The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 440: , introduce to the third princess

 Chapter 440, introducing the third princess

  The third princess waved her hands and said with a straight face, "No, I'll go see him myself. It's not that troublesome."

 After saying that, he turned around and left the palace to go to Zhong's house.

 The emperor saw that she was finally willing to take the first step, and his heart was only halfway down.

He glanced outside the palace and said to his personal eunuch, "I hope it can happen this time."

If this unfilial daughter could be obedient and return to the fields, get married and have children, he could live ten more years.

 Otherwise, with this unfilial daughter's bad temper and opposing him every day, father and daughter would have to fight each other sooner or later.

After all, he still cared about the feeling of father and daughter. He didn't want to go to the point of drawing a sword against her, so he could only marry this unfilial daughter quickly.

As long as she gets married and has children, her ambitions can be lowered.

 Otherwise, he would have made her watch every move in the court every day. He would have wanted to take action before she took action.

In particular, the prince's methods have improved a lot in the past two years. If the two siblings team up to deal with him, the emperor is afraid that he will turn against the two siblings, which will not look good.

Now I just hope that the boy from the Zhong family can find some means to take down this unfilial daughter, otherwise all his efforts will be in vain.

The personal **** comforted him, "I think the eldest young master of the Zhong family has a very good character. You also saved Mrs. Zhong's life. I think he will handle this matter well."

Originally, the emperor searched all over the capital in order to find a suitable marriage partner for the third princess.

 Those men I asked at the beginning, when they heard about the man who wanted to be the third princess, their legs went weak, let alone thanking the Lord for his kindness.

 The emperor saw that they were young but so ignorant, which made him look unlucky.

How can a proud and unfilial daughter like a man that he doesn't even like?

 He knew that the third princess liked Jing Shirong, but it was impossible for Jing Shirong to marry the third princess.

 Both of them are smart and capable of action.

If they really get married, when the couple joins forces, he will cause trouble for himself.

 So Jing Shirong definitely couldn't do it, so he had to find someone else.

 But he looked around and found no suitable one.

He would not have thought of going to the Zhong family if the Empress Dowager hadn't mentioned that Mrs. Zhong had a good relationship with the late Queen.

Especially since the sons of the Zhong family are all educated and married, the youngest one is too young, so none of them is a good match for the third princess.

 After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered that the Zhong family has an eldest son.

However, the emperor has only seen the eldest son of the Zhong family a few times. The only time he came to the palace was when Mrs. Zhong fell ill and needed emergency treatment from the imperial doctor.

That time the emperor waved the imperial physician to rescue the patient, and Mrs. Zhong came to life.

 In this way, Master Zhong owes him a favor.

 The emperor took advantage of this favor and arranged for Mr. Zhong to marry the third princess.

He felt that the eldest son of the Zhong family was about the same age as the third princess, was not in the capital, and had no power, so marrying the third princess would not pose a threat to him.

 In addition, the boy looks tall and thin, and does not seem to be particularly strong. I don’t think the third princess will hit him.

Looking at it this way, the two of them are really well matched.

 “I just hope I can succeed this time.”

 Otherwise, after so many years, this unfilial daughter will really not be able to get married if she doesn't get married.

 The old **** comforted him, "Yes, I will definitely make it this time."

 Outside the palace.

 The third princess rode to Zhong's house and climbed over the wall directly.

 She had been to the Zhong family with the late queen when she was a child, and she still had some impressions of the Zhong family.

After she climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard, she looked around and found that the furnishings here had not changed at all. They were still the same as when she was a child.

When she was a child, her mother would secretly visit her privately incognito from time to time, just to come to Zhong's house to chat and drink tea with Mrs. Zhong.

The atmosphere in the harem was not good. The first empress did not want to ask Mrs. Zhong to enter the palace, so as not to harm her. She only wanted to go out incognito and sit with Mrs. Zhong outside for a private visit. When the third princess was a child, she was the first queen's follower. The first queen would take her with her wherever she went. The mother and daughter had a deep relationship.

 Mrs. Zhong also liked the third princess very much. She often cooked and made snacks for her when she was a child.

 The third princess has a pretty good impression of the Zhong family.

 Firstly, it’s because her mother and queen treat her well, and secondly, Mrs. Zhong’s family is very good to her.

 She was only loved by her mother in the harem, and when she came out, she had a Zhong family who loved her, so she was naturally very impressed.

At this moment, she climbed over the wall and walked in the courtyard of the Zhong family, feeling particularly friendly.

 As for Mr. Zhong, she had no impression of him.

 After all, we haven’t seen each other for eight or nine years, and we don’t know what the other person looks like.

 She came to the backyard and saw that the layout of the backyard was very elegant, like a courtyard where elegant people live.

Especially the paintings placed in the courtyard, with flowers, plants, birds and eagles, the paintings are lifelike.

The third princess didn't know whether Master Zhong lived in this courtyard, so she picked up a stone and flicked it towards the window.


 The people in the house heard the noise. Open the door and come out to see.

As soon as he came out of the courtyard, he saw a woman wearing men's clothes standing in the courtyard.

 “Third Princess?”

The third princess looked back at him and saw that he was tall and thin. Compared with the strong men in the military camp, this man's physique was simply frail.

She doesn't even need to use force, she can make the opponent fall to the ground with just a flick of her finger.

How would her father have the nerve to introduce such a sick man to her? Aren't you afraid that this man will live a short life?

Young Master Zhong saw the third princess looking at him with disdain. He knew that she looked down on him, so he was not angry and accepted it calmly.

 “Are you here to talk about the marriage?”

He looks tall and thin, but has a calm temperament, which is rare for other men.

 The third princess felt that his calm temperament was quite similar to Jing Shirong's, so she reluctantly nodded to him.

“Did my father force you to get married?”

Master Zhong sat on a stone chair, made tea for her in an elegant manner, and replied calmly, "No. This marriage is of my own free will."

 The third princess was puzzled, "Voluntary? Why?"

 In order to choose her consort, the emperor found almost all the men of suitable age in the capital.

 But no one dared to accept this marriage.

 First of all, her eyes were too cold and stern, so those men naturally did not dare to do so for fear of being hacked to death by her.

Secondly, the ladies didn’t want to serve an ancestor, so naturally they weren’t too happy with the marriage, so nothing happened afterwards.

Unexpectedly, the sick man would marry her voluntarily, which puzzled the third princess.

 “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

Young Master Zhong looked up at her and said with an elegant smile, "Why should I be afraid of you? You are not a savage beast, what do you have to be afraid of?"

The third princess once said this to Jing Shirong, but Jing Shirong said nothing.

 He was not afraid of her, but he was not enthusiastic or proactive, as if he was rejecting her with this indifferent attitude.

 The third princess was also a little angry.

After all, she put down her arrogant attitude to ask for favors, and Jing Shirong didn't respond. She was inevitably embarrassed, so she came over with a little anger, secretly wanting Jing Shirong to see that she was not without marketability.

If he doesn't confess to her again, he will have no chance.

 (End of this chapter)

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