The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 479: , back to my parents’ house~

Chapter 479, Returning to my parents’ home~

 Old Mrs. Liang doesn’t quite understand.

"Didn't you say in your letter last time that you and Brother Rong were going on a long trip together? Why is it so inconvenient to ask for it?"

 You can have a baby on the road.

As long as the couple is in good health, they can give birth even on the mountain, let alone on the road.

 Sister Ying…

 Where did the ancients say they were implicit? Grandma, you are too open-minded.

Mrs. Liang didn't take it seriously, "What's the point? You two are young and it's strange that you don't have children."

Sister Ying couldn't explain it to her, so she could only shrug her shoulders and lay her head on Wu's lap for a while.

Mrs. Wu touched her head lovingly and stroked her hair lovingly with her big hands.

 “Are you coming out with your son-in-law this time? Where are you going?”

Sister Ying looked outside the door and whispered to her, "We are going to the jade mine. I don't know exactly where. Just follow Brother Rong."

Just as he was talking, Jing Shirong came over with a gift.

 “Mom, grandma. Long time no see~”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Yes, it's been a long time indeed. Come in and sit down."

Jing Shirong hummed, put the things on the table, took out two red envelopes from his sleeves, stuffed a big one into Mrs. Liang, and another into Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Liang was surprised and happy, "Hey, I can't take it. I should give it to you. How can I ask for your money?"

 Speaking, he hurriedly wrapped a red blessing bag for Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong looked at Sister Ying and saw her nodding, then she accepted it with a smile.

 “Then thank you grandma.”

Mrs. Liang was very satisfied to see that he was still so obedient.

The Wu family was not willing to lag behind, so naturally it was included.

 In the evening, before it got dark, Liang Jin came back early.

As soon as he entered the yard, he ran in and shouted excitedly, "Sister Ying? Where are you?"

Sister Ying jumped up for joy when she heard her biological father's voice and hurried out to pick him up.


As soon as Liang Jin saw her, he ran over to pick her up excitedly, "Hey, are you really back?"

Sister Ying smiled happily and said, "Yes, Dad, are you back early?"

Liang Jin smiled and said, "No. I wanted to come back at noon, but a case happened to get in the way, otherwise I would have come back long ago."

Sister Ying held her father's arm and was friendly with his brothers.

 “Have you gained a little weight?”

 The cheeks seem to be a little fleshy.

Liang Jin pinched the flesh of his cheeks and said, "No, right?"

 He is not fat.

Sister Ying looked him up and down and said with a smile, "Yes. You are not fat, but you are getting more and more blessed. Hahaha~"

Liang Jin was even happier when his daughter praised him than when he won a lottery, "Haha, I just said that I am very lucky." He would never admit that he had gained weight.

Jing Shirong followed him out and went to say hello to Liang Jin.


Liang Jin was very happy to see him bringing Sister Ying back and smiled at him, "Come in and sit down."

Jing Shirong hummed and entered the house with his father and daughter. However, he did not disturb their time together and silently went to the side to make tea for them.

Seeing their lively conversation, Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "You guys chat first, I'll go cook."

 When her daughter and son-in-law come back, she will definitely take action herself and give them a big meal in the evening.

Mrs. Liang came over to chat with Sister Ying and the others.

Liang Jin asked Sister Ying, "Why do you have time to come back?"

Jing Shirong replied, "I just want to go to the jade mine. I can walk to the south of the Yangtze River, so I'll come over. Sister Ying misses you too." Liang Jin liked that Jing Shirong was so kind to his daughter, and immediately nodded with satisfaction. , "You are determined."

"By the way. How are the in-laws and others? We don't even have time to go to the capital to get together with them."

Jing Shirong said respectfully, "It's all good. The waterway is much more convenient now. When my father retires and returns to his hometown, we can still get together."

Mrs. Liang also said, "That's right. There will be more opportunities in the future."

Mrs. Wu was busy in the kitchen for a while, then she ran over and called them, "Why don't we make dumplings together tonight?"

 She still wanted to stay with the children for a while.

Sister Ying hummed, and went to the kitchen hand in hand with Mrs. Wu.

Mrs. Liang also chased after her with a smile.

Jing Shirong and Liang Jin were also together.

 The whole family is making dumplings in the kitchen, and the atmosphere is very good.

“Mom? Are these dumplings stuffed with mutton? Did you buy them in advance?”

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Yes. A few days ago, Brother Kang told Brother Seng that he wanted to eat mutton dumplings, so he bought them in advance and prepared the fillings. It just so happened that you guys are back today, so we can eat them together."

Sister Ying was smiling and just about to speak, Sister Yang's voice came from outside the door.


  Wu raised his head and replied, "It's in the kitchen."

Sister Yang yelled and ran in. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw the whole family in the kitchen. Especially when she saw Sister Ying's face, she screamed immediately.


Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's me, Sister Xiaoyang."

Sister Yang grinned and ran over, hugging Sister Ying.

 “Oh my god, are you really back?”

“At first, the maid said it, I thought it was unreal. I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Sister Ying pinched her cheek, put her forehead against hers, nose to nose, and shook her head, "Do you believe me now?"

Sister Yang smelled the fresh fragrance on her body and hugged her lovingly, "Sister, I miss you so much~"

Sister Ying also hugged her, "I miss you too. How about taking you back to the capital to stay with me for a few days next year?"

Sister Yang shook her head, "I may not have time, I have to go pick herbs with Gu Gu."

 She has basically no problem seeing a doctor and taking medicine now.

However, Gu felt that what she learned was still too basic, and he intended to teach her more.

Sister Yang whispered to Sister Ying, "Originally, the master wanted to take me on a long trip. He said that there are more precious herbs in other places and he wanted to teach me more."

She is now a closed disciple of Gu Gu. She is talented in medicine and has a good temper towards Gu. Gu treats her as his own granddaughter, so he naturally teaches her with humility.

Sister Ying asked in a low voice, "Then where are you going to pick herbs?"

Sister Yang covered her hands and whispered in her ear, "I think I'm going to some Yaowang Island. I've only heard about it in books. I don't know if there is such a place."

Wu's ears perked up. When he heard that she was going to Yaowang Island, she immediately objected.

 “Don’t go!”

Why go to Yaowang Island? Never heard of it. Wu naturally refused.

"I don't object to you studying medicine, but I won't agree to you running away from home! Unless you get over me!"

 Wu is usually open-minded and is willing to let her children try whatever they like.

 But when a little girl wants to travel far away even before she has hair, what mother can rest assured?

Sister Yang didn’t expect her mother to hear her. She immediately pursed her lips and said helplessly, “But those who practice medicine have to travel all over the world to continuously improve their medical skills.”

 Physicians originally have to see different disease conditions in order to accumulate more experience.

Especially for difficult and complicated diseases, scarce medicinal materials are needed to prescribe the right medicine, so Gu Gu wanted to take Sister Yang out for a few years of experience so that she could learn more about different medicinal materials and difficult and complicated diseases.

Wu knew that she liked to study medicine, but she was still worried.

"Have you ever been so far away from home since you were a child? Especially when you and Gu Gu, an old man and a young man want to go away, how can I feel at ease?"

 (End of this chapter)

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