Chapter 476: Going to the jade mine

Sister Ying saw that he was returning to the Jing family, and she just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

But I saw him suddenly change direction and go straight to the other courtyard next to him.

 “Alas, you”

 Isn’t it? Come again?

 Last time she came to the other courtyard, she saw the big bad wolf's huge appetite. A handful of old bones are falling apart.

 Come here again, what else doesn’t she understand?

Sister Ying hugged Jing Shirong's neck in fear, wanting to beg for mercy, "Ms. sir, I'm very sleepy at night, why don't we go back to the hospital to sleep?"

Jing Shirong pretended not to understand, "Where can I sleep? My parents are resting now, so we'd better not disturb them. Let's go to another courtyard."

 Having said that, he tiptoed to the ground and was already in another courtyard.

Seeing the house getting closer and closer, Sister Ying felt like crying but could only say soft words, "Then you have a little appetite, don't let me fall apart, I'm already an old man."

Jing Shirong stared at her with his dark eyes and smiled evilly, "That's okay. My wife is young, so she still needs to exercise more to live a long life."

Sister Ying.

 Screw your long life.

With minions like you, I'm lucky if I don't break my waist and bones.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his lips and said, "How could that happen? Last time, I didn't know what to do. This time, I will put my wife first."

 After saying that, he carried the little poor boy back to the house.

 On the second day.

The two of them slept until the sun was shining brightly before getting up. They were too lazy to go out.

When Jing learned that they were here, he didn't come to call them. Instead, he had someone bring food to them.

Sister Ying lay on the bed. After eating, she chatted with Jing Shirong, "If the day is not busy, it would be good for us to sleep until we wake up naturally."

 She likes the slow pace of life quite leisurely.

Jing Shirong also likes it, but the emperor told him about the jade mine yesterday, and he should set off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

He said to Sister Ying, "We will go to the jade mine about the day after tomorrow. You pack your things and we will go there together."

 Otherwise it would take more than half a year to go back and forth, so it would be more worry-free for the couple to go together.

Sister Ying hummed and asked him, "Brother Qi will come with us this time?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, he will come too."

 Generally when they go out to run errands, he and Qi Yuanming usually go together.

The emperor didn't want Qi Yuanming to stay in the military camp, so he naturally sent him out to work.

 Otherwise, with Qi Yuanming’s military training ability, it would be better for him to develop in the military camp.

After hearing this, Sister Ying felt a little disdainful, "Your Majesty wants to use Brother Qi, but he is also afraid that Brother Qi will win the military's support. Really."

He simply didn’t want Qi Yuanming to gain power, he just wanted to send him to do some chores.

Jing Shirong knew that the reason why the emperor did not want them to stay in Beijing and develop was simply because he did not want them to expand their influence in the capital.

The emperor just wanted him and Qi Yuanming to do odd jobs for him for the rest of their lives, and did not want them to be promoted step by step.

 Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming both understand this.

 Fortunately, they don't have such big ambitions, so they naturally won't go against the emperor.

But the two of them were not really defenseless against the emperor, and they must have made some moves in private.

Just like Jing Shirong cultivated his own secret guards in various places, Qi Yuanming also secretly cultivated a group of his own guards.

 In name, he is a guardian, but his actual attack power is very strong, and he can fight like a killer.

The Qi family is surrounded by expert guards and is very safe.

The same goes for the Jing family. Jing Shirong has deployed experts at home and outside the house. When he is not at home, the Jing family is also well protected.

Sister Ying asked, "How many people will we take with us this time? What's the situation at the jade mine?"

Jing Shirong pinched her hair, smelled it, and said to her, "I also want to bring one or two batches."

 After all, the origins of the jade mine thieves are unknown.

Who knows if the other person is a master or what?

In addition, Murong Yun also told him that not only were masters secretly digging jade mines, but also local people were secretly digging there. The local officials symbolically arrested him a few times, and then released him after they used money to smooth things over.

 Seeing that this method worked, the people went to dig jade mines secretly at night.

 The emperor was naturally angry when he got the news about the spy.

He then told Jing Shirong to go over quickly and take care of things.

From the emperor's tone, he probably wanted Jing Shirong to stay there until all the jade in the jade mine was dug out before he could come back.

 That's why Jing Shirong asked Sister Ying to bring more clothes.

"I have reported to Your Majesty that I am taking you on this trip. You should bring more things with you. When we get there, it will still be a severe cold. It will definitely be very cold in the snow and ice. We should bring more clothes."

Sister Ying hummed and got up to pick out the clothes she wanted to bring over.

Jing Shirong lay lazily on the bed and watched her busy, and gave her instructions, "There are a new batch of thick cloaks in the cabinet over there. They are all thickened and cotton-padded. Go and try them on."

“Really?” Sister Ying went to open the cabinet in surprise and saw a row of cloaks made of soft and thick materials. They all look very new.

Sister Ying took it off and tried it. It was really warm.

 She asked Jing Shirong happily, "When did you buy these?"

 It’s really considerate, knowing that she likes to buy clothes.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Murong Yun informed me."

 The two of them often buy things for their wives. Whenever there is any good stuff, buy them all together.

Sister Ying happily tried on the soft cloak and spun around happily.

 “Which one should I bring?”

Jing Shirong said dotingly, "Bring them all together. Otherwise, the clothes will dry slowly in winter."

Especially since they have to go to the deep mountains, the local climate must be very cold.

Sister Ying thought about it and realized that she was also afraid of the cold, so she put them all in the box together.

Jing Shirong lay lazily on the bed, his pajamas hanging sideways, and continued to direct, "There are some cotton-padded underwear in the cupboard over there, so take them with you."

 Including menstrual cloths, he bought her the best ones.

Sister Ying didn't expect him to be so considerate. She was so moved that she ran over to him, held his handsome face in her hands, and said, "Yeah~".

 “Thank you, Mr. Sir~”

Jing Shirong looked satisfied, "It's okay. As long as you like it."

  Anyway, he spent the money he earned on her, so whatever he bought for her was worth it.

 Arrived second.

 Emperor Xuanjing Shirong entered the palace and told him one more thing.

He said that there seemed to be some kind of gemstone in the jade mine, and asked him to go into the mine and see if he could find the gemstone.

Jing Shirong nodded and said he understood.

 The emperor asked him, "Pack up tonight and set off tomorrow."

Jing Shirong hummed and resigned.

After leaving the palace, he told Sister Ying about this matter, but Sister Ying was worried, "Is it safe to enter the mine?"

They said the mine was very dangerous and could collapse at any time, so she didn't dare to let Jing Shirong in.

Jing Shirong said, "Don't talk about this in a hurry. We'll talk about it when we get there."

 Generally speaking, he would do everything the emperor asked him to do.

 If it is too dangerous, he will weigh it.

 No one has gone there yet, so it is too early to say anything. It is better to go there first and then talk.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes."

 “Then I’ll go pack some more things.”

 She was going to leave tomorrow, and she had to prepare a lot of things so that she wouldn't have anywhere to buy them.

 (End of this chapter)

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