The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 448: , Jing is a good mother-in-law

Chapter 448: Jing is a good mother-in-law

Sister Ying smiled warmly when she saw Jing being so protective of her, and she no longer behaved like that woman.

  They are living their lives as a family, and what other people think is their business. They just want to be happy and don't bother to care about these people.

When the woman saw what Jing said, she thought she was trying to be brave, and said, "I know a gynecologist who is very accurate in treating diseases. If you want to go there, I will show you the way."

 She thought it was a good intention and tried to make Mr. Jing thank her.

Jing also knew that she might have good intentions, but she couldn't accept the favor.

 Sister Ying and A Jing were both doing fine originally, but if they went to see a gynecologist, those who didn’t know better would have thought that the couple really couldn’t have a child.

So she smiled and declined the lady's kindness, and said confidently, "The young couple are in good health. It's just that my eldest son will be busier in recent years and may not have a child so early. Please worry about it."

  Meaning that there is no need for her kindness, they will give birth to themselves if they want to.

When the woman saw her saying this, she thought she was trying to save face, so she said oh and stopped trying to avoid embarrassment.

Even though she stopped trying to persuade her, she still felt privately that Mr. Jing was trying to save face and suffer the consequences.

 She obviously has a gynecological expert, but she refuses to see her. Then she will not be able to give birth to a child, and she will really suffer.

You are really young and ignorant.

Jing was angry and helpless. He didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he moved to another table and invited other women to go.

Sister Ying followed Jingshi like a little tail. Seeing that her expression was not good, she came over and held her hand, "Mom? Are you angry?"

Jing looked back at her little face and sighed, "I'm a little angry, but it's okay."

 Some women may be garrulous, but they have no bad intentions. They just speak in an unflattering way.

She sighed and taught Sister Ying, "This is the relationship between women. Some people talk in a hurry to embarrass others, and some are warm-hearted, but their words are not nice. You have to learn to distinguish between them."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I understand."

Jing took her to greet the other ladies and explained to her the habits of each lady one by one.

“The people at the table wearing red and light red clothes are the wives of the Zhao and Zhou families.”

 The Zhao and Zhou families were the two families supported by the emperor.

Jingshi told Sister Ying, "Even though he comes from a poor family, the wives he marries are all first-class shrewd ones."

“The natal families of those two ladies are all under His Majesty’s command. They do not stand in any of the prince’s ranks. They only obey His Majesty’s orders.”

“If you meet those two ladies, you should be careful with your words to avoid being misled by them.”

Sister Ying kept it in mind, "Okay, I understand."

Jing took her to several more tables for women and asked her to recognize the faces of the ladies.

 After greeting the guests, they returned to the backyard and Jing continued to explain to her.

“The person who was dressed luxuriously just now is the Queen’s mother-in-law.”

The queen's natal family was also an ambitious family, but the emperor could not let their family become the dominant one, so he kept suppressing it.

However, the queen's natal family was still very arrogant and felt that their power was stable and the emperor had to think carefully if he wanted to move them. Their temperament was not ordinary arrogance.

Jingshi said to Sister Ying, "It's okay for the other ladies, mainly those from the Queen's natal family. You should always pay attention to them."

 The descendants of the queen's family are all a bit arrogant.

 Including the female members of their family, they are all very arrogant, thinking that they are superior to others, and looking at everyone with contempt.

Jing said to Sister Ying, "The words of those people are harsh and uncomfortable." "If they say something to embarrass you from now on, just say it in one ear and out the other, just think they are farting." "

"Otherwise, if you have a quarrel with them, you will have to go to the Queen."

 When things get serious, it will be a big trouble.

Jing Shirong was about to come out to see what was going on with Sister Ying. As soon as he came to the backyard, he heard his mother saying this to Sister Ying.

He frowned when he heard that, and came in and said, "Why did you teach Sister Ying like this?"

  It would be too frustrating to just endure when things happen.

Jing Shi glanced at him sideways, "Why don't we have to quarrel with him in person?"

 In a place like Beijing, harmony is basically the most important thing.

Even if someone is unhappy, everyone doesn't show it on their faces and just curses when they go home. There is no need to confront others, it will be quite troublesome to deal with them when the time comes.

Jing Shirong said, "If we keep swallowing our anger every time, people will think we are easy to bully."

He came over and pinched Sister Ying's earlobe while feeling drunk, and supported her, "Don't be afraid. If anyone dares to bully you, just scold him back. I'll take care of all the big things for you."

 Hands around her, he hugged her and looked at her affectionately with his dark eyes.

Seeing how disgusted he was in front of her, Jing shook her head in disgust.

"Do you understand that this is called flattery? If she really gets into a fight with someone else, it will be your wife who suffers the loss. Just be stupid."

She taught Sister Ying to listen in one ear and out the other, mainly because she didn't want her to quarrel with others, lest she be accused of being disrespectful and her reputation would be unpleasant in the future.

  Rumors can kill a person, especially a woman today.

Jing’s starting point is for Sister Ying’s good, so naturally she doesn’t want her to be tricked.

Sister Ying understood that Jing was doing it for her own good.

She pushed Jing Shirong away and went over to hug Jing's arm, like a caring little cotton-padded jacket, "Mom, don't be angry, I know you are doing it for my own good."

“Don’t worry, I know what’s appropriate. From now on, if people say anything ugly, I’ll just think they’re farting. Is that okay?”

Jing was amused by her and said sincerely, "I didn't want you to be wronged again and again. The main reason is that you just came to the capital not long ago, and you don't know that those women talk in different ways. If you are not careful, you will be fooled by others." ”

These women in the capital are very shrewd. They always speak in a roundabout way and make insinuations, so that you can’t hear the key points even if you want to hear them.

 Sometimes if you ask too many questions, you may fall into someone else’s trap.

These women are usually the most well-behaved, and they like to tease people with their words, which will inevitably lead to a lot of trouble.

This was the first time Sister Ying heard Jing say this, and she immediately shrugged in frustration.

“Is it really that strange what they say?”

Although she has been in the capital for more than half a year, she has only been in the capital for only a few days.

 She went on a long trip with Jing Shirong when she came here, and had no contact with those ladies, so she didn't know how those people spoke.

Mrs. Jing straightened the hairpin for her and said lovingly, "You live a carefree life in Jiangnan, and the people there are gentle and easy to get along with, so you don't know how shrewd the women in the capital are, so naturally you don't know about their thieves." , Mom is afraid that you will suffer."

Sister Ying coquettishly leaned on Jing's shoulder, "As long as you are here, I won't be afraid."

 Jing is so smart, he will definitely teach her step by step.

If Jing was not here, she would have just pretended to be dumbfounded.

 (End of this chapter)

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