Chapter 461, a plan within a plan

Think about it, Sister Ying.

Although the third princess is cruel, she is not brainless.

Her wedding is approaching, so I want to meet her, give her some trouble, or ask about Jing Shirong's condition or something.

She shouldn't be able to kill people. Under the emperor's feet, if she dared to kill the wife of an important minister of the emperor, it would be like breaking up with the emperor.

 So there shouldn't be any danger at night, so she should be fine if she just goes there.

Otherwise, if you don't go this time, you will offend the third princess and create an enemy for Jing Shirong. That would be bad.

Jinghan supported her and said, "Yes, just go. It's best to explain this entangled matter clearly, otherwise she will be confused and you will be confused too."

Didn't she quarrel with Murong Yun because she had a knot in her heart?

 Now that the misunderstanding is over, the couple's feelings are growing day by day.

Sister Ying hummed and said without hesitation, "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

She and Jinghan got dressed up, got into the carriage, and went to the temple fair together.

At this time, Murong Yun and Jing Shirong went into the palace to meet the saint. They did not know the situation at home.

It was just getting dark now, and the lights of the temple fair had already been lit. People were coming and going on the street, and the street vendors were shouting. The scene was very lively.

 Coupled with the fireworks show tonight, more and more people came to reserve seats to watch the fireworks in advance.

The crowd was so crowded that Sister Ying was afraid of getting lost.

Jinghan held her arm tightly, like a big sister, "What are you afraid of? I'm holding your hand, I won't let you get lost."

Sister Ying's face was moved, and she said, "Cousin, if you were a man, I would have to bow down to you."

Jinghan raised his eyebrows and said narcissistically, "Whatever you want, you can just marry me."

I dare not say anything else. If she were a man, he would definitely love his wife very much and marry her.

Sister Ying couldn't stop laughing, "If I marry you, Brother Rong will probably challenge you to a duel, right?"

Jinghan laughed, "I guess not?"

 If you are already married, what’s the use of fighting alone?

 Sister Ying is not sure.

The big bad wolf in the family has a two-sided personality. He is very friendly to you when he is good, but if you really annoy him, who knows how he will get back in revenge.

As the two of them talked, the carriage arrived at the inn where the "Third Princess" had made an appointment.

This inn was overcrowded today. If they hadn't booked a private room in advance, they wouldn't have been able to get in.

Miss Sun sent someone secretly to see if Sister Ying and the others had come. A servant came to report and said, "They are here. They have already gone in."

After hearing this, Miss Sun breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Has the third princess come out?"

 She had messages sent to both ends, and the poison was ready.

As long as that foxy girl drinks poisonous tea or poisonous wine, there is no chance she will come out alive.

 The third princess didn't pay attention to this.

 She was mentally exhausted these past few days, so she woke up after catching up on a day's sleep in the morning.

 I received a message as soon as I got up, saying that the young lady of the Jing family invited her to go out for a party? Still a little surprised.

The third princess narrowed her eyes and thought to herself, how dare that foxy girl have such courage? Dare you post her? ?

The last time I saw her at Jing's house, the foxy girl looked weak and unable to take care of herself. She didn't look like someone who had the guts to see her.

Is it possible that she knew about the relationship between Jing Shirong and her? Planning to meet and ask her?

 This is interesting.

I just don’t know how brave that foxy girl is, so I’d better not be scared to tears by her for a while.

She felt it was interesting, so she immediately got up to wash up, put on a black men's robe and went out of the palace to meet Sister Ying.

Miss Sun's people were guarding outside the inn. When they saw the third princess coming on horseback, they immediately reported to Miss Sun.

“Miss, the third princess has passed.”

As soon as Miss Sun heard that the third princess had passed, she immediately became energetic and said, "Go and keep an eye on her. If anything happens, report her immediately." "Yes."

After the servants passed by, Miss Sun sat up, wiped her rouge in front of the mirror, and waited for the show to begin.

After the third princess arrived at the inn, the waiter led her to the private room on the second floor.

Sister Ying and the others have just arrived. They have ordered hot tea but it has not yet been served. They are sitting and talking now.

While we were chatting, the door of the private room was pushed in with a "squeak~" sound.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked out the door at the same time, and their eyes met the third princess.

The three of them were relatively speechless, and the third princess even stared at Sister Ying coldly.

Last time, this charming girl had her head lowered, so she couldn't see her carefully. Today, when she looked at her face, she was indeed charming enough. It was no wonder that Jing Shirong was willing to marry her.

Men are greedy for beauty, and even the sick young master Zhong couldn't help but say good things for this charming girl. This shows that men still love beauty.

The third princess snorted coldly and walked straight in.

She didn’t need anyone to greet her. She walked in and found a chair to sit down by herself.

 The tone was cold and hard, "Don't you have anything?"

Sister Ying and Jing Han stood up and bowed slightly before replying, "I don't know what you want to drink yet. I just ordered a cup of Pu'er and it should be here soon."

The third princess waved her hand and said, "What's the point of drinking tea? I'll bring you a pot of wine."

 She is a drinker all year round. She can't drink tea with light soup, but she still enjoys drinking it.

After hearing this, Sister Ying did not stop her and asked the waiter to get a pot of good wine and some appetizers.

The waiter said "Oh" and went to get the wine and appetizers. On the way, he was called over to help. At this time, someone came over and took the opportunity to put poison into the third princess's drink.

 Including the tea ordered by Sister Ying was also poisoned.

Even the peanuts and vegetables eaten with wine were not spared, as they were all mixed with poison.

Sister Ying's secret guard saw this scene secretly, and was about to exchange the food, but felt that someone was watching from another direction, so he remained silent. Avoid exposing yourself.

Obviously, the other party seemed to sense that there was someone nearby and stopped moving.

Seeing that the other party was not moving, the two groups could only stand still and let the poisoned food and wine be brought into the private room.

 “The food is here~” The waiter enthusiastically brought the food and wine in.

  When I saw Sister Ying’s charming little face, I couldn’t help but give her an extra plate of peanuts.

“Sir, the tea is a bit hot. Please let it sit for a while before drinking. Don’t let it get too hot.”

 The third princess and Jing Han looked at the waiter at the same time and couldn't help but roll their eyes. Secretly, all the men in this world are really lustful!

Sister Ying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, thank you."

 The waiter smiled when he saw her little face, her face became more and more beautiful, and he was distracted.

Jinghan coughed, and then he scratched his head in embarrassment and ran out as if he was embarrassed.

The third princess and Jing Han both rolled their eyes at him, saying to themselves that men are stinky **** and can't walk when they see beauties.

Sister Ying was stared at by the two of them. She coughed and wanted to explain, "Uh, do you want tea?"

Jinghan snorted childishly, "Don't drink it. They brought it to you specially, so we don't dare to drink it."

The third princess also snorted, "I won't drink anything fancy like that. It's tacky!"

Sister Ying.

 Is it her fault that she is good-looking?

 She is naturally beautiful and there is nothing she can do about it.

Her parents look like that, with white skin, big eyes, and long eyelashes. It would be difficult for her to inherit ugliness.

Jinghan is old at Versailles.

Three princesses, hum, green tea watch!

The three of them were speechless. Finally, Sister Ying broke the awkwardness and took the initiative to pour tea for Jinghan and wine for the third princess.

 Coughed, "The atmosphere is good today, let's talk about something happy?"

 (End of this chapter)

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