The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 473: , the third princess is getting married!

Chapter 473, the third princess gets married!

 Wait until the sixteenth day. The palace was very lively.

After all, the third princess's marriage attracted much attention. The emperor was in a good mood and gave rare and generous rewards to all the palace residents. Now the whole backyard became happy.

 The third princess was called up early in the morning to comb her hair, but she was not happy about it.

He glanced coldly at the lady combing her hair and said, "Just comb your hair into a ponytail."

She doesn't like those fancy things, it's a big trouble.

The lady combing her hair carefully advised, "Princess, getting married is a major event in a woman's life. We should look pretty and surprise the groom, right?"


The third princess narrowed her eyes and slightly imagined Mr. Zhong's expression after seeing her dressed up. She probably screamed in an exaggerated way.

 Or flattering her in a silly way.

 Either way, it’s too noisy.

The lady who combed her hair continued to persuade, "I think Young Master Zhong has a good temper, but he seems to have lost some weight and could be blown away by a gust of wind."

 Fortunately, Mr. Zhong is tall and has strong bones. His face looks very gentle, and he looks like a good person at first glance.

 The third princess does not deny this.

That sick man is a bit thinner, but his bones are quite strong, not delicate, but he still looks manly.

But it is true that he is noisy.

No matter where she goes these days, he is always trying to follow her and can't get rid of her.

It's not that she can't get rid of him. Mainly because of the assassination incident last time, the third princess was a little wary. She didn't dare to leave Young Master Zhong alone, for fear that she would die if she couldn't stand him. Only then did he reluctantly agree to follow.

 She has also found some clues in the past few days.

Those groups of assassins last time were indeed all the princes who joined forces to deal with her.

 After all, the prince has her as his backer. If those people want to pull the prince down, they must deal with her first.

Those people were also smart. They sent so many people out together. In addition to trying to get rid of her, they also wanted to create a chaotic scene so that the emperor could not grasp the clues.

 After all, so many assassins came out together to find out who sent them, and everyone had reasons to say otherwise.

 The third princess was able to find out mainly because of the information provided by Jing Shirong.

 The Jing family for the last three generations were natives of the capital.

Jing’s father also had connections in the capital, and so did Jing’s family.

 Including Jingwai Gongjia.

 Jing Shirong has strong learning ability and knows how to use her own advantages.

 His spies in the capital can be found in almost every street and shop. You can know the slightest sign of trouble faster.

However, it is not difficult to guess what happened this time.

When several princes saw the third princess coming back, they thought she was coming to assist the prince, so they naturally wanted to squeeze her away or kill her. The future of the province would pose a threat to their succession to the throne.

The third princess knew that they were working together to harm her, so she immediately strengthened some spies in several princes' mansions.

Today the third princess got married, and the princes came to congratulate her with gifts.

 They said congratulations on their faces, but they hoped that the third princess would belch soon.

 The third princess doesn't care about this.

Today is her big day, and she will not be angry with unimportant people.

Sister Ying also came over with Jing Han to add some boxes to her.

Although most of the extra boxes are given by elders, the third princess has no relationship with the concubines in the harem, and she doesn't feel much emotion when receiving the gifts.

But now Sister Ying came over with Jing Han, smiled and said congratulations to her, and secretly gave her a gift. The feeling is a little different.

The third princess was stunned for a moment, then said coldly, "What are you giving?"

The concubines gave her jewelry, and the emperor gave her swords.

 As for what Sister Ying would give her, she didn't know.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, then opened the gift for her, "It's a safety button."

"This safety buckle is a pair. One for Brother Zhong and one for Princess. Don't take it off if you bring it back. It's for safety." Jing Han nodded in agreement, "Yes. These safety buckles are for Ying and I. My sister got up early in the morning and climbed more than a hundred stairs to get here."

"The master said that this safety buckle can suppress evil spirits and ensure safety. Princess, be sure to wear it well and don't take it off casually."

 The third princess did not expect that they would give this as a gift, but she was still a little touched in her heart.

Sister Ying put the safety button on her waist and said, "Amitabha, be safe." The third princess was touched again.


You shouted, but didn’t follow up. After all, you are not a sensationalist. You can’t say anything to express your gratitude, so you just said one sentence in the end.

 “Stay and drink tonight.”

The more Sister Ying looked at her, the cuter she became, and she immediately laughed, "Okay."

Just as Jing Han and Jing Xin came out, the three of them had a drink together in the evening.

 The third princess blushed slightly for the first time in her life. It turned out that he was blushing not with the groom, but with Sister Ying.

 If Mr. Zhong knew about it, he would probably have to think about it a lot.

The third princess was impatient for the combing lady to comb her hair, so she asked Sister Ying to make a simple one for her.

Sister Ying hummed, stopped being polite, and got started.

 She tied the third princess into a ponytail, which was simple and beautiful.

He also applied a little lipstick on her to make her look good.

 The only thing left is to help her change into bridal clothes.

 The third princess’s bridal attire was booked in advance. The style was very simple, and it was all according to her preferences.

 After the clothes were changed, Sister Ying helped her put on the red hijab.

 When the auspicious time came, Mr. Zhong came to pick up the people with a happy face.

Even though he doesn’t have much flesh, he is tall and has long strides. He grabbed the third princess’s hand and ran out.

The third princess saw that he was useless and was out of breath after running a few steps, so she simply picked him up and got on her horse to go to Zhong's house.

The welcoming team behind them hurriedly beat gongs and drums to catch up, which made all the people laugh.

 The emperor also grinned all day long, "It's good to get married."

 You will be able to settle down after you get married.

 As long as the unfilial daughter has children in the future and has weaknesses, she will know how to do things appropriately.

Don't fight and kill all day long, it will make people unhappy.

At present, the third princess was riding a horse to take Young Master Zhong back to Zhong's house. Without waiting for the matchmaker's reaction, she took the initiative to have someone preside over the ceremony to worship the heaven and the earth.

 This was the first time Mrs. Zhong was so proactive at a wedding. She smiled and said, "Okay, okay, hurry up and worship the heaven and the earth."

The matchmaker hurriedly said, "The bride and groom worship heaven and earth~~"

Mr. Zhong was also very happy and smiled brightly all day long.

  The two people will worship heaven and earth together, and their parents. After the couple bows to each other, they will be sent to the bridal chamber.

When Sister Ying and others rushed over, everyone had finished worshiping.

  Everyone couldn’t laugh or cry after hearing this, but they didn’t pursue the matter. They each found a place to sit and chat.

Sister Ying, Jing Han and Jing Xin sat together. The three of them looked around and saw Jing Shirong and the others at the men's table in another courtyard, and immediately laughed.

 “Let’s have a drink together tonight?”

Jing Xin and Jing Han both have carefree personalities, so they immediately laughed and said, "Okay. Why don't you come home if you don't get drunk at night?"

Jing Xin said yes, "Yes. I won't go home until I'm drunk."

God knows that she is bored to death having to take care of her children at home every day.

It’s rare to go out and have a drink today, so naturally I want to drink as much as I can.

Sister Ying nodded and agreed, "Yes. I want to have a good drink tonight."

 (End of this chapter)

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