Chapter 478, Drop by Jiangnan

 There is no other way, I can’t worry about this sick man.

 The third princess returned Sister Ying to Jing Shirong with gentle movements.

Turning around, Queque glared at Young Master Zhong angrily, "Come up here yourself!"

Mr. Zhong chuckled, grabbed the saddle and climbed up on his own.

The third princess snorted when she saw him sitting behind her, but she did not chase him down after all.

This diseased seedling is very sticky.

The more aggressive you are to him, the stickier he will be.

In order to prevent him from getting bored, she decided not to chase him away.

 The couple rode on a horse together and continued to move forward.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were riding on the same horse. Seeing them walking forward, she secretly said, "The third princess seems to be pretty good to Mr. Zhong."

Jing Shirong nodded, "I can tell."

The third princess has been riding horses for so many years, but she has never been seen riding with anyone.

Sister Ying can barely count as one.

 But before her buttocks could get warm, she was squeezed away by Young Master Zhong.

It can be seen that Mr. Zhong still has some weight in the heart of the third princess.

Sister Ying chuckled and leaned into Jing Shirong's arms, "They are both husband and wife, and their relationship is definitely getting better and better."

Seeing them in pairs, Qi Yuanming snorted and walked away angrily.

Jing Shirong glanced at the map, and the more he walked, the more familiar this road became.

 He asked Qi Yuanming. "Is this road to Jiangnan?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Yes. We seem to have walked this road before."

Sister Ying’s eyes lit up when she heard about Jiangnan.

Jing Shirong smiled when he saw her like this and continued to look at the map.

He re-planned, "Actually, there is a mountain road nearby that leads to Jiangnan. But we can only stay for two days. Do you want to go?"

Sister Ying hugged him happily and said "Hmm~".

“I want it, I want it. Don’t say two days, just one day.”

 She has been missing her mother since she came to the capital for a year.

Jing Shirong saw how happy she was and rubbed her head lovingly, "Okay. Then let's go to Jiangnan to see my parents."

Sister Ying cheered, "Yeah~Thank you, Mr. Mister~"

 The little body shook happily.

Jing Shirong saw that she was so happy, and he was also happy too.

 He lowered his head and kissed the back of her head, then rode on horseback and continued walking forward.

They walked along the road and took a shortcut to Jiangnan for a month.

As soon as she arrived in Jiangnan, Sister Ying was immediately excited and wanted to hurry back.

Jing Shirong knew that she was anxious, so he said "drive~" and hurriedly took her back to Liang's house.

As soon as we arrived at a familiar street, Sister Ying shouted happily before anyone arrived.


Mrs. Wu was drying dried meat in the courtyard. When she heard a familiar voice, she thought she heard it wrong.

 But as I got closer, I heard another "Mother?"

This voice is too familiar, exactly like her sister Ying.

Orange Mrs. Liang also heard it.

“Did someone call me just now?” Grandma’s voice sounded like Sister Ying’s.

Mrs. Wu was overjoyed when she saw that Mrs. Liang had also heard it and reacted.

  Pick up your feet and rush out.

 When I opened the door, I saw no one.

 “Strange? Did I hear wrongly?”

Ming clearly just heard Sister Ying calling her, why is there no one at the door?

Mrs. Liang also came over to take a look. Seeing that there was no one in the alley, she sighed, "Are we hallucinating?"

Mrs. Wu sighed, "I guess so." They were about to go back to the house in disappointment when they heard the sound of horse hooves.


    Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang’s eyes lit up, and they immediately looked over happily, “Sister Ying??”

Sister Ying ran over with a smile, "Grandma~~"

Mrs. Liang ran over in surprise, and the two grandmothers hugged each other happily, "Oh, I didn't dream, did I?"

Sister Ying hugged Mrs. Liang tightly, her eyes wet, "I didn't dream, grandma, I'm back."

Mrs. Liang's eyes turned red and she hugged her tightly, "You little rascal, what's the use of raising her so big? Marrying someone so far away and only coming back after a year will make you miss me so much."

Sister Ying hugged her tightly, her nose was red, and she was very sad. "Otherwise, I won't leave when I come back. Can I stay with you?"

Mrs. Liang’s eyes, which were about to cry, suddenly widened, “That won’t work!”

“The married daughter throws away the water. It’s enough to stay at home for two days, but you still want to stay? That’s a beautiful idea.”

 The speed at which she changed her face made Sister Ying dumbfounded.

"Don't you miss me? If I don't go back to the capital, I'll stay with you at home."

Old Mrs. Liang turned ruthless and said, "No need, I have your sister, your two brothers, and the neighbor's wife at home. I'm not lonely at all. You'd better go."

 It will be a big loss if your grandson-in-law is seduced away soon.

Sister Ying was speechless and said coquettishly, "You are too heartless."

   It was agreed to "be each other's little baby?"

Mrs. Liang nodded her forehead and said, "You are someone else's baby now. Grandma doesn't like to fight with others. You should go back in two days."

Mrs. Wu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she came over and hugged Sister Ying, "Your grandmother doesn't care about her, but my mother does. You are still my mother's little treasure."

Sister Ying was moved to tears and immediately hugged her and said, "Mom~~" She was acting coquettishly.

 Old Mrs. Liang was annoyed when she saw Mr. Wu as a good old man, "What the hell, he would go against me."

  Wu shrugged his shoulders, proudly.

She pulled Sister Ying affectionately and said, "Let's go into the house. Someone will notify your father later. He will definitely be happy."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "Okay. Let dad come back soon, I miss him."

Mrs. Wu hummed and carried her into the house, as if she were her darling, and took her inside to eat snacks.

 “This is your favorite snack. No one in the house ate it after you left.”

 Sister Ying usually eats most of the snacks at home.

After she got married, those snacks could only be given to neighbor children.

Sister Ying looked outside and asked. "Where are Sister Yang, Brother Kang, and Brother Sen?"

Mrs. Wu sat down and chatted with her, "Sister Yang is treating patients at the pharmacy. Someone will call her back later."

 "Brother Sen went to practice martial arts. Brother Kang went to find the immortal."

After finishing speaking, he looked outside and asked Sister Ying, "Where is Brother Rong?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I went shopping. I said I couldn't come empty-handed."

Mrs. Liang and Mr. Wu looked at each other and smiled, "My son-in-law is still interested."

Sister Ying also laughed, "This time he took a shortcut to bring me over to see you. He is very kind to me."

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang saw her happy face and were happy for her.

“If your son-in-law treats you well, we have nothing to worry about.”

 After saying that, he looked at Sister Ying’s belly and asked, “Why haven’t you moved yet?”

It has been almost a year since my daughter got married, why is there still no news?

Mrs. Liang was also worried, "Or is it that the feng shui of the capital is not good? You have been in good health since you were a child, so you should be pregnant soon."

Sister Ying hasn’t told them that she doesn’t want to get pregnant so early, so it’s not surprising that they are worried.

She coughed and explained to them, "Brother Rong and I don't want to have children so early. Let's wait two years."

Mrs. Liang didn’t understand. “Why is this? We are already married and we don’t want children. When will we have children?”

 In her old concept, getting married means having children.

 What are you going to do if you don’t have children and get married?

Sister Ying felt ashamed, "He goes away from home every now and then, so it's not convenient for me to get pregnant."

I watch the Olympics non-stop every day, and I forget to work overtime, haha ​​()



 (End of this chapter)

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