Chapter 443, Can I have a baby?

 Master Zhong looked at her distrustful eyes and knew that she doubted him.

 But he still explained in a good-tempered way, "Your Majesty did have a conversation with me. But the conversation was all about things when you were a child."

"Your Majesty said that you were not a crybaby when you were a child. Even if you fell and it hurt, you were fine. You just patted your clothes and stood up. You didn't take your fall seriously at all."

If other princesses had fallen down, they would have cried and asked for comfort from their mother and concubine.

It just so happened that when the third princess was a child, she was just like a boy, carefree and informal in doing things.

 The emperor was sighing at that moment. The third princess was mainly a boy, and he would definitely train her carefully.

 She was born as a girl, so even though she was smart and capable, she could not be a prince, so the emperor secretly felt sorry for her.

The third princess did not expect that her father would think that way, and her expression was a little dazed.

 She always thought that the emperor did not recognize her ability because he did not like the queen mother, and he also disliked her.

 Unexpectedly, he actually recognized her ability?

This point somewhat touched the third princess.

  She knows that people nowadays cannot stand the idea of ​​a woman being an official. No matter how well she does, the world will not recognize her ability.

  Didn’t expect that her father, who always quarreled with her, would recognize her ability? This made her angry mood gradually relax.

Young Master Zhong saw that she was no longer angry and felt that she was still the same temperamental person as when she was a child.

Although she is not delicate in mind and cold-hearted, she is a daughter's family after all, and she still longs for care and recognition.

He poured a cup of hot tea for the third princess and chatted with her, "I remember when I was a child, my mother and the late queen arranged a baby wedding for us when we were very young."

 “Princess, do you still remember this?”

Of course the third princess remembered it, but she didn’t know why he was saying this now.

She looked at him coldly with phoenix eyes, "So what?"

She would like to hear what tricks he can come up with.

Young Master Zhong saw her being so defensive and sighed, "I don't know martial arts. I will definitely not be the princess's opponent after marriage."

"And we, the Zhong family, have never been on anyone's side. No matter whether the prince or another prince ascends the throne in the future, the Zhong family has always remained neutral and will not harm the prince."

"Besides..." He coughed, feeling a little embarrassed, "My body is not as weak as the princess thought, so I can still give birth to a child."

 He did get seriously ill when he was a child, but he recovered later.

 As long as it takes some time, it will recover.

 But it’s true that he doesn’t gain weight because he is tall and thin, and he does look like a sickly man.

 The third princess still didn’t believe him.

However, she was also carefully considering the pros and cons of getting married to this sick man, and felt that getting married to this man was not a bad thing.

 Zhong Ai is a civil servant with no power and no threat to her.

Secondly, the queen mother really hopes that she can get married and have children. If she is willing to get married, she can feel at ease knowing that the queen mother knows her under the spring.

Thirdly, this sick man looks thin and weak. He will definitely not dare to cause trouble for her after marriage, and it will be easier for her to manage him.

As for whether he was sent by his father to monitor her, she didn't care.

Anyway, instead of sending this sick man to monitor, other men will also be sent to monitor.

  It is better to have a sick person than a strong one.

 When he dies, she will be a widow.

 When the time comes when her father wants her to marry again, she will have a reason to shirk.

Thinking about it this way, getting married is not without its benefits.

As long as she gets married once, whether this person dies or not, she will not be forced to marry again by the emperor. It is really a blessing among misfortunes.

 The only drawback is, "Your poor health will not affect the child?"

It is said that children born from sick parents are also sick children. The third princess still likes healthy men. If the children are born sick, she does not like them either. Young Master Zhong coughed and explained with red ears, "Don't worry, I was only sick when I was a child, and I was cured when I grew up."

 Furthermore, no one in the Zhong family has suffered from any hereditary diseases, so it will not affect the children.

 The third princess is still not reassured.

  If the child born in the future is like this sick child, she will have a headache.

Rather than doing this, it is better to find a young and strong student. The child will be healthy in the future and he can inherit her mantle.

 Zhong Dashao.

There is a risk of cuckolding before marriage. I can’t afford to get hurt.

But he didn’t dare to have any opinions.

 The third princess's personality is very strong at first glance. He is afraid that saying too much will cause counter-effects, so it is better not to mention it.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were taking a peek at the hotel upstairs with a peepshow. The more they looked at it, the more interesting they became.

Sister Ying asked, "Brother Rong, do you think this can be done?"

 The third princess has been sitting with the eldest young master of the Zhong family for a long time.

 Generally, anyone who can make a strong woman stay for such a long time must have some skills.

Jing Shirong agreed with this point, “It is indeed true.”

 The third princess is a proud person herself, so it is indeed a bit of a feat to be able to sit still for so long.

If she successfully gets married in the future, he can breathe a sigh of relief, lest she always think about catching him and take him to the border.

Sister Ying couldn't help laughing, "Why did she arrest you at the border? She left you there to watch the stars."

Jing Shirong coughed and said, "Maybe he wants to take me to the border to give birth to a child."

Sister Ying was stunned.

He immediately reacted, "What did you say? Give birth to a baby!"

I go.

These three men are too fierce.

Jing Shirong nodded with an innocent look on his face, "That's why I'm afraid too."

Sister Ying saw his cowardly look and couldn't help but smile.

  “That’s enough for you.”

 Small appearance, cold and indifferent in front of outsiders, looking like a Buddhist who is neither happy nor sad.

Now that there is no one outside, he can pretend to be good at it.

Jing Shirong also smiled when he heard this, "I will only show you this way. The child will only be born with you."

These flirting words made Sister Ying angry and funny. She hit him with her little hand and said, "Who wants to have **** with you?"

Jing Shirong hugged her and said in a rogue manner, "You, you are born to me. We will be parents together."

Sister Ying snorted and said, "It depends on my mood. If you don't behave during this period, just go with the air."

Jing Shirong immediately promised, "That's not possible. How could I make you angry?"

As he was talking, he saw that the third princess was talking to Young Master Zhong.

 Because of the distance, they spoke quietly in the courtyard, and Jing Shirong couldn't hear them no matter how good his ears were.

Sister Ying put her eyes under the peepshow and saw the young master of the Zhong family handing the third princess a box.

 He opened the box, took out a safety lock inside, and handed it to the third princess.

"Your mother gave this to me when she was a child. She said the third princess also had one."

The third princess touched the gold chain around her neck and remembered that she had indeed been wearing the gold chain given by her mother.

 Unexpectedly, the queen mother also gave the sick man a golden lock, which shows how much the queen mother liked him.

 (End of this chapter)

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