Chapter 458: The cunning waiter

Manager Lin nodded and said, "I went there early that day to catch him and make him unjust so that he didn't even have a chance to complain. I made him pack up and leave on the same day."

But Manager Lin is also very good at showing off.

She didn't say anything unpleasant, she just said that their shop was small and couldn't accommodate that many people, so she gave him two months of money and let him go.

The other party was caught in the act and had no excuse to cry out that he was wronged, so he could only walk away in despair.

 As for the other waiter, he is delivering food.

Sister Ying asked, "What's the problem with the other one?"

Steward Lin recalled, "He, he is even more outrageous."

Originally, Manager Lin found a local waiter to run errands more conveniently.

They had just arrived in the capital and were not familiar with the roads here. They were afraid of delaying the delivery of food, so they asked a familiar local waiter to help them run errands.

The waiter was pretty good at the beginning and seemed quite smart.

Who would have thought that he is also a sneaky person.

 At the beginning, I was very active in delivering food. Every time I delivered it to the owner, I was very sweet and knew how to please the buyer's concierge and steward.

 At first, Manager Lin felt that he had picked the right person.

The waiter has a sweet mouth and knows his way around. The food is delivered to the buyer while it is still hot. He has received many good reviews, which makes him more and more recognized.

Who would have thought that after only one month of performing his duties, he would start complaining about pain in his legs and feet in the second month.

 At first, Manager Lin thought that his legs were tired from running too much, so he bought him supplements to replenish his body.

Who knew that this guy was not really tired, but wanted a salary increase.

 After learning about his thoughts, Manager Lin also talked with him.

  After all, their wages at delivery hotels are much higher than those at big stores outside. It can be said that the monthly salary of their waiters is the highest in this whole street.

  How many people couldn't squeeze in even if they tried to squeeze in, but he actually wanted to open his mouth like a lion.

Originally, if he sincerely wanted to stay and work, Manager Lin would have been willing to give him a little more wages.

 But the other party asked for twenty taels more when he opened his mouth. It was really not an ordinary lion's big mouth.

 Price control in Beijing is relatively good. A waiter in an ordinary shop in a prosperous area can earn up to five or six yuan a month, far less than one tael.

The waiter in a more luxurious inn has a basic salary of at most two taels. Occasionally, guests will give a reward, which can be as high as five to ten taels.

But that kind of reward is silver, and the basic salary is the basic salary.

The wages at Sister Ying's house are higher. They give you 2 taels at the beginning. If you stay for a long time and do well, they can be raised to 3 or 4 taels. They also receive red envelopes during the New Year and holidays.

 But the waiter who delivered food asked for twenty taels as soon as he asked for it, and Manager Lin was speechless.

The waiter in the shop thought that they were from Jiangnan and would be easier to deceive. Unexpectedly, as soon as he mentioned the twenty taels, Manager Lin's face dropped.

He knew how to look at his face, and when he saw that twenty taels was not enough, he changed it to ten taels.

 Guanshi Lin naturally disagrees.

This guy has only been working for a month and is already raising the price. Once he agrees to this, he may not be sure what he will do in the future.

In the end, things couldn't be settled, so Manager Lin put in spare manpower.

 When it comes to delivering food, as long as you know the way, it doesn't matter if you don't have a sweet mouth.

They focus on the taste of the food. Customers who enjoy the food will naturally come back, so there is no need to choose this waiter.

The waiter in the shop was a little angry when he saw that she really didn't want to increase his salary. He told her that if he didn't hire him, he would have to introduce all the customers to others in the future.

  Meaning to compete with Manager Lin for business.

After hearing this, Manager Lin didn't care. He sneered, paid him the bill and left.

The waiter in the shop was so angry when he saw that she didn't even try to save him and let him go, that he cursed her angrily. When he got back, he started to misbehave, deliberately telling others that their food was not delicious and they didn't treat their workers well.

Steward Lin knew about it and was very angry. He went straight to Jing for help. After hearing this, Mr. Jing immediately asked the housekeeper to solve the problem.

The housekeeper has been in the capital for decades and has long been experienced.

 It's easy to deal with a small waiter.

Sister Ying asked, "What will be the outcome of the waiter?"

Manager Lin snorted and spat, "That boy turns out to be the nephew of a high-ranking official's family manager. That's why he dares to be so arrogant, thinking that we from out of town are easy to bully."

 It's a pity that this time he kicked the iron plate.

 Guanshi Lin has been dealing with all kinds of people all year round, so why would he still be afraid of a waiter like him?

 She does not engage in direct conflict with the opponent, and counterattacks are all behind her back.

Didn’t the waiter at the shop say that their delivery inn is not good? Then she would investigate him instead.

Once you discover any sneaky behavior on his part, report it to his boss immediately and make sure he looks good.

The waiter at the back was fired by the new owner because his hands and feet were dirty.

But because the waiter was connected to the steward of a certain high-ranking official, he was not afraid of what others would do and continued to apply for jobs in other inns without being affected at all.

Steward Lin didn't want to take care of him at first, but every time the other party talked about Sister Ying's delivery inn, he would belittle and slander him, which made Steward Lin very angry.

Later, the steward of the Jing family came forward directly and found one or two pieces of evidence that this boy had stolen the owner's valuables. Gradually, other inn owners stopped inviting him.

Since no one invited him, he had to work for his uncle in charge. But because his hands and feet were unclean, he was eventually sent out.

The steward was afraid that he would harm himself, so naturally he could not protect him and sent him back to his hometown in the suburbs overnight.

Now Sister Ying's store has recruited a few more honest people, and Butler Lin is personally training them.

"The two new waiters are very obedient. Although they are dull, they are more honest."

Sister Ying went with her to see them, and she felt relieved when she saw that the two waiters were really responsible.

 She felt reassured by Manager Lin, "I feel relieved when you look after me."

Manager Lin smiled and said, "This store belongs to us, and I will definitely run it well for you."

 After all, the business in the store is good, and the managers like them have good incomes, so they will naturally run the business well.

After inspecting the new workers in the store, Sister Ying looked at the accounts and saw that there were no problems, so she went out with Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong took her to Murong Yun’s house to find Jing Han.

As soon as Jinghan heard that Sister Ying had arrived, she was very happy and ran out leaving her two sons behind.

 “Sister Ying?”

Seeing that she was still so lively, Sister Ying smiled and said, "Run slower, don't be in a hurry."

Jinghan has a fiery temperament, so there is no way he can wait.

She held Sister Ying's hand and was very happy, "I'm almost idle at home. If you don't come back to me, I'll be bored to death."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "That's really my fault. Let's watch the fireworks together tonight."

Jinghan was happy, "Okay, okay, I've wanted to play with you for a long time."

 Because Sister Ying helped her reconcile with Murong Yun last time, Jinghan was still grateful.

Princess Lianyi tried to destroy the relationship between the couple before. If Sister Ying hadn't enlightened her, she would have foolishly quarreled with Murong Yun.

Now the couple are reconciled as before and have given birth to a son, which makes Jinghan very happy as if unloading goods.

 She is in a good mood now and eats delicious food, but she is a little bored taking care of the children at home.

 Sister Ying came over today, so naturally I wanted to hang out with her.

 “Then can you help me pick out some clothes now? I want to go out beautifully at night.”

 (End of this chapter)

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