The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 447: , Mrs. Jing protects Sister Ying

Chapter 447, Mrs. Jing protects Sister Ying

When the female members of the Jing family heard this, they did not object and waved their hands to let them go about their business.

“Okay, you go and greet the lady outside the door. We know each other very well, so I don’t need you to greet me. We’ll get together in the evening.”

Jing Shi said yes and led Sister Ying out.

There are many officials and wives here today, and she just wants to introduce Sister Ying to them.

Sister Ying stood obediently with her by the door of the inner courtyard, smiling and saying hello to the other ladies.

Jing introduced her one by one, "This is Mrs. Chen's wife."

Sister Ying nodded to the other party, "Hello, Mrs. Chen."

Mrs. Chen's wife saw her pretty face and dressed very dignifiedly. She couldn't help but praise her, "Mrs. Jing, is this your eldest daughter-in-law? She is really handsome."

Jingshi met Yourong and said with a smile, "Yes, this child has a good face. He is a blessed person."

 Then other officials’ wives came over and congratulated Jing one by one.

"Mrs. Jing, congratulations. Your eldest son has just got married, and your second son has got married again. In the future, the two daughters-in-law will have children together. You will have a family full of children and grandchildren."

Jingshi is also looking forward to it, "Thanks to your good words, I am also looking forward to it."

Other ladies looked at Sister Ying curiously. Seeing that she had a graceful and graceful posture and a ladylike demeanor, they nodded in agreement, "You are a good eldest daughter-in-law."

 At least the appearance is a plus.

Jing didn’t know how many times she was praised for her daughter-in-law’s beauty today, and she felt a little carried away.

Telling others, "It's good that my daughter-in-law is pretty. She is pretty, so my son can come home obediently every day. This shows that it is useful to find a beautiful daughter-in-law."

The other ladies covered their mouths with handkerchiefs and snickered, "You."

But some wives like to play the opposite tune, "I think it's better for my daughter-in-law not to be too beautiful. Otherwise, she will seduce men every day and make them lose their mind to go to court, which will not be worth the gain."

Seeing her old thinking, Jing wanted to argue with her, but she also felt that if she argued with her, there would be a quarrel soon, so she just stopped arguing with her and just gave her a soft blow.

"Your idea is also a good one. From now on, when you choose a daughter-in-law, it is best to choose an ugly one, so that you can feel more at ease."

These words are not good or bad words, but smart people can hear that Jing is quarreling with the woman.

But the woman didn't think so, thinking that Mr. Jing was approving of her, so she snorted proudly and said, "You are right to think so. I think your second daughter-in-law is pretty good."

“Although she is not beautiful, at least she looks decent.”

This is said in an insinuation, as if she is saying that Sister Ying is restless?

Sister Ying was not angry after hearing this.

She glanced at the lady with triangular eyes, thick lips, and flat nose, and she knew immediately why she wanted to spray her beauty.

   This co-author is jealous of her appearance and resentful.

She didn't reply, but in front of this ugly lady, she deliberately stretched out her slender fingers to pretend to be someone else's face, raised her orchid fingers, and arranged her hair.

Her fingers were slender, compared to the lady's thick, short, yellowed fingers, which were not very good-looking and directly hurt the lady's eyes.


Sister Ying raised her big eyes, silently provoking, "What about me? I'm just prettier than you, just a little bit."

Although the words were not spoken, the expressions and movements were so clear that it made the ugly lady very angry.

Mrs. Jing was amused and pretended to say to Sister Ying, "Okay, you can go to the backyard to accompany your aunt and the others. I'm here."

Sister Ying sighed and left respectfully. Before leaving, she even gave the lady a snort.

The lady dared to stare at him when she saw her, her triangular eyes widened, "Oh, you."

Jingshi defended her shortcomings and interrupted with a smile, "Okay, okay, she's just a child, why are you arguing with her? Go and sit at the table. We haven't been together for a long time. Let's go and chat."

The lady with the triangular eyes snorted angrily. With so many people around, it was hard to really argue with her, lest she be embarrassed, so she angrily went to sit at the table.

After she left, Mrs. Jing also rolled her eyes secretly, secretly thinking that there were so many things going on with her.

When other people saw this, they all laughed, tacitly understood it, and went to sit at the table without mentioning it.

Jing Yu’s handsome face came back beaming with joy after the Wang family received the bride. He rode a big red horse, with a smile on his face, and brought the team back happily.

The wedding team beat gongs and drums, the sound of firecrackers was deafening, and the whole journey was lively.

When the sound of firecrackers approached, Jing happily went out to pick them up, but Jing Xin stopped her, "Hey, where are you going? You will be sitting in the high hall now. There are official media hosting outside the door."

Jing finally reacted, "Look at me, I was so happy that I forgot about it."

She smiled very happily and went to sit in the high hall, waiting side by side with Jing's father, waiting for the bride and groom to come to worship heaven and earth.

 “Here comes the bride~~”

 There were children in the courtyard who saw the bride coming and chirped over to report.

Other relatives and women stretched their necks to look outside the door as if watching the excitement.

The matchmaker smiled and asked the newlyweds to come over. In the lobby, the host said, "The bride and groom worship heaven and earth~~"

Jingyu and the bride faced the sky together, and the matchmaker sang, "Bow down to heaven and earth~~"

 The two of them worshiped the heaven and the earth together.

 The next step is to pay homage to Jingshi and Jing’s father.

 “Two bows to the high hall~~”

We paid homage to Mr. Jing and Mr. Jing together.

 “Husband and wife bow to each other~~”

 “Sent into the bridal chamber~~”

 After the ceremony, the bride was surrounded by other female family members and went into the new house.

Jingshi was smiling and happy all day long.

Jing’s father’s usually strict face was now full of smiles.

Sister Ying came over to help greet the guests with Mr. Jing, and asked everyone to sit at the table.

 After the meal is ready, it will be served quickly.

 Everyone sat down to eat together, and the scene was very lively.

 At night, after the men got drunk, they started to have fist fights. The more they drank, the more lively they became.

The female relatives gathered together to chat and talk about everything.

A woman looked at Sister Ying's flat belly and quietly asked Mr. Jing, "Your eldest daughter-in-law hasn't moved yet?"

Jingshi smiled and said, "Not yet. Pregnancy requires fate."

After hearing this, the other ladies thought she was comforting herself, so they said, "They have been married for more than half a year, so they should be pregnant, or is it because she is not in good health?"

 Generally, when a new daughter-in-law comes into the family and has not been pregnant for more than six months, everyone will only look for problems with the bride.

Sister Ying did not expect that this topic would come up so quickly, so straightforwardly, helplessly and funny.

 Although she had imagined being induced, this was the first time he said it directly in front of her.

 Normal people talk secretly behind their backs, but never say it in front of others.

Although the other party’s volume was low, everyone present had their ears pointed, so they all naturally heard it.

Jing also felt that this lady was a little too nosy.

However, since the other person was older than her and considered half an elder, it was not easy for her to roll her eyes at him and just said, "A Jing has been busy before and has no time to come back."

“Besides, some people don’t get pregnant even after three years of marriage. We only have so long, so we don’t have to worry too much.”

It is one thing for Mrs. Jing to want Sister Ying to have a baby, but it is another thing to hear others say that she cannot have a baby.

She doesn't like to listen to other people's words, so she naturally protects Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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