The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 449: , and my mother-in-law are both jealous

Chapter 449: Both the mother and the mother are jealous

Jing Shirong smiled when he heard this, "This is a good idea."

After saying that, he pulled Sister Ying over and let her head rest in his arms. Then he raised his chin and snorted at Jing, as if he was vying for her favor.

Jing's arms were suddenly empty. When she looked up, she saw that Sister Ying had been snatched away.

She was speechless and couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Jing Shirong, "That's all you're good at."

What's wrong with Sister Ying leaning on her shoulder? ?

 Are you jealous just now?

 No future!

Jing Shirong hummed, "I'm happy."


 So what’s the use of having a son? Not to mention the leak, even my mother is jealous.

“That’s all, I’m too lazy to tell you. If you return Sister Ying to me, I will take her to see your aunt and the others.”

 After saying that, he went to hold Sister Ying's hand.

 But Jing Shirong also took Sister Ying's other hand and fought with his mother, "It's very late now, we want to go back to sleep."

He has been waiting for guests all day long, and he has been drinking wine all day long, so he wants to sleep long ago.

Jing Shi glared at him with disgust, "If you're sleepy, just go to bed. Those relatives in the backyard haven't even said hello yet, so don't come and cause trouble."

Jing Shirong refused, "Then you can go and say hello by yourself. Sister Ying wants to sleep with me."

Sister Ying was so embarrassed when she saw him speaking so carelessly, "Are you drunk too much? What nonsense are you talking about."

Seeing her shyness, Jing Shirong smiled slightly with his dark eyes. He lowered his head drunkenly and blew a breath of wine on her cheek, "Don't you like to sleep with me, madam?"

Sister Ying punched him shyly, "I'm still busy, you go back to sleep first."

His mouth was full of alcohol, and one could tell from the smell that he had drank a lot.

  "You go back and brush your teeth first. I will go back to find you in a while."

Jing Shirong’s handsome face looked a little drunk, and he was dubious, “Then you will come back early?”

Sister Ying hummed, "I understand, go back and brush your teeth." Her mouth smelled bad and smelled of alcohol.

Jing Shirong hummed, burped, and then turned back three times.

Jing was a little dumbfounded when she saw how clingy he was.

"People who have met A Jing said that this child has a cold face and a cold heart. He is indifferent to everyone and has a bad face."

“But I know that he hasn’t changed at all. He is still the same clingy person as when he was a child.”

Jing Shirong liked to stick to her when she was a child and would follow her wherever she went.

Even after Jing Yu and Jing Xin were born, his clinginess was still there.

But boys are like this. When they were young, they clung to their mothers, but when they got older, they ran away.

Especially after puberty, your personality becomes completely different.

 He ran away for a few years and his character became stronger when he came back, but he also became a little colder.

 Fortunately, his attitude towards his family members is still the same, but he is no longer clingy.

It was only this year that I married Sister Ying, and this sticky feeling came out again.

Sister Ying shyly crossed her little fingers and said, "He, he only behaves like this after drinking."

Jing didn't believe it, "Don't let me fool you. When he is awake during the day, he still behaves like a dog."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, secretly thinking that she was indeed her biological child, so she was not polite at all.

Jing Shi smiled and took her to the backyard to sit with her relatives for a while.

 The atmosphere was good in the evening, everyone was in good spirits, and they didn’t feel sleepy after sitting all day.

Mrs. Jing took Sister Ying over, and the relatives all smiled and waved to them, "Come quickly, the food is still hot, I see you have been busy all day." Mrs. Jing took Sister Ying over and sat down, "I'm here today. There are a lot of guests, and we have just sent away another group, and now only the male tables are drinking. I will come and sit with you for a while while they are not sleepy. "

The relatives and women all laughed when they heard this.

"I think the men won't stop drinking until midnight. We just talk and don't worry about them."

All the women laughed when they heard this.

“I don’t know what’s so good about that wine. Once I started drinking it, I couldn’t finish it.”

"That's right. The guy from my house got sick from drinking last month, and he continues to drink without anyone complaining about him. It **** me off to death."

Other women said to her, "Doesn't your mother-in-law care about it? She's so drunk that she's so drunk, yet you still allow him to drink like this?"

The woman said bitterly, "Forget it about my mother-in-law, she still wants me to say it. She doesn't want to be a bad person, and she still expects me to be a bad person."

For daughters-in-law like them, whenever something offends them, their mother-in-law assigns them to do it.

  Keeping the good things for yourself is really not an ordinary treachery.

Like this female relative, when her man drank and had a stomachache, her mother-in-law did not forbid her son from drinking, but asked her to persuade him.

 Once the man she persuaded became angry, her mother-in-law jumped out to defend her son, with an expression that said, "Don't worry about the man's family affairs, and take more care of the children."

If her mother-in-law defends her like this, doesn’t she become a bad person?

 So this female relative was also speechless.

After hearing this, other women also said, "Then you might as well stop trying to persuade me. No matter what you do, your mother-in-law will never let you be such a good person."

The female family member also said, "Yes. So I won't say anything this time. Anyway, he vomited when he went back, and he brought it on himself."

Even though he said this, he still looked outside worriedly.

Sister Ying listened to their chatter while lowering her head to eat the hot dishes on the table.

Comparing other mothers-in-law, Jing is indeed the most perfect mother-in-law.

She doesn't have to get up early to say hello, nor does she have to follow those complicated etiquettes. It's simply too good.

 She could sleep as long as she wanted during the day, which was absolutely rare in other families.

But naturally she would not tell anyone about this, lest others find out about it and it would be time to push Lazy again.

 Other relatives and women finished talking about that topic and then started a new topic.

They looked at Sister Ying and asked curiously, "I didn't see Sister Ying last time I came to your house. Did she go on a long trip with A Jing?"

Jingshi said nothing, "No, she was busy with her delivery at the inn."

Relatives and women have heard from Mr. Jing that Sister Ying opened a delivery inn.

 They came to Jing's house several times before, but they didn't see Sister Ying. They thought she had gone out with Jing Shirong.

 Everyone gradually knew that Jing Shirong was working for the emperor.

 But they didn’t tell me what exactly they were doing for the emperor, and they couldn’t ask.

Jing didn’t want to tell them this, so he mumbled vaguely.

 When people see her and don’t say anything, they understand and don’t ask.

A relative and a female family member interrupted with a smile and said to Mr. Jing, "The marriages of your three children have been settled. If you have a grandson in your arms in the future, you will have nothing to worry about."

Jing Shi smiled and nodded, "Yes, as long as their marriage is settled, I will be relieved."

 As for the children, just let it happen.

  In any case, these two sons have big ideas, and it is useless for her to urge them. The key depends on their own ideas.

 Speaking of children, women immediately talk a lot.

Thank you for your votes, good night (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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