Chapter 462: Ambush on all sides

Jinghan cheered and said, "Okay, the atmosphere is so good tonight, let's have some fun chatting."

The third princess refused to give her any food. She swung the wine glass and was about to drink it when she smelled a strange taste.

 “What does it smell like?”

  She lowered her head and smelled it, and the more she smelled it, the more familiar it became.

This stench is the smell of poison swaying and colliding in wine. Although it was masked by the smell of wine, the third princess could still smell it.

She has been hanging out in the harem since she was a child, and when she grew up, she fought wits and courage with other princes and treacherous ministers. She has been dosed with poison and wine countless times, and she can smell the experience.

 She raised her head, her phoenix eyes looking directly at Sister Ying, her expression cold.

 “Did you poison the general’s wine?”

Sister Ying was stunned, "Huh?" Is the wine poisonous?

No way?

Jinghan was also stunned. He quickly pulled out the poison-testing silver hairpin on his head and poked it into the vegetables.

Her silver hairpin was specially customized for her by Murong Yun, specifically for testing poisons.

When the dish touched the silver hairpin, the reaction turned black within two seconds.


Sister Ying also realized something was wrong and asked Jinghan, "Try the tea cup too."

Jinghan followed the instructions and put the poison-testing silver hairpin into the tea cup. He took it out and saw that it was also black.

The third princess also sensed something was wrong. She looked outside with sharp eyes and asked Sister Ying, "Did you ask me to come out today?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "Didn't the princess call me out?"

The two of them looked at each other and immediately knew they were trapped.

Sister Ying looked around cautiously. Although she couldn't see anyone, she could sense a dangerous atmosphere that was different from usual.

She walked up to Jing Han and whispered in her ear, "Cousin, you will go out in a while, with a more natural expression, and pretend that your cousin-in-law is here to pick you up. Get in the carriage when you go out, and let the guards **** you back first."

Jinghan said, "No. What will you do if I leave?"

 “We came together, we must leave together.”

Sister Ying explained to her in a low voice, "I know Qinggong. If my cousin stays, I will be distracted. You go first, and I will slip out of the back door after a while."

 Jinghan only knows three-legged cat kung fu, and the light kung fu is indeed not very fast, so he can only walk first to avoid holding her back.

"Okay, I'll go down first. I'll have someone pick you up in a moment. You need to stabilize yourself first."

Sister Ying hummed and continued to sit back, pretending to chat with the third princess.

Jinghan saw the opportunity and shouted outside the house, "I'll go back first. The kids at home are probably making trouble, so I'll go back and take a look first."

Sister Ying also looked outside and said, "Okay, cousin, go back to look after the child first, we have to sit for a while."

When the three groups of people in the dark saw that they had not come out, they put back their drawn swords.

 The third princess frowned, obviously knowing that there must be many people involved in today's trap.

She had keen ears and was very sensitive to danger. She roughly knew that there were ambushes on the roof in three directions, so she sat down and watched what happened.

Seeing that she was not moving, Sister Ying also sat down to think of a solution.

  They had brought four guards with them when they came out, and they had already escorted Jing Han back.

 Fortunately, she was always accompanied by the secret guards given by Jing Shirong, but I don’t know how many of them came out today.

Those secret guards are all masters. As long as the number of opponents is not too large, they should be able to survive.

 The third princess sat there calmly drinking the daughter's red she had brought. Seeing that she didn't leave, she was quite curious.

 Ask her, "Why don't you leave?"

Isn’t this woman very timid? Why won't this go away?

Is it possible that her weakness was deliberately shown to Jing Shirong? Seeing her looking at her suspiciously, Sister Ying coughed. She wanted to act, but she felt that the time was not right.

Then he changed the subject, "How did the third princess know that the wine was poisonous? You must be too powerful."

  It is said that everything can be worn if it is flattering, so if she flatters you, you can't go wrong.

The third princess saw her looking at her with big eyes, as if she admired her, and she felt a little flattered and confident for no reason.

"What's this little poison? The poisonous wine I drank before was stronger than this cup."

Sister Ying sighed in her heart, and she also said on her face, "Oh my God, you are so awesome. There are not many men who can compare to you. I admire you so much~~"

 Her big eyes were shining, and she looked at the third princess with admiration, like a little fan.

The third princess was looked at with admiration for the first time. She felt a little weird in her heart, but she deliberately sneered with disdain on her face, "What is this, just a trivial matter, worthy of your exaggeration?"

She is indeed a coquettish person who has never seen the world. It is really vulgar for her to flatter others over the smallest things.

Sister Ying saw that she liked to quarrel with others, but her aloof aura seemed to have weakened slightly. I guess her flattery was still working.

 People, sometimes they still need to be recognized.

Especially for the third princess, who has always been opposed by others, I can't hear any approval or praise at all, let alone worship her.

  When she went to the military camp, she was ostracized everywhere. Even if people dare not say anything openly, they often say bad things behind their backs.

Especially when she left the army and returned to the military camp to train the new soldiers, no one obeyed her.

 Just because she is a girl, everyone does not recognize her.

No matter how good she is, no one recognizes her ability.

 Only Jing Shirong looked at her with admiring eyes when he was young.

It was that kind of admiration that made her heart move, and it stayed with her for many years.

Later, she went to the border to guard the city gates and the people, but she was said to be ambitious and cruel.

 So even though she was slightly touched by Sister Ying's admiration and flattery just now, she did not fall for it. She only thought that she was deliberately flattering her, so she would not be fooled by this foxy man.

This is the surrounding crisis, and there are three people just now. The association seems to have two more more than the association. I don't know who sent it with?

 It's also her fault for being careless. She has been so agitated by the marriage these days that she has ignored the dangers lurking in the capital.

But Jing Shirong’s Hu Meizi is also here, which is much more interesting.

The third princess took a sip of the wine she brought and asked Sister Ying, "Who asked you to come out today? Is there any post?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "There was no post. What was sent was a message saying that you asked me out."

The third princess sneered, "Do you believe whatever people say?"

Sister Ying said in her heart, "Don't you believe it too?"

 But he didn’t say that in the end. After all, he just flattered someone, so he couldn’t fall out so quickly.

So she pretended that she was not intelligent enough, "I thought that for a princess with such authority, no one would dare to fake her. Who would have thought that she was actually a fake?"

 And you get two for one call?

 It seems that he knew about the relationship between them in advance.

The third princess also wants to know who is so big and bold? He dared to use her name to call people, and also poisoned everything, obviously trying to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

If the other party’s target is her, they should poison her wine.

 Only if she dies, the person who profits can succeed.

After all, there are too many people in the capital who want to push her down. Poisoning her is much better than poisoning this charming girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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