Chapter 456: Get married before death

Seeing the emperor's anger, the third princess shrugged and was not afraid of him. "He wanted to drink it himself." She didn't force him to drink it, so what does it have to do with her?

 The emperor was angry, "Why does it have nothing to do with you? It doesn't matter, you can carry him over?"

 It is certain that this unfilial daughter wants to trick someone to death so that the marriage can be canceled.

He was really **** off!

 The third princess saw the emperor's distrustful expression and became angry.

 “If I really want to trick him, why should I save him?” Just let him die.

 The emperor was even more angry when he saw that she was unrepentant.

"Is there anyone like you? General Chen taught you this back then? Everything you learned has been learned from the dog's belly!"


The third princess did not expect to be reprimanded by him like this, and was speechless for a moment.

Jing Shirong also used this to block her last time, and this time her father used it again.

 Does it mean that in their eyes, she is a wicked person who does not take human life seriously?

The emperor said angrily, "If you really take human life seriously, you will be responsible for this kid to the end. If he dies, you will guard him!"

These words were a bit harsh, and the third princess became angry.

 “Just keep it!”

The emperor was even more angry, "If he doesn't die tonight, you two will get married to me next month! From now on, whether he is dead or alive, I will never care about you again."

He was so angry that his head hurt.

The third princess was also angry, "If we get married, we'll get married! If he doesn't die tonight, I'll marry him tomorrow!"

How long has she been bothered by this nonsense? She might as well just get married to this sick man, she was really angry to death.

Father and daughter were very angry and turned their backs to each other, not wanting to see each other.

The imperial doctor looked on with fear and fear, and did not dare to breathe.

Especially in the middle of the night, Mr. Zhong had a high fever, which made everyone sweat.

 The third princess thought he was going to die and was a little unsure.

Especially when the temperature on his forehead got higher and higher, the third princess was also frightened.

She was afraid that the sick man would really die and she would be left a widow, so she leaned into his ear and told him, "Sick Yangzi, if you can survive this, I will marry you."

 The eldest son of the Zhong family, who was suffering from a high fever, seemed to have heard her words and his fever miraculously subsided.

The imperial doctors all breathed a sigh of relief, and just as they were about to report, they saw the third princess falling asleep from exhaustion. I didn't dare to disturb him.

 On the second day.

 The emperor came to see anxiously and asked the imperial physician, "How is the situation?"

The imperial doctor replied, "Your Majesty, Master Zhong is much better now. If you take good care of him in the future, there will be no serious problem."

The emperor walked over and took a look at Young Master Zhong who was still awake. He was relieved when he saw that his face slowly returned to normal.

He winked at the imperial doctor, who understood immediately, and the two of them went outside to talk together.

The emperor looked around, coughed, and asked vaguely, "What about that kid? Is there anything else wrong with your body?"

The imperial doctor didn't understand it at first, but later he figured it out and whispered, "I think it's no problem. But even I'm not sure about this."

The emperor sighed, "If he can't give birth, the unfilial daughter will probably be angry with me. See if there is any medicine to replenish him. If he has a child in the future, the unfilial daughter will probably be able to calm down."

 The imperial doctor nodded, indicating that he understood.

He also asked, "Then...should the medicine be given more strongly?"

The emperor thought, "You can do whatever you want, just don't hurt your body."

 Mr. Zhong, who just woke up and heard these words

 Why does everyone question his body? ?

 He can really do it! !

But no one listened to him at all. The imperial doctor touched his goatee, turned around and prepared medicine for him.

 After the emperor saw him, he also went to talk to the third princess.

The father and daughter faced each other, and the emperor said directly, "You said last night that you would marry him if he could survive today. Does it still count? If it doesn't count, I will choose another one for you."

  Meaning whether this works out or not, she must find someone to marry next month. The third princess was speechless, but also helpless.

She sighed, she didn't want to bother anymore, and accepted her fate, "I know, let's get married on the sixteenth day of next month."

  After pushing it for so many years, she couldn't shirk it. She might as well just get married. She was tired of being pushed and didn't want to have any more trouble with this matter.

 If getting married can save you all the worries, then so be it.

 The emperor saw that she finally accepted her fate, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Okay, then I will issue an imperial edict.”

Once the decree is issued, there is no chance to go back on it.

The third princess waved her hands resignedly, meaning it was okay.

The emperor's face was calm, but as soon as he left the house, he immediately ran to the imperial study room to draft the imperial edict, as if he was afraid that the unfilial daughter would regret it.

After the imperial edict was drawn up, it was sent to the Zhong family without stopping, so that the Zhong family could quickly prepare for the wedding.

 The 16th of next month is coming soon. The Zhong family did not expect that the imperial edict would come so quickly, so they had to rush to prepare.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Zhong had saved some things for her son to get married before, so it would not be so sloppy.

 The emperor also gave many gifts, and the wedding will be more dignified.

 The third princess has a manly character and does not pay much attention to these trivial things.

 She only regarded this as a task. Once completed, it would save a lot of trouble, and she did not care about the details of the wedding.

The Jing family also got the news, and everyone was surprised.

Jing Shirong had expected it, and he breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

He and Sister Ying were lying in the room chatting. Sister Ying lay directly on his chest, peeling longan in her hand and eating it.

Jing Shirong played with her hair with his big hands, sniffed a strand of it at the tip of his nose, and told her, "The Zhong family has received the imperial edict. Princess Sixteen-Three will get married to Master Zhong next month."

Sister Ying paused while eating the longan, "Did you get the news so quickly?"

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "That's natural."

If you want to get around in the capital, how can you do it without some eyeliner?

Sister Ying also felt that the third princess and Young Master Zhong were a perfect match, and she even praised him, "I think Young Master Zhong is a very nice person, with a gentle temper and a very friendly nature."

“The third princess is mainly with him, maybe she can get better.”

Jing Shirong frowned slightly when he heard her complimenting Young Master Zhong, feeling a little jealous.

 The strength in his hand couldn't help but become stronger, and he accidentally pulled Sister Ying's scalp.


 “What are you doing?”

Sister Ying glared at him angrily, "Isn't this bullying?"

Jing Shirong reacted and quickly apologized, "I was wrong, are you okay?" He quickly rubbed her head with his big hand.

Sister Ying snorted and slapped his big hand away, "You are allowed to have someone to admire, but you are not allowed to praise other little brothers for their good looks? I don't want to."

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry when he saw how childish she was, "Then I wasn't young and ignorant back then."

What young man doesn’t have someone to admire? Especially when facing people with strong martial arts skills, they will naturally be attracted to them.

Sister Ying was not really angry with him, so she snorted at him and said, "I'm going to the inn later. Will you go?"

 The inn has been open for so long, but she hasn’t visited it yet.

But the steward didn't come to report the situation to her, so I guess it was going well.

 She planned to go take a look later, check the accounts and so on.

Jing Shirong took a sweet sip from the side of her face and said fondly, "Okay, let's go take a look together later."

 (End of this chapter)

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