Chapter 454: Couple acting

The third princess saw her suddenly coming at the critical moment and glared at her angrily, feeling that she was in the way.

She banged the table and was about to get angry, but Jing Shirong was one step ahead of her and scolded Sister Ying, "You are the young lady in the family. It's embarrassing to serve the food yourself!"

 “Go back quickly!”

Sister Ying felt aggrieved, her red lips pursed slightly, her big red eyes said, "Mr.

Who doesn’t know how to act?

Jing Shirong felt his heart soften when he saw the expression on her pitiful little daughter-in-law, and couldn't help but raise his hand to hold her hand.

Sister Ying saw that he had failed, and when he stretched out his big hand, she pretended to take a step back, as if she was pushed down by him, and even staggered.

  She said "Ouch" and seemed to be about to fall. Xiao Ziyue quickly helped her with her hands.

 Finally, she glanced at Jing Shirong, then cried, covered her face and ran away.

Jing Shirong said "Oh" and rushed to chase after him, but was glanced at by the third princess.

She was observing him, and Jing Shirong noticed it, so he stopped and sat down with an unhappy expression.

Mr. Zhong didn’t know about their relationship as husband and wife, so he could only advise, “I think the young lady also has good intentions. Brother Jing, please don’t be angry.”

Seeing him interrupt again, the third princess looked back and glared at him, "Why are you everywhere?"

Mr. Zhong was not afraid of being attacked. He shrugged and said calmly, "I don't know what grudges you had before, but the others are always innocent, right?"

  "Settle the matters between you among yourself, and don't implicate innocent people."

 He spoke straightforwardly and with an open face, and did not feel that he was wrong.

The third princess couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she saw how nosy he was, and didn't bother to say anything to him.

She looked at Jing Shirong. She had thousands of words in her heart, but she didn't know where to start.

Jing Shirong saw that she didn't ask, so he simply didn't say anything to avoid making too many mistakes. He just poured wine for her and said, "Here, drink."

The third princess hummed, picked up the wine and raised her head, the bowl of wine bottomed out.

Jing Shirong continued to pour it for her.

 She drank bowl after bowl.

In the end, Mr. Zhong couldn’t stand it any longer and reached out to stop her, “Princess, drink less. You drank a lot last night.”

The third princess pushed him away, and with only three strength, Young Master Zhong was pushed to the ground.

His handsome face was stunned, and then he felt a little aggrieved. "you…"

 The third princess didn't expect him to be so useless.

She just gave a gentle push, and the sick man was really pushed down?

 “I” she didn’t use any strength either.

 Fortunately, Mr. Zhong was open-minded and did not get angry even when he was pushed. He dusted off his **** and continued to sit back.

This time he went to get the third princess’s wine bowl again. The third princess glared at him but did not push him hard, lest she would throw him to death and the Zhong family would have to look for her.

Jing Shirong observed from the side and felt that Young Master Zhong and the third princess were quite right.

These two people, one has a quick temper and the other has a good temper, they match up perfectly.

If someone with a bad temper comes along, the two of them will definitely fight.

For someone with a good personality like Mr. Zhong, it would be a perfect match for the third princess's fiery temper.

 But the third princess obviously didn't appreciate it and grabbed the wine bowl and continued drinking.

He also asked Jing Shirong, "Drink too. We haven't had a drink together for a long time."

 The third princess still remembers the scene of everyone drinking happily together in the military camp.

Jing Shirong also remembered, recalling, "I always regarded the third princess as an idol and admired you very much. I didn't expect that it has been so many years in a blink of an eye."

 The third princess also recalled that when Jing Shirong was in the military camp, he was still a young man.

  When he first entered the military camp, he looked very fair, and it was obvious at first glance that he was not her type.

Ke Jing Shirong’s tenacity made her look at him differently.

 Later on, she focused on training him and Qi Yuanming. Seeing that he was getting better and better and his abilities became more and more obvious, she gradually became interested in him.

Later, when he became an adult, his appearance became more and more handsome, and he always had a charming temperament about him, which moved her heart. However, there was no other interaction between the two at that time. It was just because they were together every day that they had more emotions.

 The third princess originally wanted to get married to him when he was older.

Who would have thought that she would go to the border gate later, but he would marry someone else.

 She knew that it was impossible for him to divorce his wife and remarry.

 And the father would not let them be together.

The more she thought about it, the more distressed she became, drinking one glass after another.

Mr. Zhong frowned as he watched, and stretched out his thin hand to grab the wine bowl.

"You should drink less. You are not the one getting married. Why are you drinking so much?"

The third princess thought he was too noisy, so she turned around and glared at him, "Why are you everywhere? Are you annoying?"

 A big man opened his mouth and made a lot of noise.

Mr. Zhong was not annoyed when she scolded him. He persuaded her earnestly, "You drank two jars last night. If you drink again today, your head will hurt tomorrow. I won't lie to you."

 A person who has been ill for a long time is already very familiar with these illnesses.

The third princess didn't believe it, "You weren't even born when I was drinking. Stop meddling in my own business."

Young Master Zhong was dumbfounded by her retort, "I am the same age as the princess."

 The third princess sighed, "So what? At the same age, you would have drank a lot?"

Mr. Zhong sighed and suddenly felt sad, "I want to drink too, but my body doesn't allow it."

His body has indeed been completely cured, but he has many taboos, including wine.

 Including spicy ones, you may want to eat less.

 Because I have a lot of food taboos, I eat so thin. Otherwise, he would also like to drink and eat meat.

Seeing his sudden sadness, the third princess thought she had touched his sore spot, and said coldly, "Is this unbearable? There will be worse things to come in the future."

She herself was not nice to speak, and she offended many people by saying something harsh and not saying anything. Sometimes the emperor was so angry that he wanted to die.

If this sick girl can't stand these few words, don't threaten to be with her.

Mr. Zhong didn’t expect this aspect.

He has not heard too much gossip since he was a child, and he has long been immune to it.

The third princess disliked him for being sick and nosy. He was not upset after hearing this, but felt a little regretful that he could not drink with her.

He stared straight at the wine bowl in the third princess's hand, gritted his teeth at the end, and tried to grab the wine as if he was risking his life.

Upon seeing this, the third princess immediately took back the wine bowl and said in an unhappy tone, "What are you doing?"

You know you are sick, why should you drink?

Mr. Zhong seemed to be stubborn and wanted to drink.

The third princess didn't give him a wine bowl, so he picked up the wine jar and put it in his mouth.

The third princess and Jing Shirong were both frightened and rushed to grab it.

 “Brother Zhong, you’d better stop drinking.”

Jing Shirong also knew about the fact that the eldest son of the Zhong family was sick.

He roughly knew that the sick young master was not a bad person, so he quickly snatched the wine jar and asked his servants to find the doctor.

 The third princess was also shocked.

Even though she doesn't care about the sick man's life or death, if the sick man dies in front of her, then the matter will be hers.

 At that time, people would only say that she didn’t want to marry this sick man, so she planned to make him drink to death. She couldn’t even explain why.

 Including the Zhong family and her father, they will definitely come to cause trouble for her.



 But the other party didn’t respond after calling several times.

 (End of this chapter)

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