The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 460: , Miss Sun comes out to act like a monster 2

Chapter 460, Miss Sun comes out to act like a monster 2

She thought that if she could make an appointment with the third princess and that vixen from Jiangnan at the same time, she would have someone poison Sister Ying's food in advance.

 Once something happens, people will only suspect the third princess.

 After all, the third princess and Jing Shirong had an affair before.

 People would only think that the third princess came up with this strategy in order to marry Jing Shirong.

 When the vixen dies and the third princess takes the blame, she will stand by and applaud.

Unfortunately, she went to Jing's house several times to submit the post, but received no response. She was so angry that she broke several tea cups in the room.

Sister Ying did receive a letter from Miss Sun before, so she went to ask Mrs. Jing, "Mom, who is this Miss Sun?" She didn't seem to recognize it.

As soon as Mr. Jing heard about Miss Sun, he immediately thought of it.


That girl had ulterior motives for marrying into the Jing family, but the Jing family didn't agree, so it was settled later.

Jing later heard that in order to save their son from danger, the Sun family married Miss Sun to an old official as a concubine.

Now that she came to ask Sister Ying out, she obviously had ulterior motives.

Jing didn’t dare to hide it, fearing that Sister Ying would be angry if she heard a different version from other places, so she slowly told her.

"Originally, she and A Jing had nothing to do with each other. It was just wishful thinking of the Sun family."

Sister Ying rolled her eyes speechlessly when she heard that it was Jing Shirong's peach blossom debt again.

He thought to himself, "I will definitely settle the score with that smelly and shameless big bad wolf tonight!"

 Let’s see how much debt he has incurred for her.

Look at this one and two of them came to the door.

 Last time it was the sixteenth princess, followed by the third princess, and this time there is Miss Sun.

But this Miss Sun is already married as a concubine, so why do you want her?

Jing didn’t understand either, “Does she want to ask you to have a fight outside?”

 But it’s impossible when you think about it. Is the other party that stupid?

Sister Ying shook her head, "Forget it, I won't go then."

Jing Shirong didn’t like Miss Sun anyway, so she was too lazy to deal with it.

 If all the women who had a crush on Jing Shirong came to her, she would be exhausted from meeting them one by one.

 So she will not reply to this post.

Ms. Sun’s family waited at home all morning, but couldn’t get a response. She was so angry that she posted again.

This time she wrote more straightforwardly, saying that she and Jing Shirong were just in the past, and she hoped Sister Ying wouldn't mind.

Sister Ying.

 She might not mind if she didn't know the truth.

But Mr. Jing said that Miss Sun and Jing Shirong had no interaction at all and had only met once at most. So where did they come from? Could it be that he wrote and acted it himself?

Jing Shi nodded, "Yes, she made it up herself."

 Just looking for trouble.

Sister Ying understood, "Then she's just causing trouble for me."

Jingshi was also speechless, "Then ignore her."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and went to eat hand in hand.

 As for the Miss Sun family, they didn't pay any attention to it.

Ms. Sun waited at home for a long time but did not see a letter from Sister Ying. She felt very irritable.

He asked the maid, "What did the Jing family say? Why didn't Hu Meizi respond at all?"

Logically speaking, if a man has a romantic debt outside, as the wife of the house, it is impossible to ignore it. Why would the charming lady ignore her? "Miss Sun really can't figure it out. If she were Jing Shirong's wife, she would definitely look for her immediately after receiving such a post.

Who would have thought that that foxy girl from Jiangnan would not play according to the routine?

She also wanted to take advantage of his jealousy to ask him out, but she didn't expect him to ignore her. What would happen to her plan?

Ms. Sun was unwilling to let her plan fail, so she thought of another way.

She thought for a while, and since she couldn't call Sister Ying out in her name, she would use the name of the third princess.

If her intimidation is not enough, then Na Hu Meizi can't refuse the title of the third princess, right?

As for the third princess, she also used the name of Sister Ying to make an appointment with the third princess.

As long as these two people meet, no matter whose wine glass she puts the poison in, that Hu Meizi will definitely not survive!

 If something happens to the third princess, Hu Meizi will be the first to escape.

 But the majesty of the third princess made Miss Sun a little afraid, so she bought poison and poured the poison into Sister Ying's wine glass as planned.

 Once this woman dies, Jing Shirong will definitely be sad. This is her greatest revenge on him!

  Who told him to be so ruthless to her?

Sister Ying was choosing clothes with Jing Han in Jing Han's room.

Some servants came to report that the third princess had sent a message to Sister Ying, saying that she wanted to see Sister Ying in the evening.

Sister Ying was a little surprised after hearing this.

He and Jing Han looked at each other, "The third princess is about to get married. What do you want to do with me? Could it be that she wants to cause trouble for me before getting married?"

Jing Han didn’t understand either, “Does she still have illusions about A Jing?”

Jing Han knew a little bit about the third princess and Jing Shirong, but the third princess’s marriage was already a foregone conclusion, so what was the use of looking for Sister Ying?

Sister Ying was also surprised, "Or is it that she is not willing to marry Mr. Zhong and wants to steal her husband?"

Isn’t it written like this in every storybook? The third princess can first invite her out and use medicinal wine to stun her, and then send her to Zhong’s house?

 She went to the Jing family by herself? ?

 When the time comes for the two couples to make a living, maybe the emperor will acquiesce.

 But thinking about it this way is ridiculous, and the outcome may be even worse.

Jing Han clicked his tongue, not quite believing it, "It shouldn't be possible, right? The third princess is decisive, so she wouldn't be so roundabout."

With the cruel temper of the third princess, if she wanted to take revenge on Sister Ying, she would kill her directly and secretly. She would never cause such a troublesome thing.

Sister Ying didn’t know what she was thinking, so she sighed and asked Jinghan, “Will you invite me to this invitation tonight?”

The third princess did not like her before, but Jing Shirong did not give her a chance to bully him, so Sister Ying had not experienced the power of the third princess, so naturally she was not afraid of her.

Jinghan said, "How about we go see her at night? After all, we have to go out to watch the fireworks. I will go with you then."

 She will definitely help her best friend if something happens.

Seeing her magnanimity, Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go talk to Brother Rong."

 She likes to discuss things with Jing Shirong, so she goes to the study to find Jing Shirong.

By chance, Shi Rong and Murong Yun were entering the palace at this time, and Sister Ying was still a little late.

Jinghan suggested, "How about waiting for A Jing to come back and talk to him before going there?"

Sister Ying doesn’t know if this is a serial plot, and is also hesitating whether to deal with the third princess first?

As long as the third princess sees no threat to her, she probably won't cause trouble for the couple anymore.

Jinghan also said, "Let me see, if you can talk to her at night, just talk to her. Otherwise, if she thinks about your man in the future, you will be annoyed to death. It's better to just make things clear."

Jing Han doesn’t like to beat around the bush. Whenever something happens, he always wants to solve it where he is, so he supports Sister Ying to go out for the third princess’ appointment at night.

She said, "I'll go with you. As long as I'm here, there's nothing to worry about."

 After all, under the Emperor's feet, the third princess would not be so confused.

 (End of this chapter)

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