The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 436: , not a person who betrays his appearance

Chapter 436: Not a person who betrays his appearance

The more Qi Yuanming thought about it, the more he felt that this was something bad, but he didn’t know how to help his friend.

He wanted to go over and rescue Jing Shirong, but he felt that his acting skills were not very good, and he was afraid of being resented by the third princess, so he could only stare straight ahead, fearing what would happen to Jing Shirong.

 The third princess and Jing Shirong walked side by side, but they were relatively speechless.

Even though she found the right opportunity to talk to him, there was no spark in the conversation.

She didn’t know whether the topic she was looking for was too boring, or whether Jing Shirong was too ignorant?

 Or is it that he doesn't like her at all? So you don't want to talk to her?

 But he clearly liked her before, so how could he not like her?

  Could it be that he wanted to keep a distance from her because he was married?

The third princess did not give up and wanted to inquire, so she asked Jing Shirong, "How is your relationship with your little lady? Is she obedient and sensible?"

Jing Shirong was a little frightened when he heard that she mentioned Sister Ying, but his face was calm and his tone was as calm as possible.

 “She’s okay, sensible and well-behaved, and suitable for being a decent lady.”

These words did not show that he liked Sister Ying.

 At the same time, he didn’t say that he didn’t like Sister Ying.

Anyway, his words were as vague as possible so that the third princess would not be able to capture any information.

When the third princess saw him mentioning his wife, her expression was indifferent, but her eyes showed some respect, so she knew that he still recognized his little wife.

Especially his statement that she is suitable to be a right-headed lady confirms the status of his wife.

 She tasted it carefully and seemed to understand a little bit.

Jing Shirong probably means that she is not suitable to be a wife?

She looked at the team behind her, and then at the sharp sword on her body. Thinking about it, she was indeed not suitable to be a head wife.

With such a strong character like hers, it was hard for her to use her fists as a wife, let alone take care of her husband and raise her children at home. She had to calm down every morning and dusk and listen to her mother-in-law's instructions.

She can't stay at home, and she can't do the things that a daughter-in-law has to do. Thinking about it, she is really not suitable to be a head lady.

Jing Shirong is the eldest son in the family, the legitimate son and grandson, so he should have a woman from an ordinary family as his wife.

 Thinking about it this way, I can accept it.

 Since he needs a wife, let that woman take good care of the Jing family.

 As for her and Jing Shirong, it depends on what Jing Shirong wants.

 If he wants, he can go back to the border with her.

 But judging from his cold personality, I probably don’t agree with him.

If you don't agree, there seems to be no point in robbing.

The third princess thought about it over and over again, but couldn't do anything about him, so she could only sigh and put it aside for the time being.

Jing Shirong saw that she finally stopped staring at him, and secretly breathed out, secretly thinking that the matter was settled.

He has been on tenterhooks every day these past few days, fearing that the third princess would reveal her feelings to him. It would be impossible for him to refuse at that time, and it would be even more impossible not to refuse. He was afraid that if she didn't handle it well, the two would become enemies.

Now that his wings are not full, he is not suitable to be an enemy of the third princess, so he can only adopt roundabout tactics.

 Fortunately, the third princess figured it out on her own and didn't press him again, otherwise he would have been afraid that one of them would have a bad time and the two would fight.

His parents once told him that his life is important. Don’t confront others if nothing happens. Save your life first and figure out a solution later.

 He knows that his family is worried about him, so naturally he will not make fun of his own life.

Especially since he is now someone else’s husband. In addition to saving his life, he also has to protect his body and mind.

 His body and mind belong to his sister Ying, and other women cannot even think about him.

Sister Ying.

 It is good to have this awareness.

Sister Ying has been walking behind them and setting off with the caravan. There are many caravans coming and going on this road, many of which go to Beijing to sell things. So the third princess didn't notice this.

Sister Ying saw the team in front of her from a distance. After a few glances, she couldn't see Jing Shirong, so she knew that he should go to the front.

She is not in a hurry to meet him, as long as she knows that he is fine.

Several times she saw Jing Shirong walking behind, and the third princess followed him on horseback. The two of them rode side by side, as if they were talking to each other.

Sister Ying opened the corner of the car curtain and took a peek.

She has good eyesight, and she can see the expression on Jing Shirong's face when she looks from a distance.

His handsome face was indifferent. Even though the third princess looked at him several times, he just pretended that she couldn't see him and refused to look back at the third princess. Sister Ying couldn't help laughing.

She finally figured it out. The three princesses clearly wanted to pursue Jing Shirong. However, their methods of pursuing Jing Shirong were not in place, and they were unable to win the heart of the handsome man.

Xiao Zi also noticed it, and couldn't help but cry, "Miss, how long has it been, and you're still laughing?"

“My uncle is about to be snatched away, but you are still in the mood to watch the show.”

Sister Ying coughed, took a sip of honey water and said, "Then what can I do? I can't go up and grab it, right?" She is no match for the third princess.

 Besides, "Didn't you see the way your uncle refused to talk?"

The third princess was so close that Jing Shirong almost rolled his eyes. He looked like he thought the third princess was a snake or a scorpion, which made Sister Ying laugh to death.

Xiao Zi saw from a distance that it was indeed the case, and immediately covered her mouth and laughed for a long time.

Not only were the master and servant not sympathetic, they even started cracking melon seeds.

Xiao Zi ate melon seeds and said, "Miss, aren't you afraid that your uncle will be tempted by the third princess?"

 After all, she is a princess, rich in gold, and holds great power.

Sister Ying chewed a melon seed and hummed, "If your uncle is really so greedy for power, why would he marry me?"

If Jing Shirong really wanted to climb up, he could coax the third princess to do so with just a twitch of his fingers.

  But do you think he is the kind of person who sells out his appearance?

Xiao Zi spit out the melon seed shell and nodded, "I think he is."

 Sister Ying? ? ?

 “How can he! You are talking nonsense.”

Her brother Rong is a sexist. Didn't you see that he was so cold to the third princess? Don't look away at that face, it's almost like twisting your neck if you do anything else. How can you betray your appearance?

 Xiao Zi looked at her up and down and said, "I think my uncle is quite flirtatious towards you."

The couple was getting tired of each other every day, and Jing Shirong was always flirting with Sister Ying, which made Xiao Zi's eyes irritate.

 How do you still have the nerve to say that you won’t betray your appearance?

Sister Ying coughed and blushed, "We, we call this a deep love between husband and wife, it's not what you said."

“Besides, Brother Rong is good-looking to begin with. He looks at me affectionately just because he likes me. That’s not called selling looks.”

 Xiao Zi haha.

 Looking at Sister Ying with a look like "It's useless for you to explain", I don't believe her.

Sister Ying coughed and thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Every time Brother Rong looked at her, he looked at her affectionately, and his deep black eyes always looked at her so seductively. She couldn't help but hug his neck every time, and began to uncontrollably covet his male sex.

 Ahem, this, it seems, is indeed a betrayal of lust?

 Xiao Zi said "What else?"

Sister Ying then shyly crossed her little fingers and said, "Well, then we are husband and wife. It's normal for us to betray our sex."

 (End of this chapter)

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