Chapter 452, Wang Fangning serves tea

She is also stupid, so she naively thinks that he will not play tricks on her?

   I stupidly put on the tattered clothes he gave me. I almost didn't catch a cold!

By the time she realized it was too late, it was a real loss.

Jing Shirong saw the indignation on her little face. Not only did he not regret it, he even came over to her shamelessly.

 “Then I’m not drunk.”

Seeing that he was still pretending, Sister Ying kicked him over and said, "I don't think you are drunk at all."

If you were drunk, you would have fallen asleep long ago. How can you trick the young lady into doing bad things?

Jing Shirong was not upset when he was exposed, and argued with reason, "That's a bit drunk."

Didn’t you notice that he started to wobble when he walked?

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him, thinking that this girl's acting skills were so good that it would be a pity not to become a liar.

Jing Shirong smiled muffledly and brought her over with his big hands, saying, "That's not because I love you."

Looking at this greasy food, Sister Ying's face felt hot. "Okay, okay, get up quickly. It's time for the second brother and the second younger brother and sister to get up and serve tea."

On the first day the new daughter-in-law served tea, her eldest brother and sister-in-law were absent. It would make Wang Fangning lose face if she told them, so they had no choice but to go back quickly.

Jing Shirong hummed and got up to put on his clothes. After putting on his clothes, he reached out to help her.

Sister Ying clapped her hands away and said, "You don't need to be there. I'll do it myself."

It wasn't enough that he was cheated last night, he couldn't think about it in the morning.

Jing Shirong smiled softly, with a charming smile on his face. Compared with his usual cold temperament, this evil temperament confused the little girl's heart even more.

Sister Ying couldn't get angry after looking at that handsome face. She snorted and quickly combed her hair and put on makeup.

There was everything in this room. She changed into a light blue Xinluo skirt, combed her hair, and fastened the hairpin, then she took Jing Shirong and hurried back.

Jing Shirong told her not to run, "Just walk through the archway and you'll be there."

This villa is just one door away from the Jing family. Walking past it is the inner courtyard of the Jing family.

Sister Ying groaned and liked it very much, "This design is good."

Although it is a separate courtyard, it is so close to the Jing family and has its own space. It is not perfect.

Jing Shirong knew she would like it, so he smiled and held her hand, and they went to the main room together.

Jing was sending people to look for them. Seeing that they came back in time, he waved to them to come quickly.

 “Hurry up, I’m waiting for you.”

There was no time to ask them where they had gone, so they hurriedly asked them to sit in the house.

Sister Ying took Jing Shirong and hurried into the main room to sit down. Soon the new couple came over.

Wang Fangning and Jing Yu first served tea to Mrs. Jing and Jing’s father.

 “Mom and dad drink tea.”

Mrs. Jing was in a good mood when she saw how loving they were as a couple, so she asked them to get up with a smile.

He also gave Wang Fangning a gift, "You and Jingyu will live a good life from now on. If you have anything you don't understand, just come and ask me. If you have something on your mind, don't keep it to yourself. Let's discuss it together."

Jing has a general understanding of Wang Fangning’s temperament and knows that he doesn’t like to talk to others. That’s why.

Wang Fangning is not a fool, so he naturally feels Jing's kindness.

 She nodded excitedly and said sincerely, "Thank you, mother."

Jing was very pleased to see that she was quite enlightened and said, "No need to be polite to mother."

Jing's father also gave a gift and said, "When you enter this home, you become a member of the Jing family. If you have any grievances in the future, just tell them. Your mother and I will make the decision for you."

Wang Fangning nodded, feeling moved, "Thank you, Dad."

 Then he served tea to Mrs. Jing.

Mrs. Jing also gave her a gift and asked her with a smile, "Come and sit in my room when you have time. I love talking to you young people."

Wang Fangning nodded obediently, "Okay grandma, I will do it."

After a round of salutes, it was finally Sister Ying's turn.

Wang Fangning handed over the tea, "Brother and sister-in-law, drink tea."

Sister Ying took the tea with a smile, took a sip, and then gave Xiao Zi a wink. Show off the gifts you prepared in advance. "I heard from my second brother that you like reading, so I collected some for you. Come back and see if you like it."

Jing Yu said that Wang Fangning likes to read travel notes, so Sister Ying prepared them for her in advance. She didn’t know if she would like it.

Wang Fangning didn’t expect that she would specially give him something she liked, and she was quite surprised.

 She secretly opened the box and took a look. It was filled with travel notes that she had not been able to buy before. She was in love.

So she thanked Sister Ying with bright eyes, secretly saying that Jing's family were indeed very good, and she made the right choice this time.

Jingyu was very happy to see her happy.

 The next step is to get to know those relatives and women.

Jingyu introduced her one by one, and all the relatives enthusiastically gave her greeting gifts.

Sister Ying felt sleepy and yawned, and wanted to go back and lie down.

Jing Shirong looked around and whispered in her ear, "Why don't we run away?"

 Have drank the tea anyway, it will be a special meeting for the relatives and women in a while. They stay here just to chat with each other, so they might as well go back to sleep.

Sister Ying was a little hesitant, "Isn't this bad?"

 The relatives were all there, so they slipped away, and it was time to talk again later.

Jing Shirong frowned and said straightly, "Then I tell them that your back hurts? Let's go back and rest first?"

Sister Ying.

 “I beg you to say less.”

Qingtian said back pain to others for a hundred days, and he couldn't say that he was ashamed.

Jing Shirong finally realized what he was doing and smiled shyly, "Then just sit with them for a while. Anyway, we don't have to go to court tomorrow."

Xiao Zi came over at this time and told Sister Ying, "The third princess came last night, but she saw that my uncle was drinking at the men's table, so I didn't look for him." Presumably, he will come again today.

The third princess has not yet agreed to marry the eldest young master of the Zhong family, and wants to ask Jing Shirong's answer before deciding.

Jing Shirong knew that he couldn't hide, so he didn't hide at all.

If the third princess comes again next time, he will also be prepared to end things with her.

 The house was busy, and a servant came to Jing Shirong to talk in his ear.

“Master, the third princess and Master Zhong are here.”

                       Cao Cao has arrived.

Jing Shirong informed Sister Huiying, "The third princess and Young Master Zhong are here. Do you want to go and listen?"

 Otherwise, if she doesn’t hear the truth later, she will be jealous again.

Sister Ying glared at him, "Am I jealous? You are jealous."

 She is jealous with reason, okay?

Jing Shirong saw how angry she was and poked her angry face with his hand, "Then are you going?"

   It’s strange that she can act like a spoiled brat.

Sister Ying hummed, "Go, why not go."

Seeing this, Jing Shirong smiled and took her in his arms, and they went to the backyard together.

As the couple were walking on the road, Jing Shirong lowered his head and asked her, "Are you afraid that the third princess will attack you later?"

Sister Ying shrugged nonchalantly, "What am I afraid of? I'm very quick on my feet now. As soon as she makes a move, I run away immediately."

Jing Shirong’s eyes were bent when he smiled.

"Okay, you can't blame me for snubbing you that moment."

Sister Ying understood in her heart, and immediately snorted and pushed him away, "Since we are going to do a show, let's start from this moment."

 She knew what Jing Shirong meant, he just didn't want the third princess to see their love.

Who doesn’t know how to act? Let’s see which of the two is better at it.

 (End of this chapter)

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