Chapter 450, Drunkard’s Surprise

A relative looked at Mrs. Jing and said to her, "Both of your daughters-in-law have just entered the family, and they have to rely on support to give birth to children. From now on, if you give them more support, they will have children much faster." ”

Jing knew that they had good intentions and responded with a smile, "Don't worry, I will remember everything you said."

 Other experienced female relatives said, "I think if you want to have a child, it's not enough to rely on supplementation alone. You have to choose a certain date to let them have sex. Otherwise, you won't be able to conceive as a newlywed."

 After hearing this, other relatives and women agreed with this statement, while others disagreed.

"I think newlyweds are more likely to get pregnant. I was pregnant by newlyweds at that time. It doesn't matter what date it is." The other female family member was unconvinced, "You are you, you have a firm butt, and you will get pregnant just by looking at it. No. Like Sister Ying and Fang Ning, they are much thinner than you."

Didn't this just mean that the female family member was fat? They immediately became unhappy.

“I’m just a little fatter than them, so I can’t be considered stocky, right?”

 Even married ladies don’t like to be called fat.

The other female family member disagreed after hearing this, "It would be great if you were fatter. Being fat is a blessing. I am just complimenting you."

The female family member who was told did not listen and snorted, "I think your figure is much thicker than mine, and you are really blessed. I stand with you, and I am like a little bird."

  The woman was not happy with what she said.

“What’s wrong with Dunshi? Dunshi means that I can give birth. Which woman can give birth to one son after another like me? I gave birth to five sons in a row!”

 This is the greatest honor in her life.

Having been born consecutively throughout life, and each of them is a son, how many people would envy them.

After hearing this, the others nodded in agreement, "That's true. It's easier to have a healthy child if you're stocky. I think what your aunt said is good."

The woman also had a son, but she only had one. Compared with the other five sons, she was not confident enough, so she snorted and stopped talking.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, looked on helplessly and amusedly.

 Nowadays, the most important thing for a married woman is to give birth to a son.

The more sons, the better. It not only represents her fertility, but also stabilizes her status.

Sister Ying did not want to join their birthing army, so she lowered her head and ate in silence.

 After a while, the bride was already making a fuss over the bride's house. When the women saw the excitement, they immediately stood up with interest and said, "Let's go and see the bride."

 Speaking, a group of people went to the new house.

 There are some older elders still sitting here, and Jing has to accompany them.

She asked Sister Ying, "You should also go and take a look at the excitement."

Sister Ying glanced at the elders in the room, hummed, and bowed to them to leave.

She called Xiao Zi, and the master and servant acted like thieves, "Let's go to the new house and see the excitement."

Xiao Zi chuckled and followed her, leaning out the window of their new house to watch the excitement.

At this time, in the new house, the female relatives were laughing and having fun, and they all encouraged Jingyu to lift the bride's red hijab to show everyone what she looked like.

Jing Yu smiled, but did not do so. He waved his hands to the women in a humble manner, "Fang Ning is thin-skinned, otherwise I will punish myself with three drinks. What do you think of my drinking?"

 The other female family members laughed and said, "Don't look at it. It's not interesting to see you drinking. Otherwise, you and Fang Ning have a drink at the bar."

After saying that, they all laughed and went over to pour wine for them, giving each of them a glass.

 “Drink quickly, drink quickly, and everyone will be bored.”

 The other female relatives laughed so hard that they all asked them to drink a glass of wine.

Jing Yu was shy and smiling, and wanted to have a drink with Wang Fangning, so he raised his cup and drank with the bride.

Wang Fangning also looked ashamed in her red hijab.

The female relatives laughed and urged, "Drink quickly."

 “That’s right, drink quickly.”

At the urging of everyone, the two of them raised their heads and drank a glass of wine together.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi peeked out of the window, imitating the way they drank from each other's glasses, circling their hands and raising their heads to drink.

 “Pfft~ So childish.”

The two looked at each other, covered their mouths and snickered.

Just as I was about to take a peek for a while, a dark shadow suddenly shrouded behind me.

Sister Ying was startled, and when she looked back, she realized it was her smelly man.

“Why are you here?” “Didn’t you just say you were going to bed?”

Jing Shirong blocked a lot of wine for Jing Yu from day to night, which made him feel a little dizzy.

Just now he went back to wash up, but Qi Yuanming dragged him to drink again. At this moment, he was completely drunk.


  Speaking with a bit of a tongue.

Sister Ying saw that his face was red from drinking, and she was a little speechless, "Why did you drink so much? Didn't I tell you to go back to sleep? Why did you come out to drink again?"

Jing Shi Rongjun looked at her drunkenly, smiling silly.

 He lowered his head and came closer to her. He screamed "Madam~" in a sticky voice.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly, "What are you doing?"

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth in a drunken manner, hugged her with his big hands, and jumped up without saying a word.

 “Alas, you.”

Sister Ying didn't expect that he was so drunk and that he could hold her and run around all over the roof. He was also drunk.

 “Where are you taking me to?”

Jing Shirong smiled in an elegant manner, "I'll take you to a good place."

 After saying that, he carried her to a yard with pleasant scenery.

 When the two of them landed, someone staggered because he was drunk.

Sister Ying said "I'll go" and almost fell down.

"They say you can't drive while drunk. I think you can't use Qinggong even when you're drunk. You almost killed me."

Jing Shirong was still smiling drunkenly, holding her with his big hand and heading straight to the courtyard.

Sister Ying looked around. Birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. The layout was very beautiful, with mountains, water, flowers, and a beautiful carp pond.

 She ran over to see it in surprise.

 The water in the carp pond still flows down from the rockery, like a small waterfall.

“Brother Rong, is this the courtyard you built for me?”

  Shi Rong told her before her marriage that he would build her a beautiful villa.

 I think this is the place to be.

Although Jing Shirong was drunk, seeing her smiling so happily, he immediately came over, hugged her, and lowered his head to beg for praise.

"like or not?"


Sister Ying saw him suddenly acting coquettishly with her, she smiled knowingly, raised her hand and touched his head, "I like it."

After receiving her approval, Jing Shirong immediately kissed her happily and said, "There are more beautiful things inside. Let's go and show you."

Sister Ying asked curiously, "Is there anything else in the house?"

Jing Shirong hummed, took her hand and led her to the house.

Before entering the room, Jing Shirong covered her eyes and said, "Close your eyes."

Sister Ying yelled, "Is there any surprise?"

Jing Shirong lowered his head and smiled, "You'll know in a minute."

Sister Ying twitched her lips and thought to herself that this drunk wolf still knows how to be romantic, which is great.

The corners of her mouth curved and she closed her eyes and went in.

Jing Shirong took her all the way. When the door was closed in the room, he slowly released his hand covering Sister Ying's eyes.

Sister Ying saw him let go and asked him, "Can you open your eyes?"

Jing Shirong hummed in a low voice, "Open it."

 (End of this chapter)

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