The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 465: , Jing Shirong’s cleverness

Chapter 465, Jing Shirong’s cleverness

 The third princess also saw it.

 These two groups of people were obviously specially created for her.

 The martial arts moves they used were exactly the same as hers?

Even these people know her fate.

Just now she was able to do it with ease, but now she saw that these people had studied her martial arts, and she immediately became serious.

Jing Shirong also rushed over and fought with her.

 The third princess did not expect him to come here specially, and was slightly surprised.

"How did you come?"

Jing Shirong waved his sword and said, "My wife asked me to come. She said she likes you and asked me to help you."

Sister Ying:

Three princesses:

 “Is this true?”

That green tea fox, do you really mean that?

Jing Shirong’s face said otherwise? He looked at her seriously and said, "That's natural. Otherwise, which woman would let her man risk illness to save other women?"

“It shows that my wife really likes you.

 When he said this, he was serious and serious. There was no falsehood at all, so the three princesses believed him.

“It doesn’t matter, I owe her a favor this time, and I’ll pay it back next time.”

  She doesn't like to owe favors anyway, especially favors from her love rival.

 Having said that, I slowly let go of my hostility towards Sister Ying, and Weiwei started to have a better view of her.

I feel that the foxy girl is not without merit, at least she has a good vision. Knowing that she was an amazing person, she knew enough to ask Jing Shirong to flatter her. Quite discerning.

Sister Ying:

All this must be attributed to her family's big-tailed wolf who can act well.

With a few serious words, he turned two women from love rivals into "promising friends", which is amazing.

But now is not the time to talk about this. The two groups of killers around her are very difficult to deal with. The third princess was annoyed by them and immediately killed them fiercely.

 But the opponent hid very quickly, obviously knowing her tricks.

Jing Shirong watched for a while, keenly discovered their life gates, and stabbed them immediately.

The assassins were stabbed in the vital parts by him, and then they covered their wounds and said, "Let's go."

 Obviously they did not plan to fight to the death today, and they should still retain their strength.

After both groups of people left, the other two groups also left secretly.

Jing Shirong's black eyes scanned the surroundings sharply. After making sure that no one was around, he said to the third princess, "Shall we go to Zhong's house to talk?"

 Otherwise there are so many people here, and the two of them would definitely be recognized when walking among the crowd.

The third princess didn’t want to be rumored about the scandal, so she went up to the roof and went all the way to Zhong’s house.

Mr. Zhong didn’t expect them to come at night, but he was quite happy to see the third princess. "Are you here?"

 But when he touched Jing Shirong behind her, he immediately curled his lips in displeasure.

 “Why are Master Jing here?”

 Why did these two people come here together? Could it be that they came to tell him that they wanted to regret their marriage?

The third princess did not answer his question and walked directly into Master Zhong's yard and went directly to his room to discuss today's events with Jing Shirong.

 Master Zhong was inexplicably a little happy when he saw her entering his room so naturally.

 As if this house belonged to her, he was very happy to see it.

So he walked in and went to make tea in a good mood.

The third princess saw the smile on his face and looked confused, "Why are you smiling?"

She almost burped just now, but he actually smiled?

Young Master Zhong was glared at by her, not knowing why, "Can't I laugh?"

After all, the two of them are getting married soon. When his fiancée comes over, he feels happy, even if he wants to laugh, right?

Seeing that he looked like a weakling, the third princess was too lazy to pay attention to him and said harshly, "Be quiet and make your tea. If you talk again, get out." Young Master Zhong was a little innocent and a little aggrieved by her cruelty.

If it were just the two of them at the scene, he wouldn't think anything of it.

Jing Shirong was in the room, standing between them.

 This will make him think that the third princess is mean to him because of Jing Shirong.

He knew that she would be unwilling to marry him. After all, she liked the tall and handsome Mr. Jing in front of her, not him.

 Thinking about it this way, I feel even more aggrieved.

So I stopped making tea. Feeling sad, I stood up and walked out.

The third princess didn't notice anything unusual about him. When she saw him going out, she said, "Remember to close the door."

 The sad Mr. Zhong:.

 Excessive, really too much.

 At his house, she was flirting with other men, but she actually asked him to close the door!

 “I don’t! I don’t close!”

 A person who is usually good-tempered will become angry now.

Young Master Zhong turned back angrily, walked hard and sat down between them angrily, refusing to leave.

The third princess saw that his skeletal face was full of anger, so she didn't worry and continued to talk to Jing Shirong.

"A total of five groups of people came in the evening, one group is your secret guard, and the rest seem to have different owners."

 The one who first entered the inn to assassinate her had the worst martial arts. Obviously different from the group of killers on the roof just now.

The remaining two groups of people have been keeping silent, presumably observing something, or waiting for her to take advantage of the opportunity.

 No matter what the result is, the third princess will be angry.

 “I never expected that an assassin would be so blatant under the Emperor’s feet?”

Although the emperor wanted her to step down, he would not kill her.

 Obviously those assassins were either from the harem or from some treacherous minister.

Jing Shirong also said, "Qi Yuanming and I have been away from home all these years, and I think the security in the capital has become a bit worse."

In recent years, if the emperor wants to support more party members, he will continue to recruit people.

 There must be some people with bad intentions among them.

There must have been a few of the princes' gangsters mixed in.

Hearing this, the third princess frowned and said, "I think your father is too old and confused to have people raise so many killers without even knowing it."

Jing Shirong said, "I guess Your Majesty knew about it, but I didn't expect these people to come out together tonight."

Although the emperor is old, he is not stupid and is still shrewd.

His eyes are spread all over the capital, and he knows many things.

But he has an eye, and others will also pretend.

 For example, so many killers were dispatched together this time, and the emperor was obviously unaware of it.

 Otherwise, if so many killers suddenly appeared at the emperor's feet, wouldn't it mean that someone was cultivating his own power behind his back?

If this is the case, he will not be lenient.

 Having a killer means there is danger. Not only is other people in danger, but his majesty is also challenged.

For example, at this moment, the emperor already knew about the assassination of the third princess in the palace, and Long Yan was immediately furious, "Check, check it out for me. Let's see who has the guts to commit murder in front of my eyes!"

 He allowed other emperors or officials to keep secret guards, but not assassins.

Who knew that those people who raised so many killers would not point the arrow at him in the end?

 When the assassin enters the palace, his safety will be suddenly threatened, so naturally he cannot be spared lightly.

When the third princess saw her subordinate reporting back, she said yes, indicating that she understood.

 She also asked people to check to see who raised the killer who knew her martial arts skills so well. "

 (End of this chapter)

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