Chapter 457: Humble dog licking

The two chatted on the bed for a while, and then got up to go to the inn.

Sister Ying specially changed into a dark blue formal suit, which made her look very majestic.

Jing Shirong saw that she dressed up differently every day, and she looked very fresh.

 “Why do you wear something different every time?”

It seems that she dresses differently on every occasion. The day before yesterday she was dignified and virtuous, and the day before that she was charming and charming. He was so formal again today, dressed seriously like a big boss.

Sister Ying put on red lips and hummed, "This is the fun of makeup, you won't understand."

The inn she opened in the capital also hired local waiters to run errands and deliver takeaways. The store also hired other new local employees. Naturally, she wanted to intimidate those people so that they would not take her management seriously.

Jing Shirong has invested in so many businesses, so he naturally knows that if the people below are not restrained, there will be people who cheat and cheat, so he also changed into a black robe, intending to support her.

It was the first time that Sister Ying saw him wearing this kind of formal black robe. He looked solemn and solemn, not easy to mess with.

She groaned and praised, "Not to mention, you look quite scary in this black robe when you are not talking."

 Normally, he wears white, or light cyan, or light blue, giving people an illusion of gentleness and harmlessness.

  Sometimes he wears elegant moonlight-colored robes and looks like a frail scholar. No one is afraid of him.

Now that I think about it, that kind of white moonlight outfit is just to confuse the enemy's eyes.

Jing Shirong smiled slyly, "How can I do it without some disguise when I'm going out?"

 Every time the emperor sent him for a private visit incognito, he wanted to sneak into the enemy circle, so disguise was very important. You must not let people see that he is an official. It is better for people to think that he is a businessman who is easy to cheat, or a scholar who is weak and easy to bully. This will make it easier to get close to the enemy.

 This is how the big-tailed wolf deceives people. Sister Ying is deeply impressed.

She said, "Otherwise, you should change back into a white robe."

His original image in the capital is that of a gentle and harmless person, so it would be better not to be so high-profile.

Jing Shirong originally wanted to be her backer, but when she saw that she wanted him back, he asked strangely, "Don't you want me to help you calm down?"

Sister Ying waved her hands and said, "We are civilized people and we don't act like the black brother."

Jing Shirong listened to her and went to change the moonlight robe back, changing from a dark and cold man to a white moonlight brother again.

Sister Ying likes his mode of freely switching between male protagonist and villain.

She especially liked his handsome face when she saw it. She stood on tiptoes and pinched his handsome face.

 Then he squeezed his abdominal muscles.

Jing Shirong was someone who couldn't help but flirt. As soon as he was kissed by her, his eyes lit up and he reached out to hug Sister Ying.

Sister Ying immediately took a step back and said, "Stop! We are about to go out."

Jing Shirong pouted, a little regretful, and raised his eyebrows to discuss with Sister Ying, "That night?"

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why are you talking so much at night? I'm going out."

He is full of energy, but she is not good at it, so she should leave quickly.

Jing Shirong saw her running away and hurriedly chased her out, as if licking a dog, "Madam, the weather is very nice at night. It's a good time to cultivate the relationship between husband and wife. How about we come back early later?" Let's sleep together or something.

 Look at this tiger-wolf talk, Sister Ying doesn’t accept it.

 She changed the subject. "Are you questioning our feelings?" Pretending not to understand what he meant.

Jing Shirong licked his face and came closer, lowering his head to flatter her ear, "I watch the sky at night, and it's suitable to go to bed early these days. How about we come back early, have some wine, and have a private chat?"

Sister Ying didn’t even notice the greedy expression like a pug.

“Mom said there is a fireworks show in the evening. Let’s go to the temple fair to watch the fireworks. If you don’t go, I will go by myself.”

Jing Shirong frowned. He didn't expect that there would be a fireworks display, and he immediately felt strange about the fireworks display.

“Normally we don’t set off any fireworks, so what kind of fireworks will be set off suddenly? Really!” It delayed the relationship between him and his wife.

Sister Ying. "I asked you, can you think of something clean in your mind?"

Jing Shirong said with an open face, "It's not clean. I won't get sick after eating it. I want to be dirty to you."

Sister Ying: ...I thank you, no need.

 Turn around and keep walking. Jing Shirong chased after him without giving up.

He justified his words by saying, "Okay, since my wife wants to watch the fireworks, I will take you to watch the fireworks in the evening. Who knows that I am the most doting husband on my wife in the whole capital."

Sister Ying was amused by his shameless spirit.

  "Why don't you come here and watch the fireworks? I'm going to take my mother over to watch the fireworks tonight."

 Not only the Jing family, but also Jing Yu and the others will also go there.

 Including Jinghan and the others are also going.

A few months after Jinghan gave birth, she complained that she was bored at home and wanted to go out to play.

Murong Yun also planned to take her out to play in the evening.

Sister Ying originally wanted to go to Jing Han's house after the inn, and then invite them to hang out together in the evening. This would prevent the big bad wolf around her from thinking about her.

Her old waist still wants to rest for two days.

Jing Shirong saw that she had already made plans, so he had no choice but to give up and continue to come to please her.

“Okay, let’s stop by my cousin’s house later.”

Sister Ying hummed and went to the inn with him.

 Their delivery inn is still located in an alley.

 First of all, it is difficult to buy popular shops and the prices are also expensive.

 Secondly, they are delivery inns, so they don’t need many bustling streets, just a good walking section.

 The decoration of the store was discussed between Mr. Jing and Sister Ying’s dowry steward, and everything was done according to delivery standards.

 The place to order food is outside, and the prices of the dishes are marked.

 The layout inside the inn is the same as that in Jiangnan, everything is for convenience in delivering and cooking food.

 Only insiders can enter the back yard of the store.

The guard outside didn’t recognize Sister Ying, so he stopped her and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

Seeing that he was very dedicated, Sister Ying nodded with satisfaction and said to him, "I'll find Manager Lin."

The guard saw that they were dressed beautifully, so he went in and asked the forest steward.

As soon as Manager Lin heard the guard's description, she knew it was Sister Ying who was coming, and she rushed out to greet her.

 “The owner?”

Sister Ying nodded to her, "It's me."

Steward Lin has not seen her for a long time, and he is quite happy to see her now.

"You're here. The inn has been open for so long and I haven't seen you back. At first, I didn't feel confident."

 After all, it was my first time to come to the capital, and I didn’t know anyone, so it was not convenient to buy anything.

 Fortunately, Ms. Jing was very concerned about Sister Ying's affairs. If Manager Lin didn't understand something, she specially sent a housekeeper to help her, so that things could go smoothly.

Sister Ying remembered her mother-in-law's kindness and smiled while reminiscing with Manager Lin.

 “Are you used to being here?”

Steward Lin smiled and said, "I'm used to it. It's a lively place with outstanding people. Everyone adapts quickly."

 After all, it is a prosperous area, and there is no need to endure hardships. The group of people fell in love with it after a few days of adapting.

Sister Ying hummed and asked, "How are the newly recruited guys doing?"

Manager Lin replied, "The two people I recruited at the beginning were very clever and knew how to make the customers happy, but privately they were a bit cunning. They actually wanted to conspire with the vegetable seller to raise the price of vegetables and earn the middle price."

 Luckily she found out early, otherwise the extra food money that increases every day would add up to a lot of money.

After hearing this, Sister Ying asked, "What happened next? Did you shoot him?"

 (End of this chapter)

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