The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 444: , to bring together the third princess and Master Zhong

Chapter 444: Bringing together the third princess and Master Zhong

 Because of the first empress, the third princess's originally hesitant thoughts became more stable.

She looked at the man in front of her carefully, her phoenix eyes sharply scanning his features, and found that he was not ugly at all, but his face was a little pale.

And he is not short, with beautiful bones, but he is a bit thin and looks light, as if he will be blown away by a gust of wind.

 But these are external problems and have little impact on her.

Originally, she disliked him as a sick man who would make her a widow.

 Thinking about it now, as long as she has children in the future, whether he dies or not has nothing to do with her.

Didn't her father say that he wanted her to get married and have children because he was afraid that she would die alone when she got old?

As long as she gets married and has a few children, won’t she be able to die alone in the future?

Thinking about it this way, as long as the sick Yangzi can give birth to a child, the rest doesn't matter to her.

 Young Master Zhong

 If he cannot give birth to a child in the future, will he be taken out and buried?

The third princess did not mince words with him and said straightforwardly, "It's okay for me to marry you. In the days after marriage, you must listen to me in everything."

"If you don't listen, I won't mind if you die early."

These words are a bit unpleasant to hear. If it were any other man, he would probably get angry.

It happened that Young Master Zhong had a good temper and an open mind. He didn't pay attention to her vicious words at all, and only regarded her as a rebellious child.

He said with a tolerant face, "The princess is joking. If we get married in the future, I will take good care of my health. I will take good care of the princess for the rest of my life so that she will no longer be alone."

The third princess didn’t understand the love words and snorted, “You don’t know what you can do.”

 She felt that the sick man was just faking it.

Even though he is very ill, he still acts like a man. Do you really think he can live a long life?

Seeing her disbelief, Master Zhong found her even more interesting.

“Since the princess agrees to this marriage, will you go to the palace tomorrow to ask for the royal decree from your majesty?”

 The third princess hesitated, still a little unable to make up her mind before the final move.

 Master Zhong didn’t force it, he only waited for her to be willing before taking action.

It's a pity that the third princess sat for a while and still couldn't make up her mind.

 The two of them sat in silence, speechless to each other. The emperor in the palace was anxious to death after waiting.

"Didn't you say that all the imperial doctors are back? Then why isn't the unfilial daughter coming back?"

She has gone to Zhong's house twice, but she has not brought back any news. Who knows whether she agrees with the marriage or not?

The emperor was very worried, but he couldn't send anyone to ask.

If I ask, I am afraid that I will offend the unfilial daughter. If she changes her mind, the matter will be ruined again.

 But even if he didn’t ask, he didn’t know for sure.

After a while, the **** came to report that the third princess was here.

 The emperor hurriedly said, "Hurry up and announce it."

After the third princess entered the royal study, she looked at the emperor with phoenix eyes for a while and then said, "Father, you said that as long as I get married, you won't ask me for the Tiger Talisman?"

The emperor coughed, not expecting that she would ask this.

But at this critical moment, he didn't dare to go back on his words, so he could only nod his head in agreement, "Yes. As long as you marry and have children, I won't steal the Tiger Talisman from you."

“Of course, the prerequisite is that you cannot lead troops to rebel, otherwise I will not be able to forgive you even if I go to the ground.”

 He knew that this unfilial daughter didn't like to beat around the bush, so he just said it directly.

“I know you want to make a way for the prince.”

"But the prince will ultimately have to move forward on his own. You can help him for a while, but you can't help him forever. That will only stop him from moving forward. If he wants to inherit the throne in the future, he will have to learn many things by himself, instead of asking you to do everything for him. help him."

 This was not the first time that the third princess heard such remarks about letting go, and she gradually came to understand it. She nodded. As long as the emperor didn't steal the Tiger Talisman from her, she could still consider the marriage.

As for whether to let the prince go on his own, that will be discussed later.

Seeing that she had a vague intention of agreeing, the emperor kept asking, "Are you dissatisfied with the Zhong family boy? If not, I will find another one for you?"

 He no longer recommended the boy from the Zhong family, for fear of counter-effects, he deliberately recommended others, "What do you think of the boy from the Chen family? He is five years younger than you and is very strong."

“That kid is also very informal. Otherwise, why don’t I call him and let you see him later?”

The third princess was confused, "Which Chen family? The one with the fat head and big ears?"

The Chen family has a low official position and is a martial artist, but all the family members are very fat, so everyone calls them Fat Pig Chen.

Seeing that she actually knew the Chen family's body shape, the emperor coughed and defended the Chen family, "They eat to make them stronger. Don't you like to be sick? Then the Chen family's boys are very strong, and the children they will have in the future will also be strong." robust."

 He has heard everything about yesterday.

This unfilial daughter actually suspected that she could not have children in front of others.

 He was ashamed to death just thinking about it.

 Luckily the boy from the Zhong family has a good temper, otherwise any man would definitely be angry if he was questioned about his infertility.

When the third princess heard this, she didn’t feel that she had done anything wrong.

Seeing her bad behavior, the emperor sighed and said, "Do you want to see the Chen family boy? If you want to see it, I will call him into the palace and show it to you?"

The third princess waved her hand, "No, I'll go and see it myself."

 After saying that, she turned around and left like a straight woman.

The emperor had no choice but to tell her, "Go and keep an eye on her. If anything happens, report her immediately."


 After the third princess left the palace, she went to the Chen family.

This time I still climbed over the wall and entered.

We have one day off every five days today, and the Chen family’s son is also resting at home.

The third princess climbed over the wall and entered, and saw the young master of the Chen family lying on the toffee chair in the pavilion. There were four or five maids around him, waiting for him to eat grapes and drink fine wine. The picture was luxurious and decadent, and he was intoxicated with wealth.

The third princess gave a cold snort and secretly thought that this kind of thing is worthy of her?

No matter how bad the young man of the Zhong family is, he is never this corrupt.

Just to take a shower, there were five maids waiting on her, and she had to feed the grapes into the pig's mouth, which looked despicable.

The third princess felt disgusted, so she threw up her sleeves and left.

 When she came out of Chen's house, she met the eldest son of the Zhong family who was going to the drugstore.

 The two met face to face and looked at each other.

Mr. Zhong greeted her with a smile, "Where are you going?"

The third princess glanced at him up and down, and instantly felt that his thin appearance was not that ugly.

Compared with the extravagance of the pig in the Chen family, this sick man has a much better temperament. At least he is clean and elegant.

 But she has not yet made up her mind to marry her.

The third princess thought for a while and decided to go find Jing Shirong.

If he still likes her and is willing to be with her, she will be willing to be with him no matter how difficult the future is.

 If he doesn’t like her anymore, then she

 Actually, she didn’t know what to do. After all, she had never confessed her love to anyone, and she didn’t know what the final outcome would be, but she still wanted to try.

Young Master Zhong saw the determined look on her face and wondered what she was going to do, so he hurriedly asked, "Where do you want to go? Can I go with you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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