The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 471: , the flowers are red for a hundred days

 Chapter 471, Flowers are not as red as a hundred days

 In the past, all the good food and drinks were sent to her here first.

 But these days it’s obviously gone.

Not only are there no delicacies from the mountains and seas, but there are also three dishes and one soup.

 Not to mention three dishes and one soup, there are no hot meals, just cold steamed buns and cold porridge.

The porridge still had vegetable scraps in it, and you could tell who had eaten the leftovers.

This perfunctory attitude made Ms. Sun very angry, and she immediately went to the kitchen to argue.

 But there are many people in the kitchen who are very smart. When they see that she has fallen out of favor, they are not afraid of her, and their words are very unpleasant.

“Aunt Sun has just given birth to a baby, so it’s better not to be angry, otherwise she will be so angry that it will be difficult for her to have another child in the future.”

"But it doesn't matter if you don't give birth. Anyway, what my aunt gave birth to is just a toy. It can't be compared with the eldest son who is the legitimate son and grandson. There will be no future in the future, and it will be of no use if she gives birth. It is better not to give birth."


Ms. Sun didn't expect that she would be so vicious and dare to curse her and throw things in anger.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me like that?"

This cook is not afraid of her. Anyway, she is the eldest lady's slave. How can she be afraid of a little aunt like her.

  In addition, this bad-tempered aunt has fallen out of favor, so who will pay attention to her?

"Let me tell you, my aunt is old and beautiful now, so she should stay in the house eating fast and chanting Buddha's name, so as not to be embarrassed."

"Look at your complexion. Compared with Aunt Huang and the others, you are so ugly that you can't bear to look at them. Aunt Huang and the others are still beautiful. They are pleasing to the eye. No wonder the master likes them."

Ms. Sun never imagined that such a day would come to her.

She rejected the old man from the beginning, but she had no choice but to come over because of her parents' insistence that she marry him to enjoy a happy life and help her parents' family.

 When she first entered the house, the old man was also very kind to her, knowing both coldness and warmth.

But she didn't trust him, and even felt that this old guy was not good enough for her at his age.

 So she never took the initiative to cater to this old official, and always ignored him.

 Perhaps it was precisely because of her tendency to ignore her that the old official liked her arrogance very much and came to her room more and more.

She thought that if he was cold this time, he would come to her room by himself.

Who would have thought that those two vixens actually seduced the smelly old man into forgetting about everything, and even she ignored him.

Miss Sun felt the crisis for the first time in the old official's house. She rarely dressed up and wanted to be soft to the old man.

Who would have known that when she came to Aunt Huang's courtyard dressed up, she was outshone by other people's beauty, and she felt a little unsure immediately.

Especially when the old official saw the bags under her eyes and her pale skin, he immediately waved his hand in disgust. "Aunt Sun, it's better to stay in the house if you're fine."

 In words, she despises her for being so ugly that she cannot be seen in public.

Ms. Sun did not expect this scene and was stunned.

She opened her mouth and was about to speak when a servant grabbed her arm and walked out.


 “Let go of me.”

The servants were accustomed to sizing up the situation, and when they saw that she had fallen out of favor, they immediately picked her up and threw her back into the backyard. The door was closed as soon as they were opened, and they did not regard her as a human being at all.


But no one paid attention to her. Even the maids and servants in the courtyard left in front of her, leaving only her dowry maid.

"Miss, what should we do now? Those two skinny guys are used to seducing men." "Now that I have been seduced by them, I have begun to dislike you. What should I do now?"

 In the past, no matter how willful Miss Sun was, the old official liked her and tolerated her very much. Send something good to her yard.

Now that the old official has moved on, not to mention good things, the gates of their courtyard have been closed.

The servants even took away the good carbon from her house for the winter.

The maid became more and more panicked as she watched. She shook Miss Sun's arm anxiously, "Miss, please think of a solution quickly. We won't be able to survive the winter if this continues."

It seems that the weather is getting colder and colder, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger. If there is no charcoal fire in the house, it will be difficult to survive the winter.

Miss Sun fell to the ground at this time, unable to accept the reality.

Obviously the old man was not like this before. Even if she was being unruly and willful, he would still please her as always.

Who would have thought that he would change his mind so quickly this time? He actually removed all her slaves and closed the door to her courtyard, with the intention of locking her in the backyard to die of old age.

At this time, she was also panicked. She no longer cared about revenge or not, and hurriedly went into the house to dress up. She planned to admit her mistake to the old man and quickly return to her original life of having no worries about food and clothing.

When the maid saw that she had come to her senses, she quickly dressed her up.

"Miss, you can go over to the master later and speak softly. Men like to hear this."

Although Miss Sun didn't bother to give in to the old man, she had to bow her head under the eaves. She didn't want to be like the old aunt in the yard next door, locked up in the backyard all her life without anyone to talk to.

She was still young and didn't want to be trapped in the backyard for the rest of her life, so she made up her mind to hook the old man back.

 “Go, take out my red gauze skirt.”

That gauze skirt was very see-through and was given to her by the old official.

At that time, she felt that it was immoral and arrogant, so she could not wear it for him.

 The feeling of being out of favor now makes her feel even more stressed. Especially when the servants in the house took advantage of the situation and dared to stumble her, this feeling made her very unhappy.

She changed into a red sheer red gauze skirt, put on a charming make-up, and tied her waist tightly, revealing her palm-sized waist, and then she went to the old official with a graceful posture.

It's a pity that the old official was confused by the two skinny horses. Hearing from his servants that she was here, he didn't want to see her, so he waved his hand to send Miss Sun away.

Miss Sun didn't expect that he would stay in two horse houses in broad daylight, and there was no trace of her in his eyes.

 She didn't believe in this evil and kept waiting outside the door.

When the servants passed by, they all looked at her joke and whispered, "Look, isn't that Aunt Sun? Wasn't she very arrogant before? Now isn't she just groveling to please her? Damn, you bitch."

Other maids also said, "That's right. I really think that I am some kind of angel, but I am not an aunt. Now the two skinny horses are also aunts, so what's the difference between them and her."

Miss Sun was very angry when she heard this.

 She turned around and glared at her, but the maid was not afraid of her.

Behind her, he was still looking down upon her, "Hey, no matter what you look at, there is no one who favors two skinny horses."

 After saying that, he twisted his waist and walked away arrogantly.


Ms. Sun was so angry that she wanted to argue with her, but she had already walked away and didn’t take her seriously at all.

Even the servant guarding the door urged her to leave quickly, "Aunt Sun, you'd better go back quickly. Don't annoy the master for a while, your life will be even more difficult."

When Miss Sun saw them both driving her away, she became angry. Her forehead became hot, she pushed the doorkeeper aside, kicked open the door, and rushed in.

 “Liu Decai, come out!”

 (End of this chapter)

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