Chapter 439, sincere words

When the emperor saw that she dared to talk to him so boldly, he immediately became angry, slapped the table and said, "Asshole! I am your father!"

Whose daughter dares to talk to her father like this? It's simply treasonous.

 “I think you’re just wilding outside, and all the rules are in the dog’s belly!”

"If your mother were still alive, she would never let you be so ignorant! It's so presumptuous."

Seeing that he was still angry, the third princess sneered, "If your father doesn't like me so much, it's better not to ask me to come back, lest you make yourself angry to death and blame me in the end."

Originally, she wanted to have a good chat with him.

Now it seems that there is nothing to say between them.

The emperor obviously understood this. After he was angry, he took a deep breath and calmed down.

Try to talk to her properly, "I am your father after all, and I will not harm you. It is for your own good that you get married."

 “Do you think any woman in the whole capital is unmarried?”

“Even if it’s not for me, you still don’t want to make your mother feel uneasy even on the ground, right?”

“Before your mother got sick, Feng Guan Xia Pei was prepared for you. Is it possible that you want to disobey her wish?”

These words directly poked at the third princess's weakness. She was left speechless for a moment, "I"

  She knew how much her mother loved her, otherwise she would not have gone to the battlefield and fought tooth and nail to clear a way for the prince just because of her mother's last words.

  When she was ten years old, her mother began to select the best phoenix crowns and harems in the world for her, just so that she could be the most gorgeous princess in the capital when she got married in the future.

The set of phoenix crowns and harems is still kept in the harem and has never been taken out.

 The third princess remembered that her mother asked her to take care of her younger brother before she died, and also asked her to find a good family to marry.

 It’s just that she only remembered the first sentence, but forgot the last sentence.

If the emperor hadn't mentioned it now, she would have probably forgotten it.

Seeing that she was deep in thought, the emperor lowered his tone and said, "Your mother also told me before she died that you should treat your siblings well."

“It’s not that I don’t know what you’ve done over the years.”

"The prince is fine in the palace. I have sent people to keep an eye on him, so you don't need to worry at all. You just worry too much and think that everyone will harm him."

The emperor is so smart. The third princess sent people to act as spies in the capital, so he sent people to monitor those spies.

As long as the third princess didn't go too far, the emperor would turn a blind eye.

Although father and daughter often quarreled, they were still biological children. The emperor never wanted this unfilial daughter to die. He just wanted her to get married, have children, and be a normal woman.

However, this unfilial daughter just didn’t listen.

The third princess heard the emperor's true words for the first time, and she was dubious. She still felt that the emperor had ulterior motives.

 The emperor saw her looking at him suspiciously and became angry.

“Isn’t my intention very clear? The first is to get you married, and the second is to get the tiger talisman.”

 “If you don’t want to give me the tiger talisman, then get married.”

“As long as you are willing to marry, I will not steal the Tiger Talisman from you. I will do what I say!”

The third princess didn’t quite believe it, “Really? You won’t steal the Tiger Talisman from me?”

 Why doesn’t she believe it?

The emperor snorted angrily, "Do you think this is all I can do? How much trouble does it take to get a tiger talisman?"

He is the current Holy Emperor. Even if the military orders are like mountains, he can still get the Tiger Talisman back with one order.

Although the process may not be harmonious, and there is a half chance that the soldiers under the third princess will rebel, but if he is tough and wants to rob it, he can still get half of it back. But of course he would not say this to the third princess.

He now wants to play the family card so that this unfilial daughter can quickly return to the fields, get married and have children.

 Lest you wear this armor to fight against him every day, and sooner or later he will be **** off to death.

He continued to persuade, "My father asked you to get married for your own good. The prince will eventually grow up, and there will be a princess who will grow old with him in the future."

"When the time comes, you will be alone, without a daughter, Cheng Huan, and your mother will be very distressed if she knows about it."

Parents all over the world are the same. They want their children to get married and have children, but they are afraid that no one will take care of them when they are old.

No matter how scheming the emperor is, he still hopes that the three princesses can get married and have children, so that they don't revolve around the prince all their lives.

 The third princess was also a little moved when she saw his sincere words.


 The emperor sighed, patted her on the shoulder, and spoke sincerely. "The prince will also get married next year. The prince is gentle, virtuous, and very capable. With the prince here, the prince will also be taken care of."

“When the time comes, your brother will have a family and someone will care about you, but you will be alone, how can I rest assured?”

 The third princess saw a few strands of white hair on his temples, and her cold heart was slightly touched.


The emperor said to her like an old father, "The person I want to meet you this time is a very honest and loyal child. He is about the same age as you, but he is very handsome."

 “This child was in poor health in the early years, and the fortune teller said he would not survive until twenty.”

“Fortunately, he later met an expert and wandered with him for several years, and he miraculously recovered. Now he is not too strong, but he is much better than before.”

"And you also know this family. He is the son of your mother's best friend. I guess you still have some impressions."

 The third princess recalled, "You mean the Zhong family?"

 She remembered that her mother’s close friend’s surname was Zhong.

Mrs. Zhong has five sons in total. Among them, the eldest son is about the same age as her, but because of poor health, he has always been reluctant to go out.

The third princess saw the young master several times and he was always sick. She didn't like him very much.

  Unexpectedly, that person is still alive and appointed to marry her?

 She asked the emperor, "Why is he willing to marry me?"

Everyone in the capital knows that she is not easy to mess with, and no man dares to marry her.

 Could it be that Young Master Zhong has been away from Beijing for too long and doesn’t know what kind of person she is?

 The emperor coughed and said with a guilty conscience, "He has indeed been away from Beijing for many years and only came back this year."

"I see that your mother liked that boy very much during her lifetime. It is said that she and Mrs. Zhong even agreed to a baby marriage verbally. When you were five years old, I don't know if you still remember him."

 The third princess recalled carefully, it seems that such a thing happened.

Seeing that she still remembered it, the emperor said seductively, "Since this is your mother's last wish, and the young man from the Zhong family is also willing, I think you should consider this marriage."

He didn't dare to ask the unfilial daughter to nod directly, so he had to be tactful to avoid further quarrels and give him a headache.

 The third princess felt that the amount of information today was a bit large, so she said, "Let me meet with him before we talk."

She is not stupid. She knows that the emperor still wants to be a father, so naturally she will not lose her temper with him so quickly.

Furthermore, the Zhong family is indeed on good terms with her mother and her mother. She wants to hear Young Master Zhong’s opinion before considering it.

Seeing that she was willing to consider it, the emperor immediately said happily, "Okay, okay, let me send someone to the Zhong family to inform you, and I will let you meet later."

  Thank you for your votes, baby~



 (End of this chapter)

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