The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 429: , being frightened by the third princess’s training

Chapter 429: Being scolded by the third princess

 This matter was originally settled.

By chance Jing Shirong came back at this stall.

He brought back a lively maid from outside. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the third princess standing in front of the carriage, and he was immediately frightened.

 He strode over with a hint of nervousness in his dark eyes.

 “The third princess.”

 The third princess was stared at coldly by him, which was a little baffling.

 “What’s the matter?”

Jing Shirong secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that her expression was normal and she didn't look like she was seeing Sister Ying.

He regained his composure and coughed, "The maid is back. See if it's okay."

The third princess looked him up and down and felt that his behavior just now was a bit strange, so she asked, "Why were you so nervous when you saw me just now?"

 “Did you do something that violated military discipline?”

She trained Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, and the third princess knew their personalities very well.

Jing Shirong glanced at her nervously as soon as he entered the door just now, and then walked over with an uneasy expression, obviously hiding something from her.

The third princess didn't like the feeling of being deceived, so she asked with a cold face, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Jing Shirong thought for a while and realized that he had not lied to her, but he also did not tell the truth. He only said, "It's a bit of a private matter, but it has nothing to do with the third princess. It's not a big deal."

 His clearing up the relationship in this way made the third princess feel somewhat uncomfortable.

  Although she is several years older than them, she really regards them as friends.

 She would feel a little sad if her friends were hiding something from her.

 But she is cold and self-disciplined and does not allow herself to feel sad in front of others.

Then the third princess snorted coldly, "Just don't say anything."

 He turned around and went back to the house.

Qi Yuanming saw her leaving, and then he relaxed like a balloon.

 “Oh my god, you scared me to death just now.”

Jing Shirong asked, "Has she seen Sister Ying?"

Qi Yuanming shook his head, "No, I stopped him."

“But Ah Jing, it’s okay for Sister Ying to be seen by the third princess. Anyway, she is your wife, and she is not a sweetheart. You can bring her out as long as you want. The third princess has nothing to do with you.”

They were instinctively afraid of their superiors just now. The numbness in their scalps had been trained in the military camp. They were frightened when they saw the majestic face of the third princess.

But thinking about it later, it’s actually not a big deal.

Now that they have left the army and are no longer under the control of the third princess, they no longer need to be afraid of her.

Jing Shirong shrugged his shoulders and gave a wry smile, a little belatedly.

“Yes, we are no longer the soldiers of the third princess, so we don’t need to be afraid of her.”

He opened the curtain and looked inside. Sure enough, there was a cute little baby lying on the bed in the middle of the carriage.

Sister Ying was curled up on the bed like a shrimp, with her white and tender pink face sleeping innocently, unaware of the tension outside.

Originally, she wanted to come out to see the third princess, but after waiting for a while, it was nap time, she opened her mouth to yawn, and simply fell asleep first.

Once she fell asleep, she didn't know what was happening outside, so she just slept soundly.

Jing Shirong looked at her innocent and sweet sleeping face, smiled lovingly, lowered his head and kissed the side of her pink face, and then lowered the car curtain with satisfaction.

 Qi Yuanming yawned and did not go to the house. He jumped directly onto the big tree in the yard, rested his arms on it, and fell asleep.

Jing Shirong sat outside the carriage and closed his eyes to sleep for a while.

 When the third princess came out, everyone in the courtyard was taking a nap.

She looked at the carriage with sharp eyes. Seeing Jing Shirong sleeping outside the carriage, she looked inside the carriage suspiciously.

 Thinked about it for a while, but finally didn’t go there. At night.

 The group of people finally got enough sleep.

Qi Yuanming complained that he was hungry when he arrived. Jing Shirong gave him money and asked him to order some good wine and food.

As soon as Sister Ying heard that Qi Yuanming was going out to buy groceries, she wanted to follow him.

 “I’m going too, just wait for me.”

 After riding in the carriage for so long, she also wanted to take a walk on the ground.

Jing Shirong petted her, combed the fluffy hair on her forehead, and asked Qi Yuanming to wait for a while.

 “I’ll go with you.”

Sister Ying obediently raised her face and asked him to fix her hair.

Jing Shirong used an eyebrow pencil to draw thick eyebrows for her. Her originally voluptuous appearance was immediately reduced a lot by the thick black eyebrow pencil.

Forgetting the thick black eyebrows, Jing Shirong even drew a matchmaker's mole on the corner of her mouth, making the originally delicate little boy look shabby.

Qi Yuanming watched from the side and almost laughed.

Sister Ying had closed her eyes to enjoy the considerate service of her husband. Suddenly she heard Qi Yuanming's laughter and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Why is Brother Qi laughing?"

Jing Shirong pursed his lips and suppressed a smile, pretending to be serious, "No, he doesn't know what's wrong with him. He likes to laugh when he has nothing to do."

Qi Yuanming didn't like hearing this, "How can I not! It's obviously you!"

 Before he finished speaking "you", Jing Shirong glared at him, "Do you still want to drink wine and eat meat?"

In order to enjoy the food and drink, Qi Yuanming could only hold back what he said, "I'll wait for you in front."

 After saying that, Ma slipped away, fearing that if he stayed any longer, his work would be ruined.

Sister Ying looked at the two of them suspiciously, then touched her face, "Did you damage my painting?"

 He is a grown man, and it is normal that he cannot draw his eyebrows.

However, when she painted it for him, she was not afraid that he would make a mistake. Anyway, it was just to look ugly, so she would make a mistake.

Jing Shirong coughed and did not dare to look at her randomly. He only looked to the side, "Yes, the painting is just a little crooked."

Sister Ying touched her sleeves and wanted to get the mirror, but Jing Shirong held down her little hand and diverted her attention, "Let's go, the street is busy right now."

 “Let’s go early and buy a lot of delicious food.”

As soon as she heard the delicious food, Sister Ying immediately dismounted happily and ran outside without even looking at her makeup.

Jing Shirong picked up his sword and followed him, the corners of his mouth raised, "Slow down."

 He followed her with a doting look on his face and looked at her from behind.

Sister Ying happily looked at the busy street, looking east and west. As long as he sees something he likes and looks back, Jing Shirong will immediately come over to pay.

“Brother Rong, this hairpin is pretty good. Let’s buy it as a gift for my cousin.”

 “This bracelet is also good, for my sister-in-law.”

“And this shawl is very nice. Let’s take it back to my mother.”

Jing Shirong looked doting on her face, "Okay, if you like it, buy it."

 He followed her behind, paying for everything, and holding all the gifts in his hands.

After Sister Ying finished shopping for the women’s family, she also bought a teapot for Jing’s father, “This teapot is very unique, buy one for dad.”

After thinking about it, I bought one for Jiangnan’s old father.

By the way, I also bought gifts for Mr. Wu and Mrs. Liang, and planned to send them back when I return to Beijing.

Jing Shirong's hands were full of things, but he didn't have any hands to hold them, so he had to put the things on his beloved sword, like a bunch of candied haws, and just pick up a bunch of gifts and carry them back.

 (End of this chapter)

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