The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 427: Third, Qi Yuanming knows how to communicate

Chapter 427, Qi Yuanming knows how to communicate

 Because of the rain, everyone’s pace began to slow down.

The merchant team set out with camels. The camels knew the way and followed them, and it turned out to be much smoother.

When we got out of the cliff and stepped on solid ground, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Qi Yuanming was excited, "Ajing, we have reached the ground, and the rest of the way will be easy."

Jing Shirong nodded, and his mood turned from gloomy to sunny. He asked everyone to be energetic and have a good meal as soon as they found the farmyard.

The guards were very happy after hearing this, with smiles on their faces.

Qi Yuanming also went to talk to the merchant team with a smile and asked them if they wanted to go together for the rest of the journey.

The businessman smiled and said, "We are slower on camels, but if you are faster on horseback, you can go ahead without waiting for us."

Qi Yuanming saw that they were quite nice, so he smiled and said to them, "Okay, we are indeed in a hurry. If I can see you again when we get to the capital, I will treat you to a drink then."

The merchant team smiled and said, "Okay, then we will have a drink with you when we go to the capital."

Qi Yuanming said yes with a smile, gave them the address where they would drink, and rode away.

Sister Ying looked on and saw how good he was at making friends, and asked Jing Shirong to learn from him.

Jing Shirong said, "It's enough to talk to him. One of the two of us always has a cold face and the other a warm face."

Sister Ying glanced at him sideways, "It would be weird to believe you."

 He clearly just didn’t want to talk to others.

Jing Shirong smiled and said nothing, walked forward in a happy mood and continued to lead the team.

They followed the route on the map and walked for two days before finally arriving at a village.

The villages here are quite lively. At night, white smoke is emitting from the chimneys of every house.

Qi Yuanming went to a restaurant with a larger yard, gave the host some money, ordered some chickens, stewed them and ate them together.

  We had fragrant chicken soup to drink in the evening, and the whole group was very happy.

Sister Ying, dressed in servant clothes, also sat down with Jing Shirong and others to drink chicken soup.

Jing Shirong gave her the chicken legs and told her, "Eat more, you have lost weight along the way."

Sister Ying pinched her fleshy face, and it did fade a little, but she still gave him the chicken legs, "You can eat it, I haven't finished it in the bowl yet."

He led the team on horseback, which was much harder than hers.

Jing Shirong saw that the chicken in her bowl was indeed almost full, so she stopped trying to persuade her and ate the chicken legs in a few mouthfuls. It was obvious that she was starving.

Sister Ying felt sorry for him, blew on the chicken soup in the bowl, and fed it to him, "Come, drink some chicken soup to replenish your body. You are much thinner than me. Mom should feel bad when you get home."

Jing Shirong hummed, then took her hand and drank the chicken soup in the bowl.

 After everyone had eaten and drank enough, they rested where they were.

 At night, they slept in the farmyard to make up for the sleep they had not dared to sleep on the cliff road.

The summer night was neither cold nor hot. Everyone just spent one night on the ground and slept soundly.

Sister Ying's treatment is better, and she can sleep in the carriage with Xiao Zi.

But their carriage was filled with water bags, grain and firewood, and it was quite crowded to sleep in.

But the master and the servant are big-hearted and are not picky about the simple environment. They live in whatever they have and try not to cause any trouble to the team.

Jing Shirong felt that his little wife was really much better than other girls. She could endure no matter how bad the environment was, and she could adapt to dry food. He admired her very much.

 She has such good adaptability, and he will be more confident in taking her out in the future.

Sister Ying didn't know what he was thinking, and she was already fast asleep in the carriage.

 Before walking on the cliff, everyone took turns to keep vigil at night. They slept very lightly, and the slightest movement could be tolerated.

Now that we are on level ground, there are no cliffs at our feet, and everyone is sleeping soundly. Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming took turns keeping watch, and each slept for half the day.

On the second day, they asked the woman in the farmyard for three drawers of steamed buns and had enough to eat and drink before setting out on the road.

After the horse is full, his steps will be much faster.

They walked all the way towards the capital, first passing through the pastoral road, and then arriving at the small town.

 Finally, I met the third princess and the others in a small town.

 Because the princess of Shuilin Kingdom was hit by an arrow in the heart and an arrow in the back, and was seriously injured, everyone did not dare to move her randomly, so they could only rest where they were.

 It was only after being raised for so many months that Princess Shuilin got better, her wounds healed, and she finally came back to life.

Qi Yuanming was the first to see the marks left by the Third Princess and the others, and immediately said to Jing Shirong, "A Jing, I saw the numbers left by the Third Princess and the others."

Jing Shirong also saw it and said, "Then go over and join them."

As soon as Sister Ying heard about the third princess in the carriage? He immediately opened the car curtain curiously and took a look.

Jing Shirong followed the signs and saw the third princess's house number in a courtyard.

 He went to knock on the door, and the entourage of the third princess came to open the door. When they saw that it was them, they immediately invited them in.

 “Sir, please come in.”

Jing Shirong hummed and led the team in.

 This villa is very large, and it was obviously rented specially.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went in and saw the third princess practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard.

The three of them had not seen each other for many years. Now they saw the heroic third princess. Qi Yuanming smiled and went over to say hello, "Third princess? Long time no see."

 The third princess nodded coldly, "You are here."

Qi Yuanming said familiarly, "This journey is really dangerous, but when you meet the princess now, there is nothing to be afraid of."

 Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong were both trained by the third princess when they were teenagers.

 In their hearts, the third princess has always been an invulnerable heroine.

 Feeling that by following the third princess, they can be protected and don't have to worry about dangers from the outside world.

The third princess was rarely amused by him and shook her head helplessly, "You haven't changed at all."

Qi Yuanming looked at her cold and mighty temperament and smiled, "You haven't changed either."

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, nodded respectfully to the third princess and said nothing else.

 The third princess is a person of few words, aloof and self-possessed.

Jing Shirong also has this kind of character, so in front of the third princess, he actually doesn't know what to say.

Sister Ying could not come in due to her status, so she could only stay in the carriage, otherwise she would have wanted to come in and see what the third princess looked like.

After all, this is the heroine that young Jing Shirong admires. She still wants to take a look at her.

Jing Shirong seemed to sense her thoughts, thought about it, and planned to let her out during dinner in the evening.

The third princess is a strict person and will not tolerate any violation of discipline in the team. Jing Shirong is afraid that she will punish him for violating discipline if she finds out that he brought Sister Ying into the wedding team.

 It would be bad if he was punished in front of Sister Ying. That's why I didn't dare to let Sister Ying come out.

Sister Ying also guessed this, so she lay down in the carriage obediently.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went to see Princess Shuilin. Seeing that she was very sick, they said, "Princess Shuilin is so weak. I'm afraid we should wait until she gets better before setting off?"

Otherwise, what would happen if you suddenly died on the way?

 Princess of Shuilin Kingdom.

 Crow's mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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