The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 464: , masters compete with each other

 Chapter 464, masters compete

But it was not possible to stand still, because the killers outside the private room had already entered.

There were five people on the other side, all dressed in black, and all had black masks on their faces.

Seeing them coming in directly, the third princess sneered, "You are so brave, you dare to come directly in front of me?"

The killers had stern expressions on their faces and did not talk nonsense to her. They raised their hands and said, "Kill!"

 The third princess turned around, brandished a sharp sword, and started fighting with these people.

However, these killers seemed to have received instructions in advance and only fought in the private room and did not rush outside.

It can be seen that they must have been given instructions by their employer when they came, and they were afraid of disturbing the emperor and did not want to make the matter a big deal.

 The third princess also saw it.

These people didn't want to make a big fuss, but she wanted to make a big fuss.

So she kicked open the window, tiptoed the ground, and jumped down.

The killers saw her running away and immediately chased her.

Sister Ying hid on the beam, breathing slowly to hide herself.

 Her skill is light water floating, which is not suitable for group killings with killers.

  Not everyone who travels through time is a peerless master, at least their family does not have the genes of a peerless master.

But ordinary people have ordinary people's ways of coping. She carries medicinal powder and fireworks eggs with her for a long time.

 If those people suddenly rushed over after a while, she would use powdered medicine to sting their eyes.

The key is that there are killers outside the door, and several groups of people are waiting outside. She doesn't want to be stabbed, so naturally she can't go out.

 Happily, the third princess had lured the people away. Now she looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then picked up the alarm siren hanging around her neck.

This flute is unique to Jing Shirong. There is no sound when played, and the audio frequency can only be heard by masters.

 She put the flute to her mouth and played hard.

Jing Shirong, who had just left the palace, heard the cry for help from a distance.

 His face was stunned, and he immediately grabbed the guard's patrol horse and galloped away.

Jinghan's people came to the palace gate early and were about to go in to report when they saw Jing Shirong running out on horseback.

 “Alas, young master Ciao~”

Jing Shirong didn't have time to listen to his report, so he rode in the direction of Dizi to find it.


He hurried to the inn. As soon as he arrived downstairs, he saw several groups of people fighting in the nearby woods.

Because of the lively fireworks display at night, the air was filled with the sound of "bang bang bang" fireworks, and all the people did not hear the sound of fighting in the nearby trees.

In addition, the guards and killers were all fighting in the trees, and other people did not notice.

Jing Shirong hurriedly went to the inn to look for someone. When he saw that the private room on the second floor was open, he rushed in with his sword in hand.

 “Sister Ying?”

He was shocked when he saw that the private room was empty and the door frame was full of marks from swords.

 “Sister Ying?”

Sister Ying heard his voice and then cautiously moved out, "Brother Rong?"

At this moment, she was lying on the beam, just like Xiao Longnu lying on the rope, hiding every corner of her body tightly, not showing any trace.

Jing Shirong didn’t even see her when he raised his head just now, which shows how well she was hidden.

“Sister Ying? Are you okay?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's okay. Not even a hair is missing, don't worry."

Since there is no peerless martial arts, it is still possible to use your little brains.

 No, hiding well is also a skill.

Jing Shirong relaxed his tense nerves when he saw that she was fine.

"You come down, I will catch you." Sister Ying hummed, stood on the beam, saw him open his arms, and jumped down immediately.

Jing Shirong caught her and quickly checked her body for any injuries.

“Where does it hurt? Let me take a look?”

Sister Ying was nestled in his arms with a good attitude, "I'm fine, nothing happened at all."

 We are not good at fighting, but we are good at hiding.

Jing Shirong couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "Where are the secret guards?"

Sister Ying pointed outside, "Hey, over there."

Jing Shirong looked out the window, and sure enough, there was still fighting on the tree.

He frowned, a little angry, a little speechless, "Why did you run out on your own? Didn't I tell my servants to wait for you to come out together when I come back?"

He clearly told his servants before leaving.

Sister Ying shrugged, "Maybe you left in a hurry and the servants didn't hear you clearly."

Jing Shirong took a breath and said, "Why are you alone? Where is my cousin?"

Sister Ying, "My cousin has gone back. She is afraid that she will be unsafe here."

Jing Shirong was angry and amused when he heard this, "I knew I would let others run away first, why didn't I run away? Why did I hide like a bear?"

Sister Ying hung on him and groaned angrily, "Then I have to run away. There are so many assassins outside the door, who knows where they are from. I don't want to be sieved."

Jing Shirong looked at the puncture marks on the door frame and felt lingering fear.

“Go back and bring more secret guards with you.”

 It was also his fault for being careless. Today, the couple came out together. He thought that he would be alright, so he asked the five secret guards to follow them.

Thinking about it now, I still can’t underestimate the enemy. It would be more reliable to bring ten secret guards with me every day.

Sister Ying looked outside and saw the third princess on the opposite roof fighting with the killer. She asked Jing Shirong, "Do we want to help?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "If you want, I'll take you back first."

Sister Ying hummed, "Let's go back first, but you can ask the secret guard to help the third princess first."

lest it be too late for him to come back.

Jing Shirong said, "Don't be afraid. The third princess's martial arts skills are very high, and those assassins are no match for her."

The two of them were talking as they went downstairs. Jing Shirong held Sister Ying on his horse and quickly passed through the crowd, wanting to return to Jing's house quickly.

The assassins obviously noticed them and chased after them immediately.

Jing Shirong saw that they still dared to chase, so he immediately increased his speed and said, "Fight!"

When the secret guards saw this, they immediately ran over to protect them.

Jing Shirong asked the secret guard to protect Sister Ying, and he jumped up to the roof. His black eyes were sharp and the corners of his mouth were raised coldly. He was obviously angry.

 “Who sent you?”

Even though he knew that the other party would not answer, he still wanted to test it.

As expected, the assassins did not answer. They only made a gesture to signal everyone to come over and besiege Jing Shirong together.

Jing Shirong held the sharp blade in his hand, narrowed his black eyes slightly, and raised the corner of his mouth evilly, "I will only say this once today. Go back and tell your master. You can touch me, but if you touch my family, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

 After saying that, he waved the sharp blade in his hand and rotated the blade very quickly.

 Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, the five assassins suddenly widened their eyes and fell down immediately.

 They all had wounds on their necks and were killed with one blow.

 The remaining killers saw that he was so ruthless and could only run away knowing what was happening.

Jing Shirong did not pursue him.

He still has to find out who sent those people, and how dare they touch him?

 He looked in the direction of Sister Ying and saw that she had arrived home safely, then he looked in the direction of the third princess.

The third princess is currently fighting with two groups of people. Those two groups of people are also masters, and they seem to have studied the moves of the third princess? He actually fought with the third princess for so long without getting hurt, which shows that their master has worked hard.

 (End of this chapter)

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