Chapter 474: Three women and one drama

Sister Ying asked a servant for a jar of daughter's red wine, and poured a glass for Jing Han and Jing Xin.

Their table is in a corner, far away from the bustling crowd in the courtyard.

Sister Ying raised her wine glass and said to the two of them, "Come on, let's have a drink first. To celebrate today's gathering."

 Jing Han and Jing Xin raised their glasses at the same time, "Okay. Cheers!"

 The three of them raised their heads and drank the wine, and said "Ah~" very happily.


This kind of happy drinking taste is really good.

Jing Xin complained first, "You all don't know that I'm so tired of taking care of my children at home every day. It's rare that I can go out for a drink, and I'm not allowed to leave without having a good drink at night."

Even though she said this, she still looked around with a guilty conscience, for fear that her man would come to find her.

Jinghan saw her acting like this and laughed at her.

“Look at you. Are you that afraid of Ajie? I don’t think my brother-in-law is such a strict person.”

Jing Xin made a sound, revealing his man's background. "Come on. Who is he? I don't know who he is? He's an old man who won't listen to what he says. I'm bored to death just by looking at him."

 The man Jing Xin married was an honest and dutiful military commander.

  Usually he treats Jing Xin very well, but his personality is a bit rigid, and he doesn’t know how to adapt.

 Jing Xin was sometimes so angry with him that he would not admit that he was wrong and would still say something.

Jing Xin was too lazy to talk about him, so he could only look at it for himself.

Jinghan said something for her brother-in-law, "I think Ajie is good enough. He comes back from work every day and helps you carry the baby. Look at your cousin-in-law, when has he helped me take care of the baby?"

Murong Yun himself doesn’t like children very much. Not to mention raising two naughty sons, it was a headache for him.

 It means those two sons were born to Jing Han, otherwise he would have been thrown out by them.

 On weekdays, when he comes back, he just wants to stick to Jinghan. The most he can do is chat with his son for a while, and then continue to look for Jinghan.

 It was as if he had not even given birth to his son, let alone come back to help take care of the child.

Jing Xin laughed after hearing this, "Brother-in-law Murong is so virtuous. He didn't like playing with children when he was a child."

Jinghan nodded, "It seems so."

They were chattering, which was very interesting to Sister Ying.

 Give them another drink.

After Jinghan finished drinking, he looked at Sister Ying and asked her, "Aren't you and A Jing ready to have a baby?"

 As the wife of the richest businessman in the world, I should be more open-minded and understand that people who have been married for almost a year and have no children do not want to have children for the time being.

If it were an ordinary person, they would think that Sister Ying would not be able to give birth.

Sister Ying smiled and nodded, "Yes. It's too early to survive now. We want to wait two years."

Jing Shirong's job is not stable now. He seems to be traveling every day, traveling all over the country.

If you get pregnant halfway and have morning sickness, it will probably be very troublesome.

 So the couple both want to wait two years.

Jinghan raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't talk about that. I think you two just want to stay in love for another year or two. You don't want the little brat to bother you, do you? Hahaha~"

Jing Xin nodded, "Yes. I think they are definitely not sticky enough, haha."

Sister Ying also laughed and did not deny it.

 The three of them were chattering and the atmosphere was very good.

Jing Xin drank a few glasses of wine and started gossiping about Sister Ying, "Sister-in-law, how do my elder brothers treat you?"

You know, in Jing Xin’s eyes, Jing Shirong is a serious and unkind big brother.

 She was also curious about how such a serious and rigid big brother would treat Sister Ying?

Sister Ying also knew that Jing Shirong was indeed stricter in his treatment of his younger brothers and sisters, and she couldn't laugh or cry, "Actually, he is very good to me, and we always discuss matters with him."

 Sister Ying is quite satisfied with this.

 A couple who discuss everything can reduce a lot of quarrels. It can also increase mutual trust. Jing Xin chuckled, "Then my eldest brother usually listens to you? Or do you listen to her?"

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows and asked her, "Does your brother-in-law usually listen to you? Or do you listen to him?"

Jing Xin yelled and said to himself, you are a little brat, how can you still fight back?

She hummed, raised her chin proudly, and boasted to Sister Ying, "I have always been the one in charge of our family~"

“Whether it’s my husband-in-law or my parents-in-law, you all listen to me~”

When Jinghan heard this, he was not to be outdone, "My family is the same. My son and my husband-in-law both obey me!"

Jing Xin glanced at her sideways and said, "Cousin, why do I remember that you had a fight with your cousin-in-law last time?"

“At that time, my cousin-in-law turned around and left in anger. I don’t know who in your family listened to whom~?”

 This sound oh~ made Jing Han panic.

 “You. You stinky sister!”

 What are you doing to expose her background?

Sister Ying looked on and laughed, thinking that these two people were so funny.

Jing Han and Jing Xin looked at her at the same time, "What about you? Sister Xiaoying? Who listens to whom, you or my brother?"

Sister Ying raised her chin and said proudly, "Of course you listen to me. I am a tigress in the family."

Jing Han and Jing Xin laughed at the same time, "If you don't believe me, you must be bluffing us."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "I don't believe it."

  In any case, Jing Shirong did listen to her for the most part. Except for occasionally being a little domineering on certain things, everything else is fine.

Jing Han and Jing Xin looked at each other, gossiping.

 “Oh? What’s so overbearing? Let’s talk about it.”

They were gossiping so much that Sister Ying blushed and coughed, "I won't tell you."

Jing Han and Jing Xin have been married for several years. They didn’t understand anything, so they immediately covered their mouths and giggled.

He also said, "Let's go. The wedding room should be very lively right now, let's go and take a look."

“Let’s see how this famous third princess got married to Young Master Zhong.”

Sister Ying said, "I'll go", "Is it such a big deal?" Isn't it bad to peek into someone's bridal chamber?

Jinghan Jingxin chuckled, "What are you afraid of? Didn't you see that all the women in the backyard ran over and took a peek? We just blended in and no one noticed."

 Speaking, he picked up Sister Ying and ran towards the new house.

Sister Ying said she was not sure, but she squeezed into the crowd honestly, stretching her neck to peek at what was going on inside.

 The third princess originally came out to drink with the men.

She drank a lot, one pot after another.

 Wait until I was a little dizzy from drinking, then I went back to the dormitory.

Mr. Zhong couldn’t drink, but he kept following her, fearing that she would have a headache tomorrow if she drank too much.

At this moment, the third princess was drunk. Young Master Zhong helped her up and walked into the house.

 “Madam, slow down.”

The third princess stumbled and leaned against him. She suddenly smelled a faint fragrance of gardenia on his body and frowned, "Why do you smell so good?"

 It’s not like you’re applying rouge and gouache, right?

Mr. Zhong blushed and said, "No. I hid a flower when I was changing clothes yesterday, trying to cover up the smell of medicine on my body."

 Although he doesn't need to take medicine now, he works with herbal medicines all day long, and his body smells like bitter medicine.

 Today is a big day after all, and he still wants to smell better.

What if the third princess approaches him and smells the bitter smell of the medicine and doesn’t like it?

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhong blushed inexplicably.

 (End of this chapter)

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