Chapter 466, encountering an assassin

Mr. Zhong listened for a long time before realizing that they had just been assassinated?

 He hurriedly paid attention to the third princess, "Are you not injured?"

 Check her arm quickly because there is blood on her sleeve.

The third princess looked disdainful and waved his hand away without being pretentious, saying, "I'm fine."

 “If you feel sleepy, go to bed. Don’t talk too much here.”

Young Master Zhong saw her chasing him away with a womanist look on her face, and was speechless for a moment, "I..."

He looked at the young and handsome Jing Shirong beside him. He was alone and alone. How could he go to bed first?

He sat down, squeezed in between them, waved his hands, and said with a smile on his face, "I'm not sleepy yet, I'll chat with you for a while."

 After saying that, he poured tea for Jing Shirong, "Brother Jing, drink tea to refresh yourself."

Jing Shirong looked at his little gesture, but smiled and said nothing.

It was already getting late now. He turned to the third princess and said, "It's very late. I should go back."

“Next time the princess comes to the Jing family, she can play with my wife. She likes the princess very much, and I think she will get along very happily with the princess.”

 The third princess frowned, she didn't like the friendship between women, it was so disgusting.

She opened her mouth and was about to refuse, but Mr. Zhong agreed for her, "Okay. Next time, let Mrs. Ling come over and have a good chat with our princess."

When the third princess saw that he was making his own decisions, she clicked her tongue and said, "Who told you to speak?"

Young Master Zhong was not afraid of her, and even taught her, "Every little girl must have a close friend. I think Young Master Renjing is quite a nice lady. Princess, talk to her more in the future. It's good to have multiple friends." ”

 The third princess felt it was pretentious and was not happy, "Who cares?"

  She is used to being a loner and doesn’t need any friends.

 Besides, "Who asked you to use the words of a little girl to describe this general?" This is simply presumptuous.

How old is she? If you count how many more years she has, she can be a grandmother. What a little girl.

Young Master Zhong saw her awkward look and thought she was extremely cute, so he praised her from the bottom of his heart.

“The princess is very cute like this, no wonder Mrs. Jing Shao likes you.”

 In other words, he also started to like her.

 Three princesses.

 “Don’t be as disgusting as what I said.”

 In her life, apart from being called by nicknames by her mother when she was a child, when she grew up, she wore men's clothes, hung out with the soldiers, and did all the things that men do.

 Let alone wearing women’s clothes, she doesn’t even have a girl friend.

 She did have them when she was a child, but they gradually drifted away as she grew up. She didn't like to have those frivolous relationships, so naturally she was alone in the family.

Young Master Zhong advised her, "It's good to have a close friend in my boudoir. We can discuss whatever worries the girl's family with us. How about we go to Jing's house for tea tomorrow?"

Mr. Zhong sincerely hopes that the third princess can be warmed up, so he naturally wants to teach her a few more friends.

 He could tell that the Jing family and his wife were quite nice, and they didn't have any bad intentions.

Especially Mrs. Jing, she looks so quirky and can make people happy just by looking at her.

If the third princess had more contact with her, maybe her cold temperament would change for the better.

Jing Shirong agreed with this point and said, "How about the third princess come to my house tomorrow?"

 Anyway, those who secretly dislike their cooperation will definitely take action when they see them getting together again.

The third princess didn’t want to go at first, but after hearing what Jing Shirong said, she reluctantly agreed.

"Okay. Let's go there tomorrow and see what the people in the dark will do?"

As long as the other party shows a little bit of flaws, she will definitely give him the pot.

Dare to study her martial arts and her destiny.

 She would not be able to sleep well at night unless those people were uprooted.

Mr. Zhong was very worried when he heard what they said. "Will those assassins come next time? You should bring more people behind you in the future."

His handsome face looked worried, and it didn't look like he was faking it.

The third princess snorted coldly, turned her head and said awkwardly, "There is nothing to worry about, they are just a group of low-class assassins."

 If you are really a master, you will not imitate other people's martial arts.

Young Master Zhong was still worried, "Do you usually have many enemies? Or are you jealous of your high position?" Otherwise, how could he be assassinated without incident.

Mr. Zhong has just returned to Beijing not long ago, and he doesn’t know much about the affairs of the capital.

 But the third princess has a high position and is still a daughter. There must be many people who are dissatisfied with her and will definitely cause trouble for her. But assassinating her would be a bit too much.

 The more Young Master Zhong thought about it, the angrier he became. He slapped the table with his thin hands, "If you let me know who sent the assassin to kill you, I will."

 The third princess and Jing Shirong both looked at him.

 “What do you do?”

 Zhong Dashao, “I.

 “I’ll take medicine and torture them to death.”

 He ​​has no other skills, but he is already familiar with medicinal herbs. He already knows all the medicinal herbs that can make people painful or spicy to death.

Hearing this, the third princess couldn't help but roll her eyes.

 “You’d better protect yourself.”

 She was bouncing around for a while, but he was clicked.

Mr. Zhong was a little frightened by her, "No, no way."

Kill him?

 He had managed to get through the years of illness, so don't let this time come to bite him.

 He still wants a few more years.

The third princess also suddenly thought, what should she do if those people come to harm this sick man?

She finally accepted her fate and wanted to get married. This sick man couldn't be stabbed to death. Thinking about it, she had to protect him.

Jing Shirong nodded, feeling that it was necessary.

 The killer is ruthless. He doesn’t care about you, whether you are male, female, old or young. He must kill you when he accepts the mission.

The third princess was also afraid that the sick man would die before the sixteenth day of next month, so she immediately called the secret guards to protect him.

 “Take care of this sick seedling and don’t let it die.”

  Dark guard, "Yes."

 Zhong Dashao.

Can't you just call me sir?

The third princess looked over with a cold face, "Huh?" She threatened with a cold look.

Mr. Zhong trembled, "Haha, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Jing Shirong looked at them and saw that they were a good match. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that this pairing might get better and better.

 He said goodbye and went back.

 The third princess watched him leave.

Young Master Zhong looked on and asked, "Then let's go to Brother Jing's house together tomorrow?"

The third princess glanced at him and said, "I was on business, what were you doing?"

 Master Zhong, “I’ll go with you.”

“What if you go there by yourself and someone sees you later?”

Those who don’t know may think that their old relationship has rekindled, or that they are ambiguous or something.

By then, rumors will be flying everywhere, and the third princess will definitely be the one who suffers the most.

The third princess felt that this sick young man was really troubled, and she was afraid of this and that.

She was too lazy to tell him this, so she just walked away.

Young Master Zhong hurriedly chased after him, "Where are you going?"

The third princess didn't look back, "Don't ask if you have nothing to do. Knowing too much is not good for you."

Zhong Da saw that she had a bad temper, so he shrugged helplessly and stopped asking.

 This head.

 After Jing Shirong returned home, he first went to the house to find Sister Ying.

Jing saw them coming back one after another and asked strangely, "Didn't you two go out together? Why didn't you come back together?"

Jing Shirong had no intention of telling her about today's danger. He only said, "I went into the palace and won't come out until now."

This statement was consistent with Sister Ying's. Jing was relieved and stopped asking.

“Then you go back, wash your hands, and have some midnight snack later.”

Jing Shirong hummed and went to the house to find Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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