The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 459: , Miss Sun comes out to act like a monster 1

Chapter 459, Miss Sun comes out to act like a monster 1

 “Okay, let’s go pick it out.”

After saying that, the two held hands and went into the house laughing and joking.

Jing Shirong and Murong Yun looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

Murong Yun asked him, "How are you doing lately?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "It's not bad, I said in the room."

Murong Yun hummed and took him to the study room to chat.

They haven't seen each other for a long time. In addition to reminiscing about old times, they also chatted about some gossip.

Murong Yun said, "There is a jade mine over there in the south. The jade in it is of very good quality. Your Majesty will probably ask you to take care of it." After all, jade mines are a great opportunity to make a fortune, and those who look after them will inevitably dig them up and sell them. The emperor If you don’t worry, you will naturally send someone to take care of it.

Murong Yun had a lot of gossip and got the news faster than others.

 While making tea, he said to Jing Shirong, "I heard that a lot of jade mines over there have been secretly dug up. I believe your Majesty will get the news soon."

 When the emperor finds out that his property has been stolen, Long Yan will definitely be furious.

 Although it is a time of peace and prosperity, several neighboring countries are secretly strengthening themselves.

The emperor was afraid that his financial and military resources were insufficient, so he naturally wanted to increase his financial and military resources.

 Jade mines must not be dug up too much, and the people must encourage production more, and widows can remarry.

 All of this requires financial support, so the emperor also has many industries behind him.

This jade mine is the first to bear the brunt, so the emperor will naturally pay attention to it.

Jing Shirong felt relieved after hearing this.

 He asked Murong Yun, "How is the environment there?"

If the emperor really sent him there, he would definitely not be able to return within half a year.

If he wanted to take Sister Ying there, he would definitely have to inquire about the environmental conditions there.

Murong Yun did know a little bit.

“There should be a small mountain village over there, and the jade mine is right behind the small mountain village.”

“But there should be a lively town over there. I passed there before when I went to visit the jade mine.”

Originally, Murong Yun also discovered that there was a jade mine there, but the emperor knew about it earlier.

 Since the emperor was one step ahead of him, he naturally had no part in it.

He said to Jing Shirong, "There are rich jade mines over there, but there are also many people who secretly mine jade mines. The emperor will definitely let you go and take care of them."

But this matter will have to wait until the sixteenth princess gets married.

 The emperor's biggest worry now is to get the third princess married.

As long as the third princess gets married, he can breathe a sigh of relief and deal with other things.

 After all, the late empress asked him to treat the third princess and the prince well before she died. The emperor naturally wanted his two children to get married and start a family.

 The third princess was waiting in the palace for Young Master Zhong to wake up, and her mood had stabilized a lot.

 She figured it out. After so many years of stubbornness, she was tired.

She just went to the prince's place, and then went to the future prince's house for a tour. She saw that the future prince's wife was dignified, virtuous, calm and intelligent, and she was indeed a good candidate for the prince's wife.

 In the future, the prince will have a good wife to help him, and she will feel more at ease.

 As for Mr. Zhong, this sick young man, just get married to him.

 Bianguan Road is lonely, but with this sick man accompanying me, I think it won’t be too lonely.

As for Jing Shirong, it can only be said that they don’t have that fate yet.

 As for what will happen in the future, who knows?

 After Mr. Zhong woke up, he learned that the imperial edict of marriage had been issued, and his pale and gentle face was confused.

“You mean the imperial edict has been sent to my house?”

 The **** nodded, "Yes, the imperial edict has been sent to your home, and the wedding is scheduled for the sixteenth day."

Mr. Zhong doesn’t understand how this happened suddenly? But not too surprised.

 Perhaps something big happened while he was asleep last night. Since the imperial edict was issued, he had nothing to object to and had already finished it.

 Actually, he doesn't hate the third princess. On the contrary, he thinks the third princess is also a sweetheart, and he quite likes her.

 Coupled with the fact that her mother died young, he felt a little pity in his heart and wanted to give her some care.

 So he quickly accepted the marriage offer, got dressed and was about to return to Zhong's house.

Seeing that he had recovered, the third princess walked in to take a look at him and said, "Are you okay?"

 Master Zhong scratched his head in embarrassment, "Okay. I've caused you trouble."

The third princess snorted at him and said, "You know it's okay to cause trouble for me. If you can't drink it next time, don't drink it, so as not to make me a widow."

Mr. Zhong was choked by her outrightness and coughed, "I know, I know."

 “Not next time.”

The third princess snorted and asked him bluntly, "After the wedding, I will go back to the border. Can your body come with me?"

The border is a long way away, and the trip back and forth is quite laborious. If the sick man cannot travel far, he can only stay in the capital.

Hearing this, Mr. Zhong quickly said, "Yes. I can travel far, don't worry about that."

  Since he was a child, he traveled extensively with the doctor who rescued him, and he has long been accustomed to traveling far away.

The third princess was dubious, "Really?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Don't worry, I can do it."

The third princess didn’t quite believe it, but she didn’t say anything further, “Okay, then you go back first. The preparations for the wedding should be simple, don’t make it so complicated.”

Other little girls may like a luxurious and noble wedding model, but the third princess finds it troublesome and wants to keep it as simple as possible.

Mr. Zhong had a general understanding of her preferences and hummed. "knew."

 He left the palace and returned to the Zhong family to discuss the details of the wedding.

Although the third princess doesn’t like complexity, she still needs to be given the necessary details.

Miss Sun family, who was far away from the palace, heard that the famous third princess was actually getting married? He was still a sick man, so he was quite surprised.

 Originally, she thought that the third princess would eventually marry Jing Shirong.

Who would have thought that this pairing would not work out in the end? The third princess is also paired with a sick man?

Ms. Sun didn’t even know whether she should be enjoying herself or hate her.

 She still resents the bad things the Jing family did to her.

I also remember resenting Jing Shirong for not marrying her, causing her parents to marry an old man, so that she is now living in dire straits.

Now her health is getting worse and worse, as if she has few days to live well, which makes her want to take out all her resentment on the Jing family.

If the Jing family hadn't been so unkind and married her so early, she wouldn't have been married to a bad old man by her parents.

Last time she was pregnant with the old man's child, but she was secretly harmed by the smiling lady.

 The child was not saved, and her health became worse and worse. It seemed that the medicinal materials had been tampered with by the lady.

It's a pity that she realized it later and thought that the eldest lady would not dare to harm her easily no matter what. After all, her natal family had some money, even though it lacked a little power, it was still much better than the people in the market.

Who would have thought that that old woman would dare to do something behind her back?

Now her menstrual flow is not clear, her body seems to be depleted, and she is gradually feeling tired.

The more Ms. Sun thought about it, the more she hated it.

She thought that even if she died, she would drag these people down to support her. Otherwise her death would have been in vain.

Originally, she was afraid that she hoped that the third princess would marry Jing Shirong and let Jing serve on the third princess, a powerful daughter-in-law, so that she could experience the feeling of groveling.

Who would have thought that the third princess was not married to Jing Shirong at all, so how could she vent her anger now?

Ms. Sun couldn’t be reconciled even after thinking about it.

Finally, after thinking hard for a long time, I came up with a solution.

 (End of this chapter)

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