Chapter 472, Miss Sun was kicked out

Mr. Liu was originally in the house with two beautiful luminous cups of thin horse grape wine.

 He was opening his mouth to eat the grapes fed by the beauty, but Miss Sun ruined his mouth.

He had a goatee and stared at him displeased, "Who let you in?"

She is already a yellow-faced woman, and she has the nerve to come in and upset her appetite.

"Get out! Without my order, you should stay in your room from now on. Don't come out to me if you have nothing to do." It's embarrassing.


Ms. Sun never expected that he would change his attitude so quickly and said angrily, "How powerful do you think you are? You are just an old official who is about to be fired. You really think you are a dishonest person."

Had her brother's affairs not happened to be taken over by this old man, she would not have married him. what!

I am very old, and I still buy these beautiful girls every day. At first glance, it is a rogue color.

Mr. Liu was angry when he saw that she dared to dislike him.


 “Who are you, who dare to speak of me like this?”

 He may be humble outside, but he is always the king in the house.

Which woman in the family doesn’t fawn over him? Don't please him?

If the Sun family hadn't begged him last year, he wouldn't have wanted to contribute money and effort to help the Sun family.

Now that the crisis in the Sun family has been resolved, how dare this woman speak to herself like this?

“Sun Tingting, if you don’t want to be treated here, get out of here. Our Liu family temple is small and cannot accommodate a big Buddha like you.”

 After saying that, he winked at the servant and said, "Send Aunt Sun out. There will be no such person in the Liu family from now on!"


The servant followed the instructions, dragged Miss Sun and walked out.

 "Liu Decai! You have no conscience! I even got a child for you!"

When Mr. Liu heard about the child, he softened his heart. He was about to ask the servants to stop, but he heard Miss Sun scolding him again, "You heartless old man! You are not worthy of being a husband!"

   One sentence broke away Mr. Liu's soft-heartedness.

 “Throw it out!”

 There is really no room for recovery now.

 The servant dragged Miss Sun to the door, waved her hand, and threw her there. It was like throwing away garbage. After throwing it away, she went back.

Ms. Sun was so angry that she burst into tears. As soon as she stood up, she saw people on the roadside whispering to her, as if they were watching her joke.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the Liu family opened again. Miss Sun was overjoyed, thinking that Mr. Liu had softened his heart. Just as she was about to be happy, the servant threw out her baggage.

 This time the shame is even greater.

Everyone on the roadside was watching her joke and guessed, "She was thrown out, right? Look at the clothes she's wearing. It's really embarrassing. She doesn't look like a serious person at first glance."

Other women also said with disdain, "I think it's probably something bought from a brothel. It was probably thrown out by the mistress. Seeing the dirty look she was wearing, it made me feel ashamed."

“So girls’ families must educate them well and never let them learn from these shameless vixens and be arrogant and coquettish.”

Every word they said to each other trampled Miss Sun's self-esteem to pieces.

 “Liu Decai! You are not a human being!”

She stood up angrily, wiped her tears, and waited for a while, but the maid did not come out.

 After a while, someone came to reply and said that the maid had been promoted by Mr. Liu as his wife. From now on, I will enjoy the happiness in the Liu family and let Miss Sun leave on her own.


Ms. Sun did not expect Liu Decai to be so ruthless. After all, she had conceived a child for him, but he was so shameless that he would not even spare her maid.

She couldn't bear the pressure of all this mess, so she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Sister Ying got the news at home and asked her servant, "What happened next? What happened to Miss Sun later?"

The servants reported, "Later, the Sun family took Aunt Sun back."

The two elders of the Sun family were also very angry when they learned that their daughter had been thrown out. As soon as Miss Sun woke up, she began to lecture her, saying that she must have been thrown out because she was dishonest.

She has been told to go back and relent and apologize properly, otherwise it would be extremely embarrassing for her to be thrown out like this and let her relatives know about it.

Miss Sun was so angry at the Liu family that she didn’t want to go back, and she agreed to whatever they said.

Seeing her cold expression, Mrs. Sun's wife also got angry, "Anyway, Liu family, you have to kneel down for me. Otherwise, don't stay in this family anymore!"

 Miss Sun hated her parents immediately when she saw that they didn't consider her feelings at all. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be forced to live with a bad old man.”

"It's okay now. I was thrown out. I don't even deserve a concubine release letter. It's all your fault!"

  "If it weren't for you, I would be a decent lady. I hate you!"

 The three members of the family later turned against each other.

Ms. Sun also got angry and refused to leave her parents' home. She also threatened that if her parents didn't support her, she would be hanged in the Sun family's house, causing them to have a bad reputation for the rest of their lives.

The Sun family and his wife were frightened when they saw how fierce she was, so they had to let her stay at home.

But the three of them had a rift, and the days to come were destined to be chaotic.

It is said that Mr. Sun in the back married a daughter-in-law, and he and Ms. Sun couldn't get along, and the family quarreled every day.

The Sun family's couple even made jabs at her at every turn, expressing disdain for her eating free meals at home.

Miss Sun saw that her parents were partial and helped her daughter-in-law bully her. The more she thought about it, the more resentful she became, and she poisoned her family that night.

  Afterwards, she woke up, feeling flustered and frightened. She picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine to calm down the panic.

Who knew that the wine was also mixed with arsenic, and he drank until he foamed at the mouth.

 When the neighbor found out, the whole family turned blue.

 Fortunately, the doctor arrived in time and the arsenic was adulterated, so the whole family did not die.

 But because of the sequelae, the family is not having a good time either.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were listening in tears. He secretly thought that Miss Sun had a hard life, but she was also a cruel person.

 The third princess was particularly disdainful after hearing this.

“If she was so ruthless from the beginning, why would she marry an old man?”

Sister Ying nodded and agreed very much. "that is."

The third princess did not expect that she would actually agree with her decisive decision. She immediately snorted proudly and glared at Mr. Zhong again.

  Meaning, look at other people’s homes. Look at you again.

 Every foxy girl knows how to recognize her domineering attitude.

This sick young man is so timid, so useless.

Mr. Zhong was wronged, "Why are you picking on me so hard?"

 He is not doing well either.

The third princess instinctively wanted to say something to him, "I just see that you are unhappy."

Sister Ying and Jing Han chuckled at the side.

  These days they get together every now and then to talk about a variety of things.

 Zhong Dashao came here every day. Anyway, he was alone and had plenty of time to spend with the third princess.

Although every time I come to the Jing family, I am always criticized by the third princess.

 But he clearly felt that the third princess's personality gradually became more cheerful and she could tell cold jokes as she chatted with them in the past few days.

Although it’s not funny, this willingness to be with them is already an improvement.

 The sixteenth day is approaching, and the palace and the Zhong family are almost ready.

 The emperor was the most excited one.

  He has really been looking forward to the marriage of the third princess for too many years.

Now that the wedding is approaching, he is too excited to sleep every day.

“Tomorrow is fourteen and the day after tomorrow is fifteen. The day after tomorrow is the wedding date of that unfilial daughter. Is the dowry ready?”

The **** smiled and said, "Okay, it's all packed and labeled with the word "囍" on it."

 The emperor asked again, "Where is the Zhong family? Are the wedding team all ready?"

 Eunuch, "Okay, okay, everything is fine. Let's wait until the day after tomorrow."

 (End of this chapter)

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