Chapter 433, Jing Shirong is angry

The third princess knew that Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong were not people who liked killing, so they would not pose a threat to the prince for the time being.

 So she can rest assured that these two people are coexisting with the prince in the court.

Once they threaten the prince's life, she will eradicate them all without hesitation.

Qi Yuanming felt that the atmosphere was too much to drink. He quickly drank the last drop of wine and pretended to be drunk. "I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore. I drank too much and I'm very sleepy. Third princess, I'll go back and sleep first."

 After saying that, he stumbled and ran away as soon as he went out.

Jing Shirong also put down his wine bowl, stood up and said goodbye, "I'm going back first too."

As he approached the door, the third princess suddenly stopped him, "Ajing, let's talk."

Jing Shirong didn’t know why, so he turned back to look at her, “What do you want to talk about?”

The third princess raised her head and drank the last drop of wine. She looked at him as if drinking to strengthen her courage, "We haven't seen each other for many years, can't we sit here for a while?"

 Compared with the seriousness just now, the third princess seemed to have shed her dangerous aura and gained a little more femininity.

  Normally, she is aloof and has an indifferent temperament. Her sharp phoenix eyes make people tremble with fear, making them forget her gender and always regard her as a man.

Now that she had shed her cold and dignified temperament, her phoenix eyes softened, she stared directly at Jing Shirong and asked him to come and sit down.

Jing Shirong looked outside and thought it was too late at night, so we would stop talking.

But the third princess was obviously drunk at this time. If she refused, she would go crazy with alcohol, so he came over and sat across from her.

The third princess's cheeks were slightly red, and her phoenix eyes were staring at Jing Shirong, as if she had a thousand words to say.

She was silent for a while, pouring the wine, and asked him drunkenly, "Why didn't you wait for me for two more years?"

“But you think I’m too old and don’t want to wait?

Jing Shirong was stunned for a moment before he realized what the third princess meant.

He opened his mouth to explain that he didn't mean anything to her, but if he really said the words, he was afraid that his rejection would be too straightforward and would offend the third princess, so he could only remain silent and pretend not to understand.

When the third princess saw that he opened his mouth but said nothing, she thought he had something to hide, so she said, "If you are not satisfied with your current marriage, I can help you."

The meaning of "gone" may have hidden murderous intent, which made Jing Shirong clenched his fists.

 He really didn't like the third princess's attitude of being willing to wipe out human lives at every turn, which made him a little angry.

"I remember that the third princess taught me and Qi Yuanming that human life is precious and we should not kill people at will."

"You also said that teaching us to form formations to kill the enemy is to protect our own people, not to kill people."

“How can you say such contemptuous words nowadays?!”

 The third princess back then was not like this.

 When he and Qi Yuanming were soldiers under her, they learned all positive things. So both of them admired the third princess.

Who would have thought that the current third princess would wipe out lives at every turn, which is really chilling.

 The third princess saw him looking at her with disappointment, and she was also a little dumbfounded, "I"

She didn't like Jing Shirong looking at her with such disappointed eyes, and she was slightly annoyed, "I just want to help you."

Jing Shirong also got angry when he saw that she was still quibbling, "I always remember what the third princess said to me, "Human life is precious." I also hope that the third princess will not lose her true nature because of power!"

At that time, the three princesses were brave and good at fighting and protecting their family and country, which greatly impressed him.

  Unexpectedly, the power also made her lose her sight, and she no longer looked like her.

  Even saying things like helping him get rid of his wife made him angry and angry.

Seeing that he was really angry, the third princess murmured and wanted to explain, "I, I thought you were dissatisfied with your marriage, so I wanted to help you. If you think this marriage is good, then so be it."

 That was not what made Jing Shirong angry. "No matter whether I am satisfied with this marriage or not, I can't take people's lives lightly! Isn't this what every soldier should learn when he first enters the military camp?"

 The purpose of joining the military camp is to protect one's family and the country, not to disregard human life!

The third princess was so savagely yelled by him that her drunken mind suddenly became clearer and she felt a little guilty for no reason.


Jing Shirong was disappointed with her. He stood up and gave her one final advice, "No matter what you have experienced over the years, when you tie your hair and enter the military camp, you should remember your mission and never forget your original intention!"

“I hope you will think carefully about your original intention and don’t lose yourself in the process!”

 After saying that, he threw up his sleeves angrily and went out.

The third princess saw him slamming the door and leaving, her cold face showing guilt and embarrassment.

Of course she remembered that the original intention of joining the army was to protect her younger brother.

Also remembers the earnest teachings given to her by her superior general, telling her to remember her good nature, to protect her family and country, to be kind to the people, and never to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

 But as she has become more powerful in recent years, she uses her power to resolve any unsatisfactory things she encounters, and she hardly takes human life seriously.

Her hands are now covered in blood and she has long lost her mind.

If Jing Shirong hadn't woken her up by scolding her just now, she wouldn't have noticed that she had changed.

The third princess closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt that she could no longer go on like this. She wanted to find her true heart and couldn't make any more mistakes.

She looked up at the sky outside the window and thought that she should think about the next step to avoid going astray again.

 Qi Yuanming heard a movement outside, half sleepy and half awake, he opened one eye, saw no one was fighting, tilted his neck, and continued to sleep.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, waited outside for a long time but did not see him come out. She also fell asleep in the carriage.

The night wind was slightly cool. Jing Shirong opened the car curtain and felt relieved when he saw Xiao Zi watching over him.

 He took off his cloak, covered Sister Ying, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and then went out to guard outside the carriage.

 At night, he slept on the top of a tree above the carriage. He would be awakened immediately if anything happened below, so he didn’t have to worry about anything else.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying woke up in a daze and heard the chirping of birds outside.

She opened the corner of the curtain and peeked out, and saw that the maid Jing Shirong had found earlier had made the Princess of Shuilin happy.

This maid was very good at talking, but the previous owner dismissed her because she was too noisy.

Now it is just right for her to serve the princess of Shuilin Kingdom.

 Princess Shuilin's wounds were all healed, but she was mentally weak and in a bad state.

Now that this maid is making her happy, her mentality gradually improves and she is willing to go out to the yard to bask in the sun.

Jing Shirong also got up.

He was lying on the tree. When he saw Sister Ying opening the curtain to peek, he smiled slightly, dropped his toes, and got into the carriage.

Seeing him suddenly come in, Sister Ying tutted, "Oh, you."

“Why did he come and go without a trace? There was no sound at all.”

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "This is called Qinggong."

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you to have breakfast.”

 (End of this chapter)

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