The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 435: , Jing Shirong pretended to be dumbfounded

Chapter 435, Jing Shirong pretends to be dumbfounded

Jing Shirong sighed deeply, feeling very discouraged.

 “It seems that we have to work harder in the second half of the year.” It will continue to rise in the future.

 Otherwise, you will be powerless and unable to protect those closest to you.

Sister Ying held his cheek and asked, "What can I help you with?"

 Since he works so hard, she must also make progress so that we can become husband and wife and make progress together.

Jing Shirong thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, I will start teaching you martial arts when you go back. If you don't have to fight one against a hundred, at least the enemy won't be able to catch up with you when you run for your life."

Sister Ying laughed when she heard this, "Then I will become a master of escaping in the future?"

Jing Shirong couldn't help laughing when he saw her optimistic attitude.

 He rubbed her head with his big hands, making her hair a mess.

“Okay, let’s stop making trouble. You can rest here first. Xiao Zi will come over soon, and you guys will stay in the carriage and blow the whistle for me if you need anything.”

 He took off the unique whistle from his neck and put it around Sister Ying's neck.

Tell her, "This whistle is silent when you blow it. Remember to use a little force when you blow it."

This unique whistle produces a sound that only trained people can hear.

 Otherwise, if an ordinary whistle is so loud, if it is blown in a crisis, the enemy will be the first to find you, let alone asking for help.

  This kind of silent one is more reliable.

Sister Ying nodded, indicating that she understood.

“I’ve remembered everything, so don’t worry and go back quickly,”

They have been out for a while. If they go back later, the third princess should be suspicious.

Jing Shirong hummed, bowed his head and kissed her reluctantly, "Then I'm leaving?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Let's go."

Although I feel reluctant to give up, I still have to go when I have to.

Jing Shirong looked at her for the last time, and then went back easily.

 In this courtyard.

The third princess drank too much liquor last night, so it’s hard to get up late today.

 After Jing Shirong came back, he went to sleep in the tree for a while.

 Except for the absence of Sister Ying and Xiao Zi, everything in the courtyard is as before.

 After the third princess woke up, she rubbed her drunken head and sobered up for a while before getting up.

She still has some memories of what happened last night, and she also remembers what Jing Shirong said.

 She has never revealed her feelings easily, and she has never taken the initiative with other men. Last night, she succeeded.

But Jing Shirong’s attitude towards her was different from what she imagined.

 She thought that Jing Shirong would be at least surprised and happy when he heard her statement.

 But he didn't.

His expression was calm, as if he didn't understand what she meant.

  Isn’t what she said straightforward enough?

The third princess looked out the window and saw Jing Shirong sleeping in the tree. She thought about it and didn't call him after all.

The first time she confessed her love while drinking was a drunken impulse.

  Do it again, especially sober, she wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him again.

 After all, she had always been aloof in front of Jing Shirong, so if she was asked to humble herself and confess her feelings, she couldn't do it.

We can only talk about it later if we find an opportunity.

Jing Shirong was lying on the tree holding his sword. He could feel the gaze of the third princess with his eyes closed.

He looked over suspiciously and saw the third princess looking straight at him by the window. He didn't dare to look more, so he quickly turned around and pretended that it was nothing.

For the first time, he learned that being liked was a troublesome thing.

 I just hope that the third princess will stop liking him and not confess to him, otherwise he will really have a headache.

 Happily, the three princesses didn’t look for him again all morning.

 After a few days, Princess Shuilin's mood returned to her previous state and she gradually became more lively. The third princess then ordered to set off and prepared to return to Beijing.

The third princess led the people to the front, while Jing Shirong and others followed behind. He began to keep a distance from the third princess intentionally or unintentionally. Even if they had to come into contact, he behaved indifferently, giving people a feeling of being neither happy nor sad, and not being able to have a close relationship.

 Because he had this kind of character before, the third princess didn't notice anything.

 But I always felt that he seemed to be indifferent to me.

Especially after she confessed her love to him, he was still so cold and indifferent, which made the third princess a little angry.

On this day, they went to an inn to rest. When the third princess found an opportunity, she came over and asked him, "Jing Shirong, are you avoiding me?"

Jing Shirong's face was calm and he pretended not to understand, "Why did the general say this?"

 The third princess looked at him with an innocent face, as if he was really not hiding from her.

 But she was still angry, feeling that he was deliberately avoiding her.

Jing Shirong replied seriously, "Isn't it like this before the end of the general period?"

 Just refused to admit that he was avoiding her.

 After all, the third princess's personality is uncertain now, and he cannot reveal any flaws.

The third princess recalled Jing Shirong’s previous temperament. He was indeed so cold and indifferent, neither good nor bad to anyone.

 Keren always has a sixth sense. She just feels that he is deliberately keeping a distance from her.

  As for why she kept a distance, she vaguely knew, but didn’t want to admit it.

 Everyone in the world said that Jing Shirong liked her, and she thought so too.

 After all, when he was a boy, he always looked at her with admiration, as if she was his idol.

 A young man looked at her with bright eyes. What if he didn't like her?

 So she also believed that he liked her from the beginning.

Since I like her, why don’t I confess to her?

Maybe he, like other men, also cares about worldly opinions.

 He dislikes her just because she is a few years older than him?

She lowered her head and looked at her hands. They were rough and strong, with hard calluses all over their mouths. It looked like they were hands that had been practicing martial arts for many years.

 Look at the princess of Shuilin Kingdom again. She is a little girl with tender skin, slender hands, fair skin, and lithe water.

 Unlike her, who is exposed to the sun all year round, her skin is the same as that of a man, which is wheat-colored.

Especially because her face is too cold and stern, without any femininity at all, which makes other men stay away.

Could it be that Jing Shirong also likes that kind of pretty girl?

 If this is the case, then she is probably out of luck.

Jing Shirong didn't know what she was thinking. When he saw her, he looked at himself for a while, and then looked at the pretty **** the street. Maybe she got distracted again.

But he won't explain too much to her, lest she think too much.

It's better to be cool and indifferent, and keep a distance to be more harmonious.

 But the third princess didn't like to keep a distance from him. After resting at the inn, she asked Jing Shirong to ride ahead and ride alongside her.

Jing Shirong wanted to refuse. After all, he was not under the control of the Third Duke, so he naturally did not need to obey her orders.

 But now that everyone was here, rejecting her like this would arouse the third princess's sense of challenge, so she simply turned cold and walked with her expressionlessly.

 The two rode forward side by side, but said nothing else along the way.

Qi Yuanming looked back with cold sweat on his head, wondering what was wrong with the third princess? Could it be that he has fallen in love with A Jing?

He observed carefully and saw that the third princess glanced at Jing Shirong from time to time, but Jing Shirong had no expression on her face and pretended not to see her.

 In this situation, it is certain that the third princess has fallen in love with A Jing.

 How is this good?

A Jing likes Sister Xiaoying. The third princess mainly intervenes and is not good to the young couple.

I went downstairs today. In order to avoid being exposed to the sun, I wore a hat and walked against the wall. As a result, I accidentally bumped into the iron rod that was thrown out. The nose hit him in the middle, and there was a "Peng" sound, and his head made a buzzing sound.

At that time, there happened to be a house where the bathroom window was open, and "angelic" singing of howling ghosts and wolves came from inside. The singing is so "touching" that it makes people's heads hurt even more. I endured the pain in my nose, turned around out of curiosity, and saw a young man named Yisha Matt wearing a lace camisole and taking a selfie. At that time, I only felt a pain in my nose, and the nosebleed started flowing down.

It happened that the young boy who killed Matt seemed to feel the gaze of others, turned his head, and met my eyes.

He immediately screamed, "Ah! You gangster! You old pervert! Shameless." After shouting, he blushed and ran over to close the window.

I was holding my sore nose and was about to go to the clinic when I heard him say, "Hey, women nowadays are just not reserved. They get nosebleeds when they see handsome guys. They are so ungrateful." "But I can't blame them, who called me?" It’s so good-looking, hey. “It’s tiring to be handsome.

I am now outside the window...

   Brother, you really think too much...

Hey, not only does my nose hurt, my eyes also hurt. My head hurts too…



 (End of this chapter)

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