The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 469: , overcome hardness with softness

Chapter 469: Overcoming strength with softness

As soon as she sat down, the third princess looked away at her and saw her taking a mouthful of rice dumplings, one mouthful after another, which inexplicably heightened the atmosphere of the meal.

Especially since she eats every spoonful cleanly, the obsessive-compulsive disorder is simply a visual enjoyment.

The third princess looked at her eating appearance and nodded in agreement.

You should know that when every lady in the capital eats, she only eats two or three grains of rice with a pair of chopsticks. She chewed it for a long time, which made her irritable to death.

This foxy girl enjoys eating, she likes it.

The third princess was in a good mood, so she picked up the bowl and started eating as if she was rushing to the party, which was so fast.

  After finishing the meal, he reached out his hand and said, “Have another bowl.”

Sister Ying said, "Let's not eat the rice dumplings for now. I've also braised chicken feet and duck necks for you. Can you try them later?"

When the third princess heard that there were other delicious dishes, she stopped thinking about having another bowl.

She looked at Sister Ying with a cold face, and saw her looking at her with bright peach blossom eyes, as if she really admired her, so she snorted awkwardly.

 “Then just eat whatever you want.”

Young Master Zhong looked on amused, but he was also happy that the third princess could have a close friend.

Jinghan watched carefully from the sidelines and felt that the third princess' temperament was really awkward, but also extremely interesting.

She still remembered what Jing Shirong told her, so she poked Sister Ying's arm with her arm, as if she told the third princess deliberately.

“Sister Ying, didn’t you prepare a small gift for the third princess? Where are the things?”

The third princess's ears twitched. When she heard their conversation, she couldn't help but look at Sister Ying coldly, as if she was doubting the authenticity of what she said.

 She has never received a gift from others in her entire life, and she was still touched by it for a while.

 She would be very angry if this foxy man lied to her.

Sister Ying saw the third princess staring straight at her with a cold expression, but her eyes were fixed on her sleeves, as if she really wanted to take some gift out of her sleeves.

She was a little dumbfounded, but she took out a square red sandalwood jewelry box from her sleeve.

Handed it to the third princess, "Originally, I wanted to wait until the third princess went back before taking it out. Who knew my cousin would talk so quickly."

The third princess didn't listen to this. She stared at the square box with phoenix eyes and asked Sister Ying, "What is this?"

 She doesn’t want hairpins or anything like that.

She doesn’t wear those girly things.

Sister Ying helped her open it and explained to her, "It is a black and gray agate earring. It looks noble and cool. I think it is very suitable for the third princess, so I used it to show off my shame. Don't dislike it, third princess."

The third princess took a look at the black agate earring. It was indeed very delicate. The surface of the earring was smooth and translucent, and the texture inside was like water ripples. It looked really unique. It fits her aesthetic.

Sister Ying saw her looking straight at her and asked tentatively, "Shall I try it on for the princess?"

 Speaking, he stretched out his hand to help her take off the old earring.

 But the third princess grabbed her hand.

 “Don’t touch.”

Her eyes suddenly turned cold. Sister Ying didn't know what happened to her, so she asked cautiously, "Did I exceed the rules?"

The third princess was silent for a moment, touched the old black earring on her ear, and explained to someone for the first time.

 “This earring is a relic of one of my capable men.”

 When she went to the battlefield, she was almost pierced by thousands of arrows.

 It was the capable man who rushed out to protect her at the critical moment, and she was able to survive safely.

 That capable general was the secret guard left to her by her mother. He had been following her since she was a child and had been protecting her for many years.

She didn’t expect that there would be chaos at the border. She happened to encounter this not long after she went to the border.

After all, he was inexperienced and still a novice, so he was assassinated.    It was the secret guard who saved her at the critical moment.

This kind of life-saving grace and lifelong protection made her moved and sad. In the end, she kept wearing the other person's earrings, not daring to forget his life-saving and protective grace.

Sister Ying, Jing Shirong, Young Master Zhong and Jing Han all felt a little sorry when they heard this.

Sister Ying quickly said, "Then don't wear it for now, as long as you don't mind it."

The third princess looked at everyone and saw that they looked concerned, which did not seem to be fake. It was rare for them to make changes in the end. She said, "Otherwise, wear the right side."

 The right earlobe is empty anyway.

 Since there was only one relic, and it was black and did not match any other earrings, she might as well just wear this one.

 After so many years, she has long been accustomed to wearing a black earring in one ear.

  Unexpectedly, one day, she would wear another earring on her right ear.

Sister Ying hummed, stood on the right side of the third princess, reached out and put the black agate on her right ear.


As Sister Ying approached, the third princess could smell a faint fragrance from her body.

This fragrance is very natural, neither sweet nor light, and it makes people feel comfortable when smelling it.

And this foxy girl's hands are so tender, the delicate skin feels soft and itchy when pressed against her ears.

The third princess couldn't explain what it felt like, but she suddenly understood why men liked such beautiful beauties.

 It turns out that the senses of sight, smell and touch have been greatly satisfied and achieved. It’s no wonder that smelly men like beautiful girls.

Zhong Da rarely saw her staring straight at Sister Ying. His eyes were looking at Sister Ying's face, then at Sister Ying's slender fingers, and then at Sister Ying's fair and slender swan neck. It felt as if my eyes were glued to my eyes, and the alarm bell immediately went off.

Secretly, the third princess will not suddenly change her heart and fall in love with Mrs. Jing, right? ?

 That won’t work!

 The third princess is his!

So Young Master Zhong couldn't sit still, and quickly came over to talk to the third princess, praising her earrings.

“The princess looks really good wearing this. There is no girl in the world who is more elegant than the princess. I really like you.”

 This trick is purely learned and used indiscriminately.

Through his observations over the past two days, he felt that the third princess was also a soft-spoken person, so he wanted to be softer, hoping to get closer to her.

However, the third princess, a straight girl, did not understand his intentions and found him disgusting when he spoke like this.

With a look of disgust on his face, he said, "You are so old, why can't you speak well?"

This kind of flattery, the little girl said, it's not bad. Isn't it disgusting for him, a grown man?

Mr. Zhong was very unconvinced, "Mrs. Jing also praised you, why can't I? I'm still your husband."

 Why can other women act coquettishly towards her but not him? That's not fair.

The third princess gave him a look and said, "If you think it's unfair, just leave. No one will stop you."

 Look, look, with her incomprehensible attitude, he can only tolerate her.

 Mr. Zhong was internalizing himself, and instead of sharing common knowledge with her, he came over to whisper to her.

"Princess, I think Mrs. Jing is too clingy. Don't be too nice to her. Otherwise, what will happen if she clings to you? Women are very talkative, so you have to be careful."

 It means you should stick to me. I'm not rude, I'm still a man.

 Three princesses.

 “Shut your mouth if you don’t want to eat.”

 Speaking of repeated thoughts, who can be so sick as to say them? It was so noisy.

 (End of this chapter)

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