "You are so kind. I like you so much."

Jing Shirong smiled with dark eyes, "I like you too."

 The couple looked at each other and smiled.

 On the second day.

Qi Yuanming packed up the dry food and set off to explore the road first.

Jing Shirong asked the guards to prepare food and water and prepare to set off.

This time I went back without the princess and the maid, so it was easier and easier to travel.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi were sitting in the grain cart. Help look after the food and enjoy the shade.

Seeing that summer is here, the weather is slowly getting hotter, and the hot wind blows on the road, which makes people feel warm, as if there is a fire next to them.

Jing Shirong and the guards have adapted to the weather, reduced their clothes, put on their curtains and hats and continued walking forward.

They followed the route on the sheepskin map and began to ride towards the mountains and forests on horseback.

The mountains and forests of Shuilin Kingdom are densely wooded and green. They look beautiful, but it’s easy to get lost.

Because there were too many trees, Jing Shirong was afraid of being blinded, so he marked every tree he passed to avoid going astray.

 The mountains and forests are very cool in summer, but there are really many mosquitoes.

 Happily they bought mosquito coils in advance, otherwise they would have been bitten to death.

However, the mosquito-repellent incense was slow to act, and everyone in the group received a lot of bites on their faces.

Some mosquitoes are a little bit poisonous, and the infestations become large, red and itchy, making it uncomfortable even if you don't scratch them.

Sister Ying was also bitten several times and did not dare to scratch her for fear of losing her appearance.

 The amazing thing is that Xiao Zi doesn’t attract mosquitoes and doesn’t have any problems at all.

Other guards were bitten a lot, but Xiao Zi acted like a normal person, with no bites on her face or neck.

Sister Ying looked at her angrily and amusedly, "We are obviously both in the carriage, why are the mosquitoes biting me?"

Xiao Zi laughed loudly, "It's not that you have too thin skin and tender flesh. Look at me, my skin is rough and my flesh is thick, even mosquitoes can't bite me, hahaha."

 After saying that, she rubbed Sister Ying's delicate face with her rough hand.

"Go! Go! Go."

Sister Ying smiled and patted her hand away. The master and servant laughed and played for a long time.

Jing Shirong was leading the team outside. He listened to their laughter with open ears, and felt more at ease than ever before.

 Feeling that as long as Sister Ying is near him, he will have the motivation to move forward.

 They walked in the mountains and forests for more than a month, but they never got out.

The trees in the mountain forest are dense, and there is water and fruit, but there is no exit in sight.

Qi Yuanming came out one step ahead of them, but did not go out either. He turned back and reported to Jing Shirong, "Ah Jing, I have walked a long way, but I am still in the mountains and forests. You can only see the silk procession when you go to the other side of the cliff."

 It means that no one walks in this forest at all.

 Everyone walks on the cliff. If they want to get out, they can only walk on the cliff.

Jing Shirong was mainly worried about an ambush on the other side of the cliff, so he wanted to go into the forest.

 But now I have been walking in the forest for more than a month and I am still wandering around. I can’t see the exit at all, so I can only risk walking on the cliff.

He frowned solemnly, thought for a while, and decided, "Okay, let's walk on the cliff."

 He is not afraid of danger. Mainly because Sister Ying is still here, he is afraid that she may be in danger.

Qi Yuanming said, "Let them mix with the guards and run away if there is danger."

Jing Shirong nodded and walked over to tell Sister Ying, "We will walk on the cliff in a while. Watch the path under your feet. If there is danger, run first and leave us alone."

Sister Ying hummed, "I know."

Along the way she knew very well that if something happened she had to run first and never hold back the team.

Jing Shirong touched her head and said, "It'll be fine. Don't be afraid."

Sister Ying hummed, "I'm not afraid, you're here."

She is not afraid even if something happens. As long as the couple is together, they can overcome any difficulty together.

With her around, Jing Shirong became more determined and confident.

 He continued to lead the team in front, with Qi Yuanming protecting him from behind.

The group of people walked out of the mountain forest and walked slowly outside.

Passing a group of merchants on the way, Jing Shirong looked at the group and saw nothing unusual, so he followed their group towards the capital.

Qi Yuanming talked a lot and enthusiastically went over to chat with the merchant team and asked them, "Brothers, are you going to the capital to sell cloth?"

 Merchant team, "Yes, the silk this year is very good, I want to make more money before the year."

I will go to the capital now and it will be almost winter when I come back, so the time is just right.

Qi Yuanming asked familiarly, "How long does it take you to go to the capital from here?"

 Merchant team, “It will take three or four months.”

“This road is a little more dangerous, but it’s short, and as long as it doesn’t rain, it’s basically fine.”

 They have walked this road every year and have gained experience.

Seeing that they had experience, Qi Yuanming directly called them brothers and said that he would work with them.

 If they encounter robbers, he can also protect them.

 The merchant team saw that they were tall and strong, and they were very happy to be protected. Naturally, they were happy to go forward together with Qi Yuanming.

Sister Ying saw that Qi Yuanming's communication skills were so good. It was no wonder that the emperor wanted to send Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong to work together. The two of them really cooperated well in every movement and silence.

With the merchant team, their journey will be much smoother.

 There was nothing good to eat on the road, so I ate dry pancakes every day, occasionally adding dried meat and grilling them as extras.

But everyone is used to these things and doesn't care about the quality of the food, as long as they arrive in the capital safely.

 Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After walking on the cliff road for a month, it started to rain.

 Walking on the cliff, the most fearful thing is rain.

 Once it rains, rocks may collapse on the mountain.

 The road under your feet may also be slippery or collapse.

Once your feet slip, you will fall into the abyss.

 Fortunately, the merchant team was very experienced, so they were asked to hold on to the stone and walk as slowly as possible.

Jing Shirong cheers people up and keeps an eye on the road to avoid being hit by falling rocks or falling down.

 (End of this chapter)

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