The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 455: , don’t die in front of me

 Chapter 455, don’t die in front of me

The third princess saw that he didn't respond. The more she looked at him, the more she became flustered and a little angry.

"Why don't you drink if you have nothing to do! If something happens, I will have to collect your body!"

  I was scolded, but I looked nervously at the symptoms of this sick man.

 Zhong Dashao took a few sips of strong wine and reacted quickly.

He had not had a sip of wine in twenty years, but after taking several sips of strong liquor, he suddenly had a reaction.

His pale sick face suddenly became very red, and his eyes also turned red.

He was stunned for a while, then slowly came back to his senses, looked at the two people beside him, and tried to stand up.

 But his head felt dizzy and his stomach felt queasy. As soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground.

 The third princess was frightened and hurriedly went to pull him.

"Are you OK?"

This sick young man, please don’t die here.

They watched them come in together, but when the sick man was carried out, things would get serious.

Zhong Da saw her looking nervous and thought she was worried about him. He was moved in his heart and even felt dizzy and comforted him, "Don't be afraid. If I die, I will write a suicide note and tell the world that all this has nothing to do with you."

The third princess was so confused when she looked at him, how could she still write a suicide note? Who are you lying to?

 She pulled him up and asked Jing Shirong, "Isn't the doctor here yet?"

Jing Shirong saw that her phoenix eyes rarely showed concern, and he understood something in his heart, so he said, "There are many people getting cold these days, so it will probably take a while."

The third princess couldn't wait any longer, so she picked up Young Master Zhong and said, "I'll take him to the palace to see him."

 After saying that, he turned around and left, not caring about the purpose of coming today.

Jing Shirong saw them walking away, shook his head and smiled, thinking that this pair could probably make it.

 If they can succeed, then the third princess should not come to pester him. Just perfect.

Sister Ying was watching from the attic. When she saw the third princess walking away, she came down to ask.

 “How did they leave?”

Jing Shirong said, "Master Zhong drank wine and I don't know if he is okay. The third princess carried him to the palace."

 If Mr. Zhong dies, the third princess will really be in trouble.

There were already many people who opposed her becoming a general, but now if someone is killed, the voice of impeaching her will only become louder.

Sister Ying saw the anxious steps of the third princess and said, "She looks very anxious. I think this couple can make it."

Jing Shirong nodded, "I think it can be done."

This was the first time he saw the third princess carrying a man to the palace to see the imperial doctor.

 In the past, even if someone died in front of her, she would not soften her heart. This shows that fate is quite magical.

Sister Ying nodded, "I hope so."

“But by the way, how was my acting skills just now?”

The appearance of that aggrieved, pitiful and helpless little daughter-in-law, when outsiders saw her, would have made them think that Jing Shirong disliked her and felt that she was wronged in her husband's family.

Jing Shirong also had a headache when he thought about the scene just now, and said with emotion, "My wife, you are so good at acting, just don't act in front of outsiders."

lest this matter spread to the home of his father-in-law and mother-in-law in Jiangnan, he would be criticized.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It depends on your performance."

"If you make me angry, then I will pretend to be pitiful, aggrieved, and unfavored, and let my parents see how you bully me."

Jing Shirong cried out that he was wronged, "If you pretend to be wronged, forget about Jiangnan's parents. Even my parents at home can't spare me."

Sister Ying didn’t believe it, “How about I try it?”

Jing Shirong is afraid. "please do not"

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and smiled, as cunning as a little fox, and she was about to run towards Jing and the others. Jing Shirong quickly caught up with her, pulled her back with his big hands, picked her up and went to another courtyard.

When Sister Ying saw that he had brought her to another courtyard, she immediately struggled to leave.

“I’m sleepy and want to go back to the main courtyard to sleep. Please put me down.”

Jing Shirong couldn't help but laugh when he saw her angry look, "Then you promise me that you can't act anymore?"

The acting was so real that he blamed himself to death and deeply doubted whether he had gone too far?

Sister Ying glared at him with peach blossom eyes and pursed her lips, "It depends on my mood."

Jing Shirong stretched out his big hands and grabbed her belt, "Huh? Are you sure?"

 You have a good plan, and I also have a wall ladder. Let’s see who is afraid of whom.

 The husband and wife stared at each other, neither giving way to the other.

Until a big hand pulled down the belt of a certain young lady, and seeing that the belt was about to be pulled off, the young lady could only beg for mercy.

"Okay, okay, I understand. It's a big deal and we won't perform anymore. Let's go back to the main courtyard."

 Otherwise, if she stays any longer, her waist will be in danger.

Jing Shirong smiled successfully, and slowly lowered his grip on her belt, smiling like an old fox, "Thank you, madam."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "You're welcome."

What a stinky man, he actually came here to do it.

But since I am no match for others, in order to have a good sleep at night, I think those who know the current affairs should be regarded as heroes.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows in success and carried her back to the main courtyard.

The couple went back to wash themselves, then lay down and went to sleep.

Jing Yu and Jing Xin were tired after dealing with the elders all day, so they went back to sleep.

 The two couples did not go out to have dinner in the evening. Jing was also tired, so she was too lazy to ask the children to eat and went to rest early.

  On the second day, the whole family slept in, and they didn’t get up until the sun was shining.

 The third princess also suffered all night.

 Yesterday, she carried Mr. Zhong to the palace and asked the imperial doctor to take a look at him quickly.

After seeing it, the imperial doctor was a little frightened. Finally, he gave Mr. Zhong a few injections and gave him sobering soup, which made him feel better.

The imperial doctor looked at the ugly face of the third princess and carefully advised, "Third princess, Mr. Zhong's body is not suitable for drinking. It is time to rescue him in time today, otherwise his life may be in jeopardy if it is a little later. You better not do it next time." Let him drink it.”

 They all thought it was the third princess who asked Mr. Zhong to drink. They all felt sorry for Mr. Zhong and were glad that he did not drink to death this time.

 The third princess looked at them and knew what they were thinking without having to guess.

She didn't want to let the sick man drink himself to death. This time he was really unjust.

However, she was too lazy to explain to these people. She only asked the imperial doctor, "How long can he live in this condition?"

It would be best to die when she is fleeing the capital to avoid harming her.

 The half-asleep and half-awake Young Master Zhong:

The imperial doctor also sweated on his forehead and answered cautiously, "Although Master Zhong's body is a little weak, he can still live to the age of forty with good conditioning and good care."

People just look thin, not really short-lived.

The third princess didn't believe it, "He's as sick as a chicken and almost burps after just two sips. How dare you say he can live to be forty?"

 She thinks next year is in doubt.

 Emperor Physician "It's okay to take good care of him."

Hearing this, the third princess felt troubled and considered whether to refuse the marriage. At worst, she would find someone healthier, so as not to be worried every day and not be able to enjoy the wine anymore.

Because of this sick man, she had no time to talk to Jing Shirong. She spent the entire night looking at him.

The emperor also hurried over after hearing the words. Afraid that Mr. Zhong was dead and this unfilial daughter would cause him trouble again, he rushed over in a hurry.

"What exactly is going on?"

 (End of this chapter)

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