The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 451: , the careful plan of the big bad wolf

Chapter 451: The big bad wolf’s cunning plan

Sister Ying slowly opened her eyes. As soon as her sight opened, she immediately opened her mouth in surprise.

"This is.?"

At this moment, the room was actually dotted with stars, like shooting stars shining brightly in the room.

Sister Ying ran over to take a look in surprise. It turned out that those little stars came from night pearls.

Jing Shirong covered the luminous pearl in a unique glass cover, and the light emitted turned into starlight like a projector.

 The entire house is very luxuriously furnished, from imported Persian carpets to the huanghuali wood dressing cabinets, all of which are exquisitely made.

Jing Shirong took her hand and came to the wardrobe.

 “Go and see if you like it.”

Sister Ying opened the wardrobe full of surprise, "Wow ~ so many new clothes?"

 She took out the new dresses and looked at them with surprise on her face. They were all luxurious and custom-made.

“Is this dress custom-made by the same company as my Fengguan Xiale?”

The clothes at that store are super hard to order and super expensive.

But you get what you pay for. The workmanship is good, the design is very beautiful, and the tailoring is perfect. Not too wide, not too narrow, and very well sewn.

Jing Shirong saw that she was happy, and the corners of his mouth raised fondly, "Do you like it?"

Sister Ying liked him very much and hugged him, "I like him very much. Thank you, husband~~"

Jing Shirong saw that she was so happy and felt that all his efforts were worth it.

He glanced outside the door and suddenly took Sister Ying and walked to the bed.

Sister Ying thought there were other surprises there, so she followed him innocently.

Jing Shirong looked back at her and raised the corners of his mouth in a bad way.

“Madam, do you like what I showed you today?”

Sister Ying grinned, "I like it." She was still waiting for his next surprise.

Jing Shirong smiled like a big bad wolf, "Since you like it, then Madam, please give me some surprises."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Surprise? Now?"

But she was in a hurry and had no time to prepare a gift for him.

Jing Shirong pointed to a set of delicate clothes on the bed, "The boss's wife gave me those clothes. She said they would look good on you. Why don't you show me how to wear them?"

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and went to get the gauze skirt.

 She picked it up and looked at it. It was very light. "What kind of skirt is this? It seems a bit light."

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth like a wolf with a big tail, "Maybe it's a new model. Anyway, in the house, why don't you just wear it for me to see alone?"

Sister Ying nodded, "That's right." Anyway, they were the only two people in the room, so they put them on as soon as they were put on, and no one saw them.

So she rushed to change her clothes, but she felt more and more strange.

 “That’s not right, why are these clothes so thin??”

 It seems to be a little bit transparent.

 “Brother Rong, did you buy the wrong one?”

 Still the delivery was not good?

Before she could tell the difference, the big-tailed wolf with a sly mouth was already walking towards her.

Jing Shirong's handsome face was drunk and ruffian, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised like a big bad wolf, and there was a hint of caution in his dark eyes that he didn't usually have.

“Young lady, you don’t know how to wear it? Then let me help you.”

 After saying that, I came over to help Sister Ying tie the remaining belt.

Sister Ying felt that it was drafty as she traveled further and further, and her back felt cold, so she wanted to change it back, "Brother Rong, why don't I stop wearing it? It feels a bit drafty, so don't catch a cold soon."

Because the lights in the room were dim, she couldn't see clearly what the material looked like, so she stupidly asked Jing Shirong to help her tie the belt.

She couldn't see clearly, but Jing Shirong could see very clearly. He was a martial arts practitioner and his eyesight was not very good.

 Even at night, his vision was very clear.

Like a wolf grandma, he coaxed Sister Ying out first, holding her big hand and sitting on the edge of the bed. Sister Ying saw him getting closer and closer, smelling of alcohol all over her body.

 Coupled with his erratic hands, he finally understood.


Just when I was about to say something about him, my mouth was sealed.


  Then she was carried back to the den by the big bad wolf and became the wife of the stronghold.

 On the second day.

 The two of them slept until the sun was shining in the middle of the night before getting up.

Jing got up early in the morning and started preparing to serve tea to his new daughter-in-law, only to find that the two naughty ones were missing?

 She asked Xiao Zi, “Where is Sister Ying?”

 Xiao Zi shook her head, "I was taken away by my uncle last night, and I don't know where I went."

Jing Shi had a headache, "The newlyweds are toasting today, where did that brat A Jing take them?"

Xiao Zi didn’t know either, so she could only scratch her head and pretend to be dead.

Jing swung his sleeves and said, "Forget it, I'll send someone to look for him."

   The newlyweds have to go to bed later and get up later anyway.

Jing felt that the two daughters-in-law should be treated equally, so she ordered the maid in the new house to let Jing Yu and Wang Fangning sleep until they wake up naturally.

Wang Fangning and Jing Yu couldn't get up at first, but after hearing Jing's words, they immediately lay back down.

As the couple lay on the bed, Wang Fangning asked Jingyu, "Is your family easy to get along with? What should I pay attention to when I go to serve tea later?"

Although she has an unpleasant personality, since she is married to Jing Yu, she still wants to live a good life with him.

Jingyu touched her head and explained to her, "Our family members are all very easy to get along with, so you don't have to worry about this."

"Like my elder brother, he is usually a little cold, but he has a good heart. If you ask him for anything, he will help you with whatever he can."

Wang Fangning took note of it and asked, "What about sister-in-law? Is she easy to get along with?"

Jingyu nodded, "Sister-in-law is easier to get along with. She was a playmate with us when she was a child. Her biggest hobby is eating, and she doesn't have any ambitions. She is a very simple girl."

Wang Fangning breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, "I'm not lovable to begin with, let alone women. If my sister-in-law doesn't like me, I don't know how to please her."

Jingyu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw her like this, "No, it's good for you two to get along normally. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask your mother and she will explain it to you."

Wang Fangning nodded, "What about our relatives? Are they easy to get along with?"

After all, it is a new daughter-in-law who has come to the door. She is afraid that her dull personality will be annoying and she has no confidence in herself.

Jing Yu touched her head and comforted her, "Aunt and aunt just talk a little more. If you don't like to hear it, just pretend you can't hear it. Just let it go."

Anyway, when the female family members are together, they will just chat about all kinds of boring things. "If you don't like socializing with them, just deal with it a little bit."

 Even though they are relatives, they cannot really offend Guang.

 If there is any need in the future, everyone needs to help each other, so naturally we cannot quarrel with others.

Wang Fangning nodded, indicating that he understood, "I understand."

 The two of them took a nap again and waited until the sun was warm before getting up.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, was also thinking about the tea that the newlyweds would serve in the morning, so she got busy in a hurry.

Her back started to feel sore, she glanced at the ugly bed, and angrily kicked the sleeping man.

"stand up!"

The little feet directly hit Jing Shirong’s handsome face.

Jing Shirong woke up after being kicked by her. He sneered, took her foot and bit it.

 “I’ll go, get up!” You’re such a shameless person.

Sister Ying laughed angrily at his shameless attitude, "I know you are not a good person, but how dare you set a trap for me last night?"

 (End of this chapter)

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