The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 432: , elder sister is like mother

Chapter 432: Elder sister is like mother

The third princess sighed heavily and smiled bitterly, "That's all, go back and rest after drinking."

Since the road she took was a point of no return, she had to learn to bear her loneliness.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other and wanted to give some advice, but when the words came to their lips, they didn't know what to say.

In the end, it was Jing Shirong who advised her, "The general is also an upright person. There is no need to push himself into a dead end. The matter has not yet reached that point. If you can, you should stop as soon as possible."

 The third princess secretly sacrificed a lot for the prince to live a life of masters in the capital.

However, there were many princes in the dynasty, and the matter of nine sons taking over the heirs was happening every day.

 The prince has no power, his mother's family is almost in ruins, and it will only take a minute for the queen's family to crush him to death.

 Just a poison or illness can cause the prince to die quietly.

 In order to protect the prince, the third princess secretly eliminated many informants of the queen family.

 The queen looks dignified on the surface, but is actually ruthless.

If she hadn't intervened, I don't know how many times the prince would have been killed.

Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong looked at each other and felt that it was not enough for the prince to be so well protected. He had to let him experience some things on his own in order to develop his skills.

If he relies on the third princess for everything, the prince will not be able to accomplish anything big in the future.

However, they were not sure whether they should tell the third princess this, so they hesitated.

In the end, Jing Shirong, considering the past relationship between superiors and subordinates, advised the third princess, "If the general really cares about the prince, he should let the prince experience it himself."

"If the prince succeeds to the throne in the future, his strength will have to keep up. You can't help him forever."

The third princess is now a border general. Unless there is an order, she cannot easily return to Beijing.

If the prince is well protected, if something happens in the future, he will not be able to send letters to the border for help. This will waste a lot of time.

Even if the third princess has an informant in the capital, the prince cannot ask the third princess to help this and that after he becomes the emperor.

An emperor like that is too hopeless. If something happens, he has to ask his sister to wipe his ass. There is no deterrent effect if word spreads.

 The third princess didn’t know to let go, but her mother’s last words to her were to protect her younger brother.

 In addition, when her mother died, the prince was still very young and her eldest sister was like her mother. From then on, protecting the prince became the only mission of the third princess.

Even though so many years have passed and the prince has grown up, the third princess still cannot help but worry about him.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other and advised the third princess to be more open-minded.

 “Children have to grow up, let alone the prince, you must learn to let go.”

If the third princess cannot learn to let go, she will fight for the prince in the future, which will be the biggest threat to the capital.

Neither Jing Shirong nor Qi Yuanming wanted to see such a **** scene, so they wanted to persuade the third princess to let go.

Only when the third princess slowly lets go and lets the prince find his own way can she slowly withdraw from the disputes in the court and the court can avoid a **** battle.

The third princess doesn’t want to wash out the court with blood. If she can, she would also like to leave everything in the court and return to the border.

However, the prince's wings are not yet full and he is no match for other princes.

 Coupled with the emperor's preference for the second prince, it is still unknown who will take the throne in the end.

 The third princess was worried about the prince and could not withdraw with peace of mind. We can only take one step at a time.

 The three of them were relatively speechless, each drinking in silence.

The third princess drank more and more, until she was drunk, she sighed, "You two are becoming more and more successful now, and you can walk out of the desert."

 She also walked through the desert in the past years, but she almost got lost and almost couldn't get out. Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong are getting better and better now. They both came out of the desert and successfully returned to Beijing. She is proud and satisfied.

 The two of them are her best young talents. If they can help the prince in the future, the prince's road to the throne will be much easier.

So she looked at Jing Shirong, then at Qi Yuanming, and said, "What do you think of the prince's ability to act in the past few years?"

 “Is there any other room for improvement for him?”

When asked this question, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other. He didn't know what she meant, but he still answered cautiously.

Qi Yuanming said, "We have been working outside in the past few years. To put it bluntly, we are His Majesty's lackeys. We rarely participate in court affairs in the capital, so we don't know much about the Crown Prince's affairs."

Jing Shirong nodded and said, "That's true."

They rarely participated in court disputes in the capital. They had always been outside helping the emperor on errands, and they didn't know much about the prince's affairs.

It is the Zhao and Zhou families. The emperor cultivates their power in the court. If anything happens in the court, the third princess should go to the Zhao and Zhou families.

 The third princess naturally knows the Zhao and Zhou families.

 These two families were supported by poor students, and she knew exactly how many forces were behind them.

The Zhao and Zhou families are the emperor's lackeys. The third princess cannot go to them, lest the emperor finds out and becomes angry again.

 Besides, she is not optimistic about the Zhao and Zhou families.

Although these two families are becoming more and more powerful, she understands her father.

Just because he supported the Zhao and Zhou families, it does not mean that the Zhao and Zhou families are in line with his wishes. The day when these two families need to be sacrificed, it will be a matter of minutes.

On the contrary, Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong were the escape routes left by the emperor for himself.

The third princess could roughly guess this, so she wanted to win them over.

It is a pity that neither Qi Yuanming nor Jing Shirong followed this path.

 They don’t want to get involved in court disputes, let alone the disputes between the three princesses and the emperor.

 Either way, it’s not good for them. It’s better not to take any side.

Jing Shirong thought the same thing, so he drank in silence and did not answer the third princess's words.

The third princess saw the two of them refusing, frowned, narrowed her phoenix eyes, and finally stopped trying to persuade them.

"That's all, as long as you don't go against the prince, everything else is fine."

As long as Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong don't harm the prince, whether they can help the prince or not is another matter.

 Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong looked at each other and didn't answer anything in the end.

   People in the court are helpless, so they can do whatever they want.

 There are enemies on all sides. They don't harm the prince, but it doesn't mean that the prince doesn't harm them.

In other words, the third princess treats the prince as a child who has not grown up. In fact, he has many tricks.

They are all princes who came from the harem. They have experienced open and secret fights in the harem since they were young. How can they be as pure as a little white flower? It is because the three princesses, the eldest sister and mother, always think that the prince is innocent.

According to Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong, the prince is not simple, but is very good at pretending.

 He pretended to be innocent and cowardly, as if this protective color could make other enemies relax their vigilance towards him.

But Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong are both people who have been on the edge of a knife, and they are still very sensitive to the prince's dangerous aura that is simple on the surface but ruthless on the inside.

The two of them have never interacted with the prince, but they will not deliberately go against the prince to avoid making enemies for themselves in the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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