The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 431: , the dangerous third princess

Chapter 431, The Dangerous Third Princess

The third princess knew that the emperor intended to support the Zhao and Zhou families, with the purpose of making Zhao Zhou and Liang's family, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong restrain each other.

However, the strength level of the Zhao and Zhou families is simply not as good as that of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

I don’t know what her father thinks, and he doesn’t know who to choose if he wants to choose someone.

The emperor would not want to choose a good one. The key is that you have to have so many strong players to choose from.

Nowadays, there are only three princesses who can reach the level of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming. Where can he find such strong manpower? He can only barely pick two that are not that bad.

The third princess doesn't want to care about these things. As long as the prince is good, she will turn a blind eye to whatever the emperor does.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming are not part of any prince's gang, and they are not harmful to the third princess, so she can still have a drink with them now.

She looked at them with sharp eyes and said, "I brought you two here. I hope we won't be enemies in the future."

 If that day comes, in order to protect her brother, she can only attack these two most satisfied men.

Qi Yuanming coughed, choked, and hurriedly clarified, "Third princess, don't worry, A Jing and I will not join the party, and we will not get involved in the affairs of the princes."

 He is usually not smart enough, but he is still very sober in court.

Their family does not do such things as standing factions.

 At that time, the Jing family and the Qi family were implicated because the older generation was in a political party.

 Now that they are in their generation, how can they repeat the same mistakes again?

It is impossible for him, and it is even less possible for Jing Shirong.

 The Jing family was implicated in the past and could not return to Beijing for several years.

Now that I have finally found a stable position in the capital, I will naturally stop siding with any party and just behave and protect myself.

Jing Shirong hummed, expressing his agreement with what he said.

Seeing that they were still so smart, the third princess praised them and said, "You are both smart. It will be much easier for my father to have you as his subordinates."

 She used to want to train Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, but her father refused, fearing that the greater her power, the more threatening she would be to him.

  Tiger poison does not eat its seeds, and she is not a heinous person. How could she kill her biological father?

 It's not that her father doesn't trust her. He was always on guard against her, which made the relationship between father and daughter tense.

Qi Yuanming was also surprised, "Why did your Majesty suddenly ask you to come back?"

 Without an imperial edict, the third princess cannot easily return to Beijing.

 I don’t know why the emperor suddenly called her back.

The third princess said coldly, "What else can we do?" Naturally, she was asked to come back and get married.

No matter how good she is or how powerful her martial arts skills are, in the eyes of her father, a woman should get married and have children.

Especially because she has the tiger talisman in her hand. Her father will not give up until he takes the tiger talisman back.

The purpose of calling her back this time is definitely to get her married and get pregnant and give birth to a child, so that the tiger talisman in her hand can be returned.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong also knew that the third princess was not easy. They sighed and said, "Then how do you plan to deal with it?"

 The third princess took a sip of wine and said nonchalantly, "Let's talk about it later. Act accordingly."

If she doesn't want to get married, can her father force her to death?

 Besides, who would dare to marry her with her cold eyes?

If there is someone who is not afraid of death, it depends on whether his neck is strong enough.

It really made her anxious. It's not like she couldn't do something like Croft.

Qi Yuanming's back felt hairy after hearing this. He secretly thought that the third princess was still so scary, and would kill someone if they disagreed with her.

 Fortunately, they were not against her, otherwise the outcome would have been disastrous. Jing Shirong didn't think so in the past, but now looking at the vicious look in the third princess's eyes, he suddenly felt that she was also a ruthless character and it was better not to get too close.

 In the past, he admired the third princess's endurance and brains, but now it seems that she is also a ruthless character. He was a little frightened when he saw how cruel and ruthless he was.

Not only him, but also Qi Yuanming is a little bit hairy.

I feel that the third princess is more serious than before, and has become a little more sinister in recent years. It's a bit scary to think about it.

The two drank in silence, neither daring to talk nonsense anymore.

 The third princess felt their fear and laughed at herself, "What? Are you scared by me?"

In recent years, she has been secretly fighting with other princes, and she has been fierce and unwilling to give in. The other princes have been frightened by her methods, so that they have not dared to provoke the prince in recent years.

 The prince's life in Beijing will be much better if she protects him.

The third princess felt that it was right for her to become cruel, but it was those who wanted to cause trouble who were wrong.

If they didn't mess with her, she wouldn't be so cruel.

 If you want to blame it, just blame the restless people.

Qi Yuanming still feels a bit hairy.

 When people get along with each other, they can keenly feel whether the other party is in danger.

When the third princess came back this time, her aura was obviously hostile. Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming felt it clearly. Naturally, they did not dare to talk carelessly and just drank honestly.

The third princess didn't care whether they were afraid or not. She was very lonely now and just wanted to find someone to have a drink with, so she poured the wine for Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming to drink.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong looked at each other and couldn't refuse, so they had no choice but to drink the wine.

 The third princess finished a bowl of wine and asked Jing Shirong, "I heard that you got married? When did it happen?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyes and gave the third princess a strange look, "You can also hear the news at the border?"

The third princess twitched her lips and said shrewdly, "I know a little bit about the affairs in the capital."

 Meaning that she has spies in the capital.

Jing Shirong didn't say anything and didn't show much surprise. He calmly took a sip of wine and replied, "Yes, we got married this year."

The third princess glanced at him with an unclear look, "I thought you wouldn't get married so early."

 After all, his temperament seemed light, and he didn't seem like someone who would fall in love with a girl. I didn't expect him to get married so soon.

Jing Shirong didn't explain too much, just said, "Fortunately, we happened to meet each other and we happened to be free, so we got married."

The third princess was not very satisfied with his simple answer. She frowned and wanted to ask something, but in the end she didn't ask. He just said, "Who is the bride? How is her character?"

Jing Shirong held the wine bowl, lowered his eyelids, and said succinctly, "She is just an ordinary little girl. She eats and sleeps soundly. My mother likes her very much."

Although he didn't know why the third princess asked these questions, Jing Shirong was still instinctively wary.

 Because the third princess now gave him the feeling of being a dangerous person, Jing Shirong didn't want to tell her too much.

Even the silly Qi Yuanming instinctively sensed the danger of the third princess, so he didn't mention Sister Ying's matter at all and drank in silence.

Seeing that they were unable to chat, the third princess smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that Ben is destined to have no friends."

Her journey to protect the prince made her go more and more crooked, and her methods became more and more ruthless.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong are both people who are very sensitive to danger. They are so unwilling to let go in front of them, which shows that her current temperament is no longer like a good person.

 (End of this chapter)

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