The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 475: , The Flower and Candle Night of the Straight Girl of Steel

 Chapter 475, The Iron Lady’s Flowery Night

The third princess saw that his ears suddenly turned red and his body still smelled good, just like a little daughter-in-law. She immediately pushed him away in disgust and stumbled to the bed.

Just kick your shoes, turn around and lie down.

Zhong Da saw this and hurriedly came over to clean it up for her.

 He put her boots in place, helped her take off her socks, and finally wetted a towel and came over to wipe her face.

The third princess was impatient and he wiped her face. She clicked her tongue and told him, "Go away. Don't bother me."

Young Master Zhong coaxed patiently, "It'll be fine in a while. Wipe your face to cool it down."

 Looking at her face being red from drinking, she must be feeling hot too.

  Speaking of heat, the third princess really felt it. She immediately became drowsy, pulled off her wedding dress and threw it to the ground.

At this time, the people peeking outside the door pricked up their ears to listen.

Even Sister Ying and her three children crowded in the crowd and eavesdropped.

The female members of the Zhong family gossiped, "You said, the third princess is so masculine, who will listen to whom?"

The first female family member said, "I think it is the third princess who has the final say. Our little Zhong must be the obedient one."

The second female family member said, "I think so. Although our little Zhong is not feminine, she is not as masculine as the third princess. She will probably be suppressed."

 The other female relatives all laughed after hearing this, and they laughed like gossip.

Sister Ying listened very funny, but she also felt that these women were so open-minded and dared to say anything, almost driving.

 Isn’t it said that the ancients were reserved?

Jinghan covered his mouth and snickered, then came over and made a small hole in the window.

  Put your glasses over and take a peek.

Sister Ying hurriedly grabbed her, "It's better not to look at it. I'll let the third princess know later that I'll eat your bitter gourd."

Jinghan smiled smartly and said, "What are you afraid of? She is already drunk and almost snoring."

Jing Xin also came over gossiping, "Let me take a look."

Not only the two of them, other women also came over to take a peek.

Female family member 1: "Hey, you said, the three princesses are drunk, how can they have a wedding night?"

The second female family member raised her eyebrows and smiled mischievously, "Then it depends on our little Zhong's ability."

 The other female relatives all laughed after hearing this, and they smiled slyly.

 Inside the house.

 The third princess lay down and slept for a while after getting drunk.

Young Master Zhong stood aside and watched.

He scratched his head awkwardly, not knowing what he should do now.

Even though his mother told him to treat the third princess well, both of them have to be sober for this kind of thing, right?

The third princess is sleeping like a dead pig, so he can't act recklessly. Otherwise, if you annoy her for a while, you might get beaten into a pig's head.

So Young Master Zhong pulled a chair over, sat down on the chair, and stared at the sleeping face of the third princess with his dark eyes.

 While the third princess was sleeping, she vaguely noticed someone looking at her.

She was very alert. She opened her eyes and saw that the person above her head was Mr. Zhong, so she lowered her guard again.

 As he smelled of alcohol, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Young Master Zhong suddenly opened her eyes unexpectedly, coughed, and said sheepishly, "I, I'll stay with you."

The third princess, the straight girl, said, "Just sleep, why should I accompany you?" She looked like a girl.

 Zhong Dashao.

 “Then I’ll go sleep in the bed?”

At this moment, the third princess was sleeping outside, so he could only crawl into the bed by himself.

The third princess frowned and was about to refuse, but then suddenly remembered that they were getting married today, and they were considered a serious couple.

 Since we are a couple, it is normal for them to sleep in the same bed.

But it was the first time for her to sleep on the same bed as someone else, and it felt a little weird.

Mr. Zhong also lived in the same room as the girl for the first time, and he was a little shy.

 The two of them were lying separately, one with a frown on his face, the other with a shy expression.

The third princess finally said, "Why don't you go sleep on the ground. I want to sleep by myself." Mr. Zhong.

"How can that be done? We are both husband and wife now, and husband and wife cannot sleep in separate beds."

 Finally they got married, and they even slept separately. How can we cultivate feelings like this?

The third princess made a sound and warned him, "Then please calm down for me and don't disturb me."

 After that, close your eyes and continue to sleep.

Mr. Zhong glanced at her secretly. Seeing that her brows were still furrowed, he knew that she must not be able to sleep.

So he blushed and suggested, "Princess, we haven't had a drink yet."

The third princess said oh and commanded him, "Then go ahead and pour it."

Mr. Zhong sighed and quickly got up to pour a glass of wine.

Two people have a glass each, raise their glasses alternately, and drink with their heads raised.

After finishing the drink, the two of them looked at each other, inexplicably shy.

Mr. Zhong looked at her and then at the candle on the table. He wanted to say something, but he didn't dare.

In the end, the third princess came to the realization on her own, pulled open her collar, and said like an uncle, "By the way, do you know how to perform wedding ceremonies?"

Looking at him up and down, I suspected that he was a weakling.

 Zhong Dashao.

 Since they met, he has been doubted by the third princess so many times.

He must regain his face this time.

So he opened his nostrils, let out a breath, and leaned down as if to fight.

"excuse me."

 The female relatives outside the window looked very excited, "Kiss me, I want to kiss you."

Sister Ying and Jing Han Jing Xin also leaned over to take a peek, with gossipy faces on their faces.

The third princess noticed someone peeking outside the door, and immediately shot a dart over. The frightened female relatives quickly ran away.

Sister Ying also pulled Jinghan and Jingxin and ran away.

 They will definitely not be able to see what happens next.

Jinghan chuckled and said, "It seems that Young Master Zhong is okay. He knows how to take the initiative."

Jing Xin also said, "That's right. Men are all so virtuous."

 She has a serious mouth, but her body is extremely honest and very arrogant.

It happened that the man Jing Xin heard this and frowned immediately.

Sister Ying looked back and saw Jing Shirong, Murong Yun and Jing Xin's husband coming. She immediately winked at Jing Xin and told her to stop talking.

But Jing Xin said very enthusiastically, "You don't know, the guy in my family, who looks upright, is actually very arrogant. Give him a silk scarf and he can dance." It's like dancing a yangko.

 The three men behind him.

Sister Ying quickly said "cough" to signal her to stop talking.

Jing Xin reacted, looked behind her, and immediately saw her man’s stinking face, and she immediately felt guilty!


Mother, when did these three come here? What a shame.

The men in Jingxin felt so embarrassed that they wanted to dig a hole and get in.

 He walked over and pulled Jing Xin over, "Go back!"

After saying that, he dragged Jing Xin back angrily.

Murong Yun also coughed and came over to take Jinghan, "It's very late, let's go."

Jinghan hummed and went back with Murong Yun.

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, smiled like a big fox, walked over, lowered his head and asked Sister Ying.

“Sister Xiaoying, you didn’t say anything bad about me to your cousins ​​just now, did you?”

Sister Ying saw that he was smiling like an old fox, with trouble on his back, and hehehe, "No, how could I say anything to them. You have to believe me."

But Jing Shirong cast an evil eye and pinched her chin like a wolf grandmother, "Whether she said anything bad about me, you have to go back and check to find out."

 After saying that, he picked her up, crossed the roof lightly and headed towards Jing's house.

 (End of this chapter)

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