Chapter 445, Couple’s Bet

The third princess turned her head and glanced at him, secretly thinking that she could take him with her.

 The presence of this sick young man might arouse Jing Shirong's jealousy.

If Jing Shirong saw that she was marrying another man, he might confess his feelings to him.

 So she nodded and said to Young Master Zhong, "Then let's go together."

Zhong Da saw that she was willing to take him there, so he smiled gently and said, "Okay."

 The two of them went forward together to find the Jing family.

Young Master Zhong saw that the road she was taking seemed to be going to Jing's house, so he asked out of curiosity, "Are you going to Jing's house?"

The third princess hummed proudly, "Go find him and ask him."

Young Master Zhong looked at her solemn expression and couldn't help but think, "Are you looking for the Young Master of the Jing family?"

 The third princess looked back at him with an unclear look, "How do you know?"

 She only said she was going to Jing's house, but she didn't say she wanted to find Jing Shirong.

And hasn’t this sick man been away from Beijing for many years? How come you still know about the Jing family?

Young Master Zhong saw her looking at him suspiciously and smiled bitterly, "I heard what others said. Legend has it that the third princess seems to have some relationship with the eldest young master of the Jing family."

“But it seems that the eldest young master of the Jing family is already married?”

The third princess didn't like to hear this. She frowned and said, not happy, "So what?"

 There are marriages and divorces, so what happens to marriages?

She just wanted to ask Jing Shirong if he wanted to be with her. Why did this sick man talk so much?

Mr. Zhong was stared at by her cold eyes. He knew that he had offended her. He shrugged, cupped his fists and admitted his mistake, "I made a mistake. You can do whatever you want. I won't say any more."

 The third princess snorted coldly, "That's about the same."

 She doesn’t want a man who talks too much.

This sick young man can barely understand the current affairs.

Mr. Zhong knew that she had a bad temper, so he did not dare to offend her and followed her silently.

They came to Jing's house together, but were told that Jing Shirong was out.

The third princess was suspicious, "Where has he gone?"

 The concierge shook his head to express his ignorance, "I don't know about this young one."

The third princess' face turned cold and she was in an extremely bad mood. Why did Jing Shirong run out as soon as he came back?

Could it be that he went out with his little wife?

She asked the porter, "He went out with your young lady?"

  Seeing that her face was as cold as a knife, the concierge did not dare to answer. He hesitated and said he didn't know, "This little one really doesn't know."

Unable to ask the truth from the concierge, the third princess was in a bad mood and walked back angrily.

Jing Shirong was on the sixth floor of Yipinzhai and saw them walking towards Jing's house from a distance.

He didn't know why, so he asked Sister Ying, "They went to Jing's house. Could it be that they are looking for me?"

Sister Ying also looked over and was surprised to see the third princess and Young Master Zhong going to Jing's house together.

“Why are they two going to Jing’s house together?”

 The couple looked at each other with confused expressions.

Sister Ying guessed, "Could it be the third princess who wants to tell you that she is getting married?"

 Then let Jing Shirong express his position?

 Let’s see if he regrets being with her?

Jing Shirong snorted, "Can't you?"

He and she are not in an ambiguous relationship. Neither of them has even exchanged a single word, so it can’t be considered a statement, right?

Sister Ying glanced at him sideways, crossed her arms, and hummed, "Do you want a bet?"

Jing Shirong smiled helplessly, "What are you betting on?"

Sister Ying's big eyes turned slyly, "If I win, when we go out next year, we will go back to my parents' home."

She did not go back three times. If there is a chance to get close to Jiangnan in the future, she will definitely go back.

Jing Shirong knew that she missed her natal family, so she hummed and said sympathetically, "Okay." However, "If the third princess really comes and asks me to express my position, how should I politely refuse?"

 The third princess currently holds military power, and Jing Shirong does not want to quarrel with her head on.

 So the language needs to be more tactful.

Sister Ying rested her chin on her hand and was also helping him think of a solution.

“Or tell the truth? The emperor won’t allow you to be together anyway.”

She, an outsider in the palace, knew that it was impossible for the emperor to let Jing Shirong be with the third princess. I didn’t believe that the third princess would not understand.

Jing Shirong nodded, thinking that this method would work, but he felt something was strange about it.

He said, "If I say this, doesn't that mean I'm telling the third princess that I like her? But because of Your Majesty, I can't be with her?"

 If you really say this, wouldn’t the misunderstanding be bigger?

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Then what should you say?"

If you do n’t like the three princesses, let her have a wishful thinking, then it ’s really a beam.

But if you say it ambiguously, it will really make the third princess misunderstand.

 The couple was in a dilemma for a while.

 “Yes, if it doesn’t work, let’s run away?”

Jing Shirong had to deal with so many things on the emperor's side anyway. He left overnight and waited for the three princesses to get married before meeting again. It was too late to say anything.

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry, "But tomorrow is the day when Jing Yu gets married, and the third princess will find the right opportunity to find her."

Sister Ying was discouraged and said, "Forget it, never mind, the boat will naturally straighten up when it reaches the bridge."

Whoever wants someone to hold military power must not do it head-on, lest they hurt others or themselves.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand to rub her head, then pinched Sister Ying's little face, and said calmly, "It's okay. When the time comes, just pretend you can't see it and I'll handle it."

Sister Ying snorted, "Of course it's up to you to take care of it. It's not like I'm causing trouble outside and I'm too lazy to take care of you."

 After saying that, he turned around and ordered food.

Jing Shirong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly followed him.

 The two of them had dinner at Yipinzhai and then went back together.

Jing asked them to go to bed early in the evening, "Tomorrow is Jing Yu's big day, so you should get up early and help my mother receive the guests."

Sister Ying hummed, "I understand."

There was a happy event to be held at home, and Mrs. Jing was in a good mood. After explaining it, she went back to work.

Jing’s father gave Jing Shirong a booklet and asked him to give it to Jing Yu.

 After all, the two sons had no maids before they got married, so we still need to be reminded.

As soon as Jing Shirong looked at the booklet, his ears burned. He coughed and ran to Jing Yu's house like a thief.

  Throwing the booklet to Jing Yu like a hot potato, "What about that? Dad gave it to you. Take your time and read it. I'm leaving." He ran away quickly.

Jingyu looked confused when he saw him running so fast?

 “What, why are you running so fast?” He still wanted to talk to him.

He went to get the booklet and turned a page at random. It felt hot to his hands and he quickly put it away. He was so embarrassed.

 “Dad, it’s true too.”

 I complained, but I still picked it up secretly. After all, I needed it for my wedding tomorrow.

 On the second day.

The Jing family started busy early in the morning, and the fire in the kitchen never stopped, and dishes were being prepared one after another.

Jing got up early in the morning to freshen up, and even Jing’s father also looked very energetic and handsome.

 Sister Ying rarely got up early in the morning and dressed herself up in an elegant direction, trying not to steal the bride's limelight.

But with her charming appearance, she can't even keep a low profile.

 (End of this chapter)

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