The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 468: , making friends through food

 Chapter 468, making friends through food

When the third princess saw him waiting here with a silly smile, she said disgustedly to such an idiot, "What are you doing here?"

Mr. Zhong said enthusiastically, "Didn't we agree to go to Brother Jing's house yesterday? I was afraid that you didn't want to go alone, so I came over to accompany you."

 The third princess. "No need." Hypocritical.

Mr. Zhong didn’t seem to hear them. He mounted his horse and followed them with a silly smile on his face.

 Three princesses.

This sick rice plant is so annoying.

It’s so annoying to go everywhere without even getting married.

Mr. Zhong pretended not to see her angry expression and continued to follow them, showing no intention of being persuaded to retreat.

Through his understanding over the past few days, he felt that the third princess was still too lonely. She had no one to love or love her, and she didn't understand the ways of the world, so she developed a cold and heartless temperament.

From now on, he plans to take her with him, let her meet more friends, and let her feel the warmth of family and friends.

But the third princess obviously didn't appreciate it. She glanced at him sideways and rode away.

Mr. Zhong knew her temperament and didn't expect her to wait for him, so he drove over and chased after her.

Jing Shirong followed behind them, and the more he looked at them, the more interesting they became.

 The three of them went to Jing's house together.

Sister Ying carefully prepared today’s meal after she woke up.

Today she cooked by herself and made some appetizing dishes to go with wine and rice dumplings with meat.

The third princess has a manly personality, so I think she will like these snacks.

 She also braised some chicken feet and duck necks. If the third princess likes them, let her pack them back.

 Everything is ready, and Jinghan also came over in advance.

Yesterday Jing Shirong asked someone to go to her place to explain, saying that he wanted her to come over to liven up the atmosphere. It was really helpless and funny.

 After Jinghan came over, he stayed in the kitchen with Sister Ying.

The two of them were eating chicken feet in the kitchen and chatting. Jing Han was chewing the chicken feet and complaining, "A Jing is so serious. He called me over early in the morning to liven up the atmosphere for him. I am the mother of two children, how could I do this? ”

Sister Ying saw her chirping, and after just saying a few words, the atmosphere became lively.

She chewed on the duck neck and said to Jinghan with a smile, "My husband doesn't want to be an enemy of the third princess. After all, he is the breadwinner of the family." In addition, the third princess has an army of 50,000 people, and her power cannot be underestimated.

The emperor has not abdicated the throne yet. In the future, for this throne, the capital will definitely be in danger.

 Before Jing Shirong had full wings, he just wanted to quietly strengthen himself and did not want to be an enemy.

 As for which prince will ascend the throne in the future, he doesn't care.

As long as he has power, it doesn't matter who becomes the emperor.

Jing Shirong once told Sister Ying that he strengthened himself so that his family could live a better life and be freer.

Even if the emperor sends him to guard any border in the future, he can still enjoy the land and enjoy the blessings, and take his family with him. It's wonderful to think about it.

Jinghan laughed after hearing this, "Actually, my cousin has no ambitions, but he is in the capital and has no choice but to move forward."

If he doesn’t work hard, his family will be trampled under his feet.

 It was the situation that forced him to move forward, and he did have the ability.

Sister Ying smiled and was about to reply when the sound of horse hooves was heard outside the door.

Xiao Zi came to report, "Miss, my uncle, the third princess and Master Zhong are here. They are in the yard right now."

Jing's family has two side courtyards, where guests can sit in the pavilion to chat and drink.

Sister Ying ordered her servants to bring out the rice dumplings that had just come out of the oven, along with good wine and food.

As soon as the third princess and Mr. Zhong sat down in the pavilion, they smelled a particularly fragrant aroma of meat dumplings from a distance.

Young Master Zhong closed his eyes, sniffed, and whetted his appetite, "It smells so good~" He had been taking medicine for so many years, which made his stomach suffer. After that, the food no longer tasted good, and his mouth always felt bitter. .

 But the smell of these meals today actually aroused his long-lost appetite.

As soon as Jing Shirong smelled the aroma of the food, he knew it was made by Sister Ying.

He coughed and said seriously to the third princess, "She heard that the princess was coming this morning, so she specially cooked all morning. It shows that the lady really likes the princess."

 Three princesses.

real or fake?

That Hu Meizi really likes her so much?

The two of them didn't exchange a few words last time they met. Why did she fall in love with her?

She even wondered if Jing Shirong had lied to her?

 But his handsome face was so serious that she couldn't see any trace of lying.

In addition, the cooking method of this meal is indeed different from the delicacies she has eaten in the past. It must be that Mr. Xiao Liang specially cooked it.

 She can let a foxy girl cook and make things by herself, so that foxy girl must really like her.

 After all, girls love to be beautiful, let alone cooking, if they are allowed to touch a little more oil, it will be a big deal.

Just like those princesses in the palace, they are afraid that their hands will become rough and bad.

This foxy woman was willing to cook for her. I guess she saw her majesty in the inn and began to admire her in her heart.

Sister Ying saw this scene when she first arrived:

Third Princess, you think too much, I really don’t.

But the third princess had already believed Jing Shirong's words. When she saw her little face looking directly at him, she thought she was worshiping her again, so she immediately snorted, "Pretentious."

 Speaking of pretentiousness, his attitude is somewhat more relaxed, unlike the murderous one before.

Sister Ying was helpless and funny. Seeing Jing Shirong blinking at her from behind, she couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to come over with drinks and food.

"Princess, are you here? My husband didn't tell me what you like to eat, so I just cooked a little of it."

“This rice dumpling rice is very fragrant. I think the princess likes meat, so I added more braised pork. Can I give you a bowl to try?”

The third princess smelled the aroma of the rice dumplings and rarely agreed, "Okay. Let's have a bowl."

 She didn't eat other people's food when she was outside. Firstly, there were so many people poisoning her, and secondly, she could eat food as quickly as she could.

 Plus having been at the border for many years, she is no longer particular about what she eats, as long as she is full.

But the food was in front of her, so she had no reason to refuse, so she sat down, picked up the rice dumplings, and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

Zhong Da saw that her food was so delicious, so he also asked for a bowl.

As soon as he took the first bite, his eyes widened and he was very surprised.

 “This smell is too fragrant, isn’t it?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Because the meat has been marinated in advance and the glutinous rice has been fried, all the fillings are ready to be stir-fried and cooked next time. The taste will be very fragrant.

This is what Mrs. Wu has made for them since they were young, so Sister Ying also knows how to make rice dumplings.

Not only Mr. Zhong, but also Jing Shirong also ate a full bowl.

Including Jing Yu and Wang Fangning next door, Sister Ying also had rice dumplings delivered to them.

Jinghan was drooling as he watched, and quickly asked for a bowl too.

She moaned and praised, "It smells so good~ It's so good."

Sister Ying felt full of accomplishment when she saw that they all liked it.

You know, her staple food is the best-selling in delivery inns and is sold out every day.

Other dishes are also sold well, but people who love rice dumplings always prefer this dish.

Seeing that they were enjoying their meal, Sister Ying also sat down and ate with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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