The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 428: , meet up with the third princess

Chapter 428: Meeting with the Third Princess

 The third princess thought so too.

“Let’s wait a little longer and wait until Princess Shuilin’s mental state is better before setting off, so as not to have to deal with the problem of returning to the palace after dying halfway.”

Her father was displeased with her power.

If it passes through her hands, the Princess of Shuilin Kingdom is still dead, and her father will have plenty of excuses to exploit her military power.

The crown prince's status is still unstable, and it is impossible for the three princesses to let the emperor take away their military power. Naturally, they will not let anything happen to the princess of Shuilin Kingdom.

Anyway, the prince can get married next year, she just needs to ensure that the Princess of Shuilin is safe and sound.

Jing Shirong nodded, feeling that this method was safer, "Then wait a little longer."

 The marriage is not urgent anyway, as long as everything is fine.

 Otherwise, their princess arrived safely in a neighboring country, but the princess of a neighboring country died here, which would be a slap in the face of the emperor of the neighboring country. Naturally, they couldn't let anything happen to Princess Shuilin.

The third princess hummed, "I've sent someone to look for you, doctor. You go and rest first."

Jing Shirong asked, "How is Princess Shuilin doing now?"

The third princess frowned and said, "The situation is not good. Her wounds are scabbed, and she is weak. She must have been frightened."

After all, I met so many assassins on the way here and was stabbed. The palace maids and nuns around me were also dead. Princess Shuilin was also scared to death.

After all, Princess Jiao Didi had never been far away, so she would be frightened, and her spirit would naturally be very low. She had no energy along the way, couldn't eat, and couldn't sleep.

Qi Yuanming sighed and said, "Why don't we find a maid who can talk to enlighten me?"

If a sweet-tongued maid comes over to give her some advice, maybe things will get better.

When the third princess heard this, she thought it was a good idea, so she asked her entourage to find a maid with a lively personality.

 But her entourage, like her, has a cold temperament, is not good at doing this kind of thing, and cannot do it well even if she wants to.

Seeing that she had no move, Qi Yuanming blurted out, "Otherwise, let Xiao Zi do it."

Before he finished speaking, he received a warning glare from Jing Shirong.

Qi Yuanming hurriedly braked, "Otherwise, let Xiao Jing find it. I think he is better at judging people, so let him do it."

Jing Shirong coughed and took over the words, "I'll go find him, you guys just rest here."

 After saying that, he quickly turned around and left.

Qi Yuanming also exhaled in shock, patted his small mouth with his big palm, and almost died of fright.

  When he and Jing Shirong were under the third princess, they almost cried.

 The third princess is famously strict and is not allowed to make any mistakes.

Back then, he was naughty and the third princess strictly prohibited him from doing things. The more he tried to do it, the more he was punished.

 Hunting your buttocks open is not enough, push-ups and horseback stances are even more scary.

 After a whole day, my legs no longer belong to me.

Such an impressive painful memory made Qi Yuanming instinctively afraid of the third princess.

Although it’s okay to take your wife with you when you go out to run errands, in the eyes of the third princess, it’s not allowed.

 So Qi Yuanming was also afraid that the third princess would scold Jing Shirong when he found out that Jing Shirong took his wife out, so he quickly shut up.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong picked up the call just in time, otherwise the secret would have been exposed.

 When the third princess saw his eyes darting wildly, she knew that he must be hiding something from her. He asked with a cold face, "Tell me, who is the Xiao Zi you mentioned just now?"

Qi Yuanming was startled, "What Xiaozi? I said Xiaojing, you heard it wrong."

 The third princess glanced at him sternly, "Are you sure?"

That cold look in his eyes made Qi Yuanming's **** feel cold.

 But for the sake of his brothers and friends, he gritted his teeth and endured, "It's Xiaojing, you heard wrong."

The third princess looked at him and said coldly, "Qi Yuanming, do you think you can deceive me?" The third princess knew all about Qi Yuanming's virtues.

 Not only Qi Yuanming, but also every soldier and general under her, she knew everything about him.

As someone like Qi Yuanming who can't lie, he will know it as soon as it explodes.

“Tell me, did you bring any girl out?”

 Otherwise, why would Qi Yuanming blurt out the name Xiaozi? He obviously brought someone out.

Qi Yuanming refused to admit it, "What are you talking about? We have been traveling for several days and are tired. We will go to rest first. You are busy."

 After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

The third princess saw that he was guilty, so she knew that he was guilty without having to guess.

She looked outside with a stern expression, glanced around, and locked her eyes on Sister Ying's carriage.

The guards will be resting in the yard, and Sister Ying and Xiao Zi are also sleeping in the carriage.

The third princess glanced around the carriage with a cold eye, and after assessing it, she knew that someone must be hiding inside.

 She has been attacked by people all year round, and she is very accurate in judging the situation of people hiding in carriages.

She was sure there was someone in the carriage, but she didn't know who.

From Qi Yuanming's tone, I guess he comes from a girl's house.

 It’s just that when they came out to see a bride off, how could they bring a girl with them?

Is it possible that this girl was picked up on the road?

Thinking about the good-natured characters of Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong, it is not impossible to save people halfway.

However, since it was picked up on the way, why didn't Jing Shirong let him talk about it?

Or, does this girl have a close relationship with them?

The third princess narrowed her eyes, rarely interested in anything other than business matters.

Shi Rong was not here at this meeting, so she could just go out and take a look.

She raised her feet and walked out of the room. Just as she was about to approach the carriage, Qi Yuanming came over. He had a square face and a very ugly face.

"Why is the princess out? Don't you take a rest?"

The third princess became more and more suspicious when she saw his big body blocking the carriage, "Who is hiding in that car? Is it worthy of your protection?"

Seeing that she had guessed it, Qi Yuanming smiled and didn't dodge. He started talking about it, "Hey, this is our grain truck. There are water bags in it. We relied on this water all the way here."

"As for the people inside, they are our accompanying doctors. There is nothing interesting to see."

 The less he avoided hiding, the more curious the third princess became.

 “What if I insist on watching it?”

Qi Yuanming was scared to death, but he still refused to give in on his legs.

“There’s nothing interesting about a doctor. She’s timid, and she’s not from our military camp. So don’t scare her.”

Seeing how protective he was, the third princess couldn't help but think, "Is it possible that the girl inside is your sweetheart?"

 Otherwise, how could Qi Yuanming be so brave and so protective?

Qi Yuan Mingxin said, people are not timid, they are not afraid of you because they are scared of being beaten by you.

When he was a boy, he was trained and beaten obediently by the third princess, so that every time he saw the third princess in the future, he would be instinctively afraid.

 Even if he was facing a confrontation with the third princess, his thighs would be so weak that he might kneel down and beg for mercy in the next second.

The third princess saw that he was scared to death and still protected the people in the carriage, thinking that Qi Yuanming's sweetheart was hiding inside, so she stopped asking.

"That's all, send the person back as soon as possible without delaying the mission."

Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she didn't pursue the matter.

“Yes, yes, I will send you back as soon as we get to the capital.”

 (End of this chapter)

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