Chapter 441, Return to the Jing family

It's a pity that Jing Shirong didn't know anything about the situation here and had already gone to the city gate to pick up Sister Ying.

Sister Ying followed the caravan behind them, some distance away, and only now arrived in the capital.

Jing Shirong went to pick her up quickly, got into the carriage, let the secret guard drive, and drove the carriage directly to Jing's house.

Jing heard some noise in the courtyard and knew they were back, so she happily came out to pick them up.

 “A Jing? Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying opened the car curtain with a smile and called out affectionately, "Mother~~"

Jingshi happily came over to pick them up, "You're back, you all miss me so much."

Sister Ying smiled and jumped out of the carriage to hug her. Mrs. Jing also hugged her happily, squeezing her little face curiously.

 “Let me see if you have lost weight.”

She glanced at Sister Ying up and down, stretched out her hand to squeeze her arm, and said distressedly, "I've lost weight."

 “When you went out, your arms were still soft, but now they are all bones.”

Sister Ying stuck out her tongue playfully, "It's okay, I'm not very thin. I'll make it up with supplements in the next few days. Don't worry."

Jing could not help but feel distressed.

"If your mother sees you so thin, she will be heartbroken. I won't have the face to see her at that time."

Sister Ying held Jing's arm and comforted her, "She's really not that thin. It's just that the food she ate on the road didn't have much nutrition. The fat has gone away, so she looks slimmer."

"Brother Rong and I will be able to restore the flesh with a little more supplementation at home, so you can relax."

Jing Shi sighed, "That's all we can do. Then I'll start replenishing your health starting tomorrow."

She looked down at Sister Ying's belly, thought for a moment, and asked secretly in her ear, "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Sister Ying blushed and shook her head, "Not yet."

They are going on a dangerous trip. If they dare to get pregnant on the way, they are asking for trouble.

After hearing this, Mr. Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

 If she gets pregnant midway, Sister Ying’s baby will not get good nutrition, which is not good for the fetus.

 She breathed a sigh of relief that she was not pregnant with Jingshi.

 She was also helpless towards the young couple and took them into the house. While telling them, "You two, do you really want to be so tired of being together? Can't you separate and get together again?"

What she meant was that Sister Ying should stay at home and not run outside with Jing Shirong, otherwise she would be worried.

Jing Shirong used to think so too. But not now.

Through this trip with Sister Ying, he felt that he was indeed very happy to have his lovely wife accompanying him on the journey.

Although the process may be a little harder, both of them enjoy it.

Moreover, the husband and wife have experienced hardships together, and their relationship is deeper than before. They also know that they care about each other. Jing Shirong thinks this is good, so he no longer decides whether to keep Sister Ying at home, but depends on her wishes.

Sister Ying also wants to move forward with him. No matter whether it is bitter or difficult, the experience together will be sweet.

Jing looked at the two of them with their eyes entangled, and after a while they began to fight with each other again, and sighed, "That's all, you two are still young anyway, so go ahead and do it if you are willing to do it."

“But I’ve agreed in advance that if I have a child, I can’t travel such a long distance, otherwise I won’t worry about it.”

Jing Shirong hummed, "I understand."

  Anyway, he hasn’t thought about having a child so early, and will wait until his official career is more stable.

Seeing his unhurried look, Mrs. Jing said "Oh", shook her head, and stopped trying to persuade him.

 Children these days have very big ideas, and she has no choice but to let nature take its course. Jing ordered the kitchen to prepare something delicious in the evening, and asked Jing Shirong and Sister Ying to go back and wash up first.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong went back to the house, took a hot bath, slept for a while, and then got up to eat in the evening.

 The family sat down to eat together in the evening, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Jing saw that the family was neatly arranged, and while picking up food for them, she said, "You guys came back just in time. The day after tomorrow is Jing Yu's wedding day, and you are all at home. Now we can have fun together."

Jing Shirong was holding the meal and was happy for his brother, "Do you need any help from us?"

Jingshi waved her hand, "No, I have arranged everything. Then you and Sister Ying can help receive the guests."

Sister Ying nodded and said obediently, "Okay, I understand."

Jing thinks that she is so well-behaved. When Wang Fangning comes to the house in the future, she will have two daughters-in-law, which makes her happy.

Jingyu also blushed, a rare shyness.

Jing Shirong saw his blushing face, smiled knowingly, and asked him, "What kind of wedding gift have you prepared for your sister-in-law?"

As soon as they went out, Xiang Yu said that he would prepare a wedding gift for Wang Fangning. I don’t know what gift he has prepared.

Jingyu coughed and said, "I asked her, and Fang Ning said she wanted to go out for fun, so I didn't buy a gift. I planned to take a leave from Your Majesty and take her out for fun."

After hearing this, Mr. Jing clicked his tongue and glanced at the two brothers.

He complained, "You two, why do you want to take your wife out?"

When a daughter-in-law is married into a family, she keeps her at home like a treasure and is not allowed to leave through the front door.

Like their brothers, they wanted to take their daughter-in-law out whenever they had the opportunity, as if they were afraid of getting bored at home, which made her speechless.

"Can't you just calm down for a while? Let Fang Ning and Sister Ying take good care of their health at home, so as not to lose their physical strength when they are pregnant with a child in the future."

 Otherwise, if you eat and sleep outside every day, your body will not get much nutrition.

Jing Shirong said silently, "I understand."

This is the first time he has taken Sister Ying on a long trip, and he has little experience.

 Next time he will know that he should let her eat something good on the way so as not to lose weight along the way.

As for giving birth to a child, she must be allowed to give birth under good conditions. These all require experience to be accumulated bit by bit.

Jingyu had never thought about this. He had never taken a girl out to play, so he didn't know what to pay attention to, especially since it was his first time getting married. When Jing suddenly mentioned the child to him, he was immediately shy. He buried his head in eating, not daring to look at the crowd.

 After eating, everyone went to rest.

Jing asked Sister Ying and the others to have a good rest and not to get up early tomorrow.

Sister Ying hummed and went back to the room with Jing Shirong to sleep.

 They slept until noon the next day before waking up.

 When I woke up, the yard was filled with the aroma of fried meat.

Jing Shirong and her stayed in bed without thinking. Xiao Zi knew that they didn't want to get up, so she took the initiative to bring fried meat over.

Sister Ying had eaten the dry food all the way, and now she could take a bite of the hot, crispy fried meat. She couldn't hold back her saliva anymore, so she got up and brushed her teeth and started eating the fried meat.

Jing Shirong saw how delicious her food was, so she followed her to eat.

The two of them ate a plate of fried pork, a plate of roasted pork skin, and a bowl of noodles. Then they sat down with their round bellies and drank some hawthorn juice.

Sister Ying rubbed her stuffed belly and asked Jing Shirong, "How is the third princess doing?"

 She was behind them all the way and didn't know what happened after they entered the palace.

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 (End of this chapter)

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