The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 470: , the awkward third princess

Chapter 470, The Awkward Third Princess

Zhong Da saw that she disliked him so much, so he was not discouraged and continued to fight.

  "Isn't it true that a young couple lives a chatty life? I am letting the princess experience it in advance."

The third princess pushed him away with one finger and refused coldly, "Then you'd better say less. I don't like making noise."

Mr. Zhong curled his lips and wanted to say more, but he was afraid of being too noisy, so he could only sigh and go aside.

Seeing them like this, Sister Ying kindly helped to lighten the atmosphere and said, "Princess, please try this wine and food again. It's refreshing and slightly spicy, and it's appetizing."

“I just don’t know if you can eat chili peppers?”

What she made today was slightly spicy, not very spicy. She just didn’t know if the third princess was used to it.

The third princess waved her hands like a man, "I often eat spicy food at the border. This little spicy food is nothing."

 After saying that, he picked up a chopstick of shredded spicy cold cabbage and put it in his mouth to taste it.

 “Well, not bad.”

 Very refreshing and appetizing.

If there was such a cook at the border, those guys would be happy.

But she also thought about it, the border environment is difficult, and it is good to have food. There is no need to let them enjoy it too much, lest they get sick of their stomachs, and they will not be able to eat glutinous vegetables in the future.

Sister Ying saw that she liked it and asked her to try others. “There’s also duck neck, it’s spicy.”

 The third princess took a bite of each item, and she was very pleased with the taste.

 She rarely praises others, so she said to Sister Ying, "You are good at your craftsmanship."

 Although she still has a foxy appearance, at least she is good at cooking, which is a plus.

Zhong Da saw that she liked Sister Ying's cooking so much, so he immediately wanted to learn the craftsmanship from Sister Ying, hoping that he could put it to use in the future.

So he stopped trying to get close to the third princess. He immediately went around, took out the brush and booklet in his pocket, and began to ask Sister Ying for advice.

“Sister-in-law, I think you are good at cooking. Can you teach me how to cook these dishes?”

Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh when she saw that he had taken out his writing brush, "Why do you still carry your writing brush with you?"

 Don’t worry about your sleeves getting dirty.

Mr. Zhong said, "Don't be afraid. I have already gained experience."

He and his master travel all over the country to find medicinal materials all year round. He has become accustomed to carrying a writing brush with him when going out to write down medicinal materials.

He came over and whispered to Sister Ying, "Actually, I want to learn some cooking skills from you, so that I can capture the heart of the third princess with delicious food in the future. I hope my siblings can help me."

Sister Ying saw his intentions and wanted to help him.

 “That’s OK, I said, you write it down.”

“But tell me in advance that you can’t tell others about these secret recipes.” This is the unique skill of her family’s delivery inn.

When Young Master Zhong heard that it was the secret recipe of the inn, he immediately stopped writing, "Really? Forget it, I'll just research it myself."

 Every ingredient can be bought, and as long as he does his own research, he won’t be afraid of the food being unpalatable.

Sister Ying asked, "Can you cook?"

 If you can cook, you can research it faster.

 If you don’t know how to cook, you may develop into dark cuisine.

Mr. Zhong said confidently, "Yes. I traveled all over the country with my master. I lived and cooked by myself on the way. I can also do my craftsmanship."

 It's just not as delicious as Sister Ying's cooking. His cooking skills are a little rough. After all, eating on the road is not so particular, so just be casual.

The third princess saw the two of them muttering to each other alone. She didn't know what they were talking about, so she couldn't help but frown.

 “What are you two talking about? Sit over and say.”

She doesn't like people whispering in front of her or behind her back, which makes it seem like she is excluded.

Especially since these two people are still related to her, she doesn't like them going behind her back, making it seem like she is isolated.

Zhong Da didn’t see her calling him, so he didn’t think much. He immediately came over to sit with her and said enthusiastically, “Don’t you like sitting alone? Then I’ll sit next to you and eat with you.”

 The third princess suddenly didn't like him anymore when she saw his bad attitude.

Just when he was about to drive him away, a flying dove in the sky brought news. She stood up with a stern expression, opened the letter and looked at it, she felt relieved, and then handed it to Jing Shirong.

"I said it was you who caused the peach blossom debt, but your wife still doesn't believe it."

Jing Shirong looked confused, "Me?" He opened the letter and read it, becoming more speechless as he read it.

Sister Ying came over curiously, "Show me."

Jing Shirong turned around, coughed, and said with a guilty conscience, "It's better not to read it. This is a court secret."

In the past, if he said this, Sister Ying might not read it.

The third princess was so short-tongued today that she couldn't help but say, "It's not a court secret. I won't let your man see the court secrets."

When Sister Ying heard this, she knew that Jing Shirong was lying. She immediately glared at him and stretched out her little hand, "Bring it here."

Jing Shirong scratched his head fearfully, handed the letter to her, and explained in a low voice.

"Actually, this matter really has nothing to do with me. I was wronged."

Sister Ying ignored him and read the letter carefully.

It turns out that the letter said that Miss Sun and her group were also joining the assassin team this time.

Miss Sun herself was angry at Jing Shirong for not marrying her. Later, she had a miscarriage and was emotionally unstable, so she was taken advantage of by someone with malicious intentions.

The other party brainwashed her and made her think that all her misfortunes came from the Jing family. Naturally, she became more and more angry and wanted to take revenge on Sister Ying and Jing Shirong.

But because she didn’t give him enough money, her servants cut corners and bought expired rat poison.

As for the killer, because he didn’t have enough money, he hired some incompetent people.

Sister Ying was speechless after seeing this, "Who instigated her?" It couldn't be the princes in the palace, right?

 After all, if the third princess and Jing Shirong turn against each other, whoever benefits the most will naturally be the one who started it.

 The third princess also thought of several people.

 One is the two sons of the current queen.

 Perhaps other princes joined forces and wanted to poison her first so that she could successfully take away the military power in her hands.

Even if she is not dead, if Jing Shirong's wife dies, it will be good for those two people to turn against each other.

Jing Shirong became angrier as he listened.

 Whatever the enemy does to him, he thinks it is normal. After all, the positions are different.

But if he uses vicious tricks on his wife, he can't bear it.

He raised his hand and called the secret guard, "Go and send some thin Yangzhou horses to the old official. The more beautiful they are, the better."

 Including some princes, we also find a few scheming people to go to.

 If you don’t mess up their backyard, you will be disrespecting their good intentions.

As for Miss Sun, doesn’t she think she married poorly and picked on her husband everywhere?

 Then send her old man some stunning beauties to make her fall out of favor.

 Look at what capital she has left to harm others after she fell out of favor.

Ms. Sun waited at home for two days, but did not receive any news of the death from the Jing family.

  She sent someone to inquire, but could not find out anything. She could only wait anxiously at home.

Before she could hear any news from the Jing family, her man suddenly brought back two beautiful girls.

The two girls were young and beautiful, and had a particularly sweet mouth. The man liked her very much, so he stayed in their room that night.

Ms. Sun was disdainful at first.

  This old man is a lecher. It is normal for him to bring a beautiful girl back.

 But as the days got farther and farther, the old man still stayed in the two skinny horse houses every day and stopped coming to see her.

When the servants saw that she had fallen out of favor, they immediately became perfunctory and careless.

 (End of this chapter)

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